I want to thank everyone on their input in this thread about loot.
I also want to give an update on what we're proposing to adjust.
1. Gold has been rescaled, bumped up for the higher end critters, and has also been adjusted for creatures that needed adjustment (e.g., Solen Queens should now yield better loot than the warriors/infiltrators, crystal elementals got a boost, as well as bog things, enslaved gargoyles and the fire gargoyles, rotting corpses, etc.)
2. Min and Max intensities were adjusted in the loot tables for non-boss higher end critters. There were a lot of cases where nothing was the result. This has been adjusted as well.
3. Dungeon Chest loot has been bumped up as well. Adjusted min and max intensities, gold, and # items.
I tested Plague Beasts, and they appear to grow in power just fine when provoked. They gain hit points, and they gain loot, so I'm not sure what's wrong with them. Their AI doesn't appear to have changed since I last engaged them in combat with my bard, unless their AI was recently fixed internally.
Definitely when you get a chance, hop onto a Test Center - once these changes are there - and let me know what y'all think. If anything seems too much or too little as far as loot is concerned, we can always adjust it appropriately.
Thanks again for all your feedback!
- Leurocian
Designer, Ultima Online Live
Direi che la parola è autorevole... In soldoni probabilmente già dalla prossima publish saranno aumentati gold e intensità nei loot dei mostri più forti... Senza contare i giusti aggiustamenti (finalmente le solen queen danno più soldi che non le warrior).
I want to thank everyone on their input in this thread about loot.
I also want to give an update on what we're proposing to adjust.
1. Gold has been rescaled, bumped up for the higher end critters, and has also been adjusted for creatures that needed adjustment (e.g., Solen Queens should now yield better loot than the warriors/infiltrators, crystal elementals got a boost, as well as bog things, enslaved gargoyles and the fire gargoyles, rotting corpses, etc.)
2. Min and Max intensities were adjusted in the loot tables for non-boss higher end critters. There were a lot of cases where nothing was the result. This has been adjusted as well.
3. Dungeon Chest loot has been bumped up as well. Adjusted min and max intensities, gold, and # items.
I tested Plague Beasts, and they appear to grow in power just fine when provoked. They gain hit points, and they gain loot, so I'm not sure what's wrong with them. Their AI doesn't appear to have changed since I last engaged them in combat with my bard, unless their AI was recently fixed internally.
Definitely when you get a chance, hop onto a Test Center - once these changes are there - and let me know what y'all think. If anything seems too much or too little as far as loot is concerned, we can always adjust it appropriately.
Thanks again for all your feedback!
- Leurocian
Designer, Ultima Online Live
Direi che la parola è autorevole... In soldoni probabilmente già dalla prossima publish saranno aumentati gold e intensità nei loot dei mostri più forti... Senza contare i giusti aggiustamenti (finalmente le solen queen danno più soldi che non le warrior).