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  • [RELEASE]RunUO 1.0

    RunUO 1.0 RC0 is out!

    Subscribers will get the first crack at it, after that it will go public for all users! Subscribers check the subscriber forums!

    Here's the change log for RunUO 1.0 RC0, which will be released shortly.


    Potential server crash bug when improper town crier message duration
    Weapons now have a chance to spawn with 'hit physical area' AOS property
    Looking at corpses will again display their notoriety as text hue
    Monsters will now use the correct damage type attacks (AOS only)
    Provoked magical creatures will now cast spells on their targets
    Corpses of bonded pets can no longer be animated via the necromancer Animate Dead spell
    Item stacking bug (when stacking items on top of each other) that appeared most noticeably after a server restart
    Core movement packets are now sent at the correct range (18, rather than Core.GlobalMaxUpdateRange)
    Sanity checks added to Map.LineOfSight. It will return false if the two points are more than 25 (Map.MaxLOSDistance) tiles from each other
    Bug fixed with 'args' parameter of GenericBuyInfo
    Only administrators can now set the Mobile.Player property. This prevents malicious GM's from causing damage to the shard
    Decoration error causing three small wooden gates on serpents hold to open and close incorrectly
    Players are now correctly removed from their guild after they've been deleted
    Escort NPCs in Trammel will now say Haven instead of Ocllo
    Champion spawners should now correctly deserialize their restart time
    Tool accessibility is checked periodically when crafting
    Compassion virtue now properly decays over time
    Potential server crash issue with archer AI
    Creature pathfinding should now be initiated only when needed. Additionally, a bug was fixed causing a back-and-forth effect when reaching the last pathfinding goal but not the absolute goal
    Added redundant range check at the end of smelting (blacksmithing)
    Hidden staff will no longer trigger AOS house teleporter effects
    Bandages will no longer give skill gain when trying to resurrect or cure if the healer does not have the minimum skill requirements (80/60)
    Tamed pets will no longer show the guild abbreviation of their master
    Golems are no longer bondable
    Potion kegs now have a range check on use
    Staff may no longer use [go <serial> or [props <serial> on hidden staff members of equal or higher access
    AOS creature speeds are now registered in SpeedInfo.cs
    Betrayer's now use magical AI
    Moving effects with ItemID=1 are ignored unless sending as particles (Effects.ParticleSupportType). This prevents a graphical glitch with Meer Eternals
    AOS armor and weapons crafted (or enhanced) from some materials (gold, spined, ...) now have luck bonuses (retroactive)
    Justice protections will no longer work for players who become criminal or murderers after the protection was issued
    Shadow Wisp familiars no longer give mana to ghosts
    Bug fixed that caused the self-resurrection feature of the sacrifice virtue to create invisible items in the players backpack
    Provocation should now behave more accurately to OSI
    Player-customizable AOS property strings (guild name/abbrev/title, rune/runebooks description, ...) can no longer contain < and > characters; they will be replaced with ( and ) respectively
    Fishing treasure from SOS messages will no longer have the chance to give the 'fish don't seem to be biting here' message
    Players in facets other than Felucca can no longer dispel summoned energy vortices and blade spirits cast by other players
    Barkeepers will no longer be moved outside the house when it's being customized
    Weapons are now destroyed when they are reach 0 durability, rather than when they pass below that
    Creating cake mixes (cooking) now properly consumes only one use of flour, rather than the whole sack
    War forks will now properly apply their poison on pre-AOS shards
    Peacemaking can no longer work on dead bonded creatures
    Virtues can now be gained to the full level, 40 (before it was 39)
    Orcish lords spawned by orc brutes will now obey the savage/orc opposition groups
    Creatures (both monsters and pets) should now automatically stop trying to attack a player after he's been killed
    Wand descriptions fixed (broken by OSI localization changes) for pre-AOS servers
    Discordance may no longer be used multiple times concurrently on the same monster
    Players may no longer directly give items to dead (bonded) pack animals
    Giant beetles will no longer display the 'beaten into subjugation' message when reaching low health -after already being tamed-
    Blessed, newbied, and insured items will drop to a player vendor's corpse when he is killed due to lack of payment
    Bonded pets may no longer be issued the drop command
    Mark spell now requires the rune to be in the casters backpack
    Dead bonded pets (notably pack animals) will no longer retain their items on death
    Bug fixed relating to crafting potions directly into potion kegs
    New player tickets now correctly serialize their 'Owner' property
    Add gump will now work correctly when used on servers with different command prefixes
    Admin gump button 'Teleport (Multiple)' now functions correctly
    Monsters should no longer get stuck trying to attack player vendors
    The Core will no longer record packet profile information when that's not been explicitly enabled (by either -profile command line argument, or [setprofiles true ingame command)
    Abyss super slayer is now exorcism

    Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

    Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club


  • #2

    Plant system
    Quest system and various quests
    Doom gauntlet
    Shard vote/polling system (ShardPoller item)
    Weather system (Scripts/Misc/Weather.cs)
    AOS attribute 'self repair' is now implemented
    Dispel Evil paladin spell
    Dragon Barding (AOS only)
    Orcs, ratmen, lizardmen, and wisps now have a chance to speak in some situations (Scripts/Misc/InhumanSpeech.cs)
    Connection limiter that restricts the amount of connections accepted by a single IP address (Scripts/Accounts/IPLimiter.cs)
    Account attack prevention that slows access to accounts if the connecting IP address has recently attempted, but failed, to access other accounts (Scripts/Accounts/AccountAttackLimiter.cs)
    Account passwords are now stored in an encrypted form (via MD5 hash). Override: AccountHandler.ProtectedPasswords
    Holiday tree deeds can now be placed with the 'modern' style. Additionally, the 'classic' style now has more ornaments, and can be redeeded by double-clicking the tree trunk, rather than the foliage
    Virtual method Mobile.GetLogoutDelay so it can be overridden without using a region
    Support for multiple ports (Scripts/Misc/SocketOptions.cs)
    Region and location ([go) entries for the orc caves
    Location entries for the Solen hives
    Updated loot methods:
    BaseCreature.AddLoot( LootPack pack )
    LootPack : defines a list of loot entries which each comprise of an appearance chance, quantity, and type list
    11-20 gold
    0.02% chance for slayer instrument
    0.02% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 0-90% intensity)
    23-50 gold
    0.1% chance for slayer instrument
    1.0% chance for magic item (AOS: 2 prop max, 0-10% intensity)
    0.2% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 0-90% intensity)
    55-100 gold
    0.4% chance for slayer instrument
    5.0% chance for magic item (AOS: 4 prop max, 0-20% intensity)
    2.0% chance for magic item (AOS: 3 prop max, 0-50% intensity)
    0.5% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 0-90% intensity)
    160-250 gold
    1% chance for slayer instrument
    20% chance for magic item (AOS: 4 prop max, 0-40% intensity)
    10% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 0-60% intensity)
    1% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 0-90% intensity)
    505-1000 gold
    2% chance for slayer instrument
    (5x) 100% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 25-100% intensity)
    100% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 35-100% intensity)
    505-1000 gold
    2% chance for slayer instrument
    (4x) 100% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 25-100% intensity)
    (4x) 100% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 33-100% intensity)
    (2x) 100% chance for magic item (AOS: 5 prop max, 50-100% intensity)
    LowScrolls : blank, magery circle 1-3, necro skill 0-49.9
    MedScrolls : magery circle 4-7, necro skill 50-79.9
    HighScrolls : magery circle 8, necro skill 80.0+
    Gems : just that
    Luck system (AOS):
    Works only on creatures using the updated loot methods (see above)
    Provides a (luck^(1/1.8)) chance of giving a bonus to:
    Amount of magic items found as loot
    Number of properties on those magic items
    Intensity of each property on those magic items
    Command properties:
    Classes or structs marked with the 'PropertyObject' attribute can be branched into by [props. There are six types currently marked with this attribute:
    Editing these PropertyObjects will remember which object referenced them. Editing is made easier by returning to the property page for the origin object after editing a sub object is completed
    Editing the Skills property from within the [props gump will open the skills editor for that mobile
    Mobile and Item properties now have a custom interface in the [props gump. This allows them to be nullified, targeted, set by serial, or view properties of the current value
    Properties that do not implement IComparable may still be used in 'where' conditionals when using only equality or inequality operators:
    ... where item map == felucca
    ... where mobile map != malas map != ilshenar
    Commands which reference a property name (such as [get, [set, [add, and 'where' conditionals) can reference more than one property level:
    The first property level is the direct object: [get hue would return the targeted objects hue
    Multiple property levels can be used for properties of type Mobile, Item, or PropertyObjects. Example syntax:
    [get Beard.Hue : returns the hue of the targeted persons beard
    [get ControlMaster.Name : returns the name of a targeted pets master
    [get Weapon.Attributes.CastSpeed : returns the AOS attribute for faster casting of a targeted players weapon
    [set ControlMaster.Weapon.Attributes.CastSpeed 1 : changes the faster casting AOS attribute to 1 for the weapon of a targeted pets master

    Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

    Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club



    • #3
      Dungeons for all facets, including the hedge maze, and the orc caves
      Cross dungeon teleporters for the champion system (Felucca only)
      Star room decorated for the champion system (Felucca only)
      Various areas in Ilshenar
      More decoration for Luna and Umbra in Malas as well as Haven in Trammel
      TelGen updated to reflect the changes
      (Administrator) GenGauntlet : generates the doom gauntlet
      (Game Master) ListenToParty : listens to party chat of a targeted player
      (Game Master) Contained <command> [condition] : command modifier, executes <command> on all child items in a targeted container. Optional condition to restrict the set of objects
      (Game Master) Count : counts the number of objects that a command modifier would use. Generally used with condition arguments
      (Game Master) Interface : opens an interface to interact with matched objects. Generally used with condition arguments
      (Counselor) Batch : allows multiple commands to be run at the same time
      (Counselor) GetType : gets the type name of a targeted object
      AddToPack command now supports targeting a container directly, rather than only a mobile. Additionally, it has an alias: AddToCont
      GiftBox : box container with ribbon
      Snowman : just that
      BlueSnowflake, WhiteSnowflake : snowflakes of different colors
      WreathAddon, WreathDeed : holiday item, can be placed on a wall
      RedPoinsettia, WhitePoinsettia : red and white plant
      WinterGiftPackage2003 : gift box containing a snowman, a wreath deed, a blue snowflake, and a red poinsettia
      BrightlyColoredEggs : eggs colored randomly, renamed, found on vorpal bunnies
      Vines : decoration
      ExecutionersHat : decoration
      FertileDirt : found on whipping vines or spawned by green thorns
      GreenThorns : harvested from cactus plants, can be planted in the ground for various effects
      OrangePetals : when used, the player is immune to some levels of poison for 5 minutes
      RedLeaves : can be used on books to make the book uneditable
      PlantBowl : empty bowl used for starting a plant
      PlantItem : filled plant bowl or fully grown plant, created after PlantBowl is filled with dirt
      Seed : seed used for planting
      GauntletSpawner : specialty spawner used for controlling the doom gauntlet
      LanternOfSouls : renamed and rehued lantern, carried by Nix in dungeon doom
      ConfirmationMoongate : moongate with a confirmation gump that can be customized ingame
      ShardPolller : ingame shard-wide vote/polling item. Double click as an administrator to edit options. Use [props to edit title or duration and activate.
      WeatherMap : map item that shows weather centers. Intended for internal use only
      SpikeTrap : floor or wall trap that deals 6-36 damage when moved over
      SawTrap : floor or wall trap that deals 5-15 damage when moved over
      GasTrap : floor or wall trap that applies poison to players when moved over
      GiantSpikeTrap : very large floor trap that deals 7-70 damage when moved over
      FlameSpurtTrap : impassable column of fire that deals 1-10 damage when moved near or 1-30 damage when attempting to move over
      MushroomTrap : exploding mushroom dealing a small amount of damage
      StoneFaceTrap : stone face spits fire when approached, dealing 3-45 damage
      StoneFaceTrapNoDamage : same as above except does no damage
      LOSBlocker : invisible item used to block line of sight
      WarningItem : item that broadcasts a specified warning message when approached
      MorphItem : item that transforms itself into another ItemID when approached
      HintItem : derived from WarningItem, sends an additional message when double clicked
      DragonBardingDeed : deed for putting barding on swamp dragons
      (BaseRejuvinationAnkh) RejuvinationAnkhWest, RejuvinationAnkhNorth : ankhs (in despise by default) that rejuvination stats when used
      (BaseBagBall) SmallBagBall, LargeBagBall : bag balls, sold on provisioners
      For Quests:
      DynamicTeleporter : base class used for teleporting a questing player to locations determined by that player's quest progress
      EnchantedSextant : shows the direction and approximate distance to the nearest bank and moongate DynamicTeleporter(abstract), EnchantedSextant, HornOfRetreat, QuestItem(abstract)
      HornOfRetreat : opens a temporary gate to a fixed destination, 10 charges
      QuestItem : base class used for special quest items. Contains no-drop functionality while the quest is active
      EnchantedPaints : creates a PaintedImage of a targeted creature
      PaintedImage : small card that opens into an image of a creature
      Obsidian : partial or complete random statue
      Dark Tides:
      CrystalCaveBarrier : magical barrier that prevents passing unless the player has reached a certain objective in the quest
      VaultOfSecretsBarrier : magical barrier that prevents passing by any necromancer players
      DarkTidesHorn : horn of retreat to Mardoth
      DarkTidesTeleporter : dynamic teleporter used in various areas for the quest
      KronusScroll : quest item
      KronusScrollBox : container that distributes KronusScroll's
      MaabusCoffin : coffin addon used for summoning Maabus
      ScrollOfAbraxus : quest item
      The Summoning:
      BellOfTheDead : bell used to call Chyloth for access into the doom gauntlet
      ChylothShroud : red deathrobe
      ChylothStaff : light blue 'magic staff'
      GoldenSkull : token given to Chyloth for access into the doom gauntlet
      GrandGrimoire : spellbook for Victoria
      SummoningAltar : altar addon used for summoning a bone demon
      Uzeraan Turmoil:
      Cannon : fires on evil monsters
      DaemonBloodChest : container that distributes QuestDaemonBlood
      QuestDaemonBlood : quest item
      QeustFertileDirt : quest item
      SchmendrickApprenticeCorpse : corpse of Schmendrick's apprentice, has scroll of power
      SchmendrickScrollOfPower : quest item
      UzeraanTurmoilHorn : horn of retreat to Uzeraan
      UzeraanTurmoilTeleporter : dynamic teleporter used for various areas in the quest
      Witch Apprentice:
      Cauldron : reward item
      HagApprenticeCorpse : generated corpse used for completing a quest objective
      HangoverCure : removes the effect of drinking alcoholic beverages
      MagicFlute : summons Zeefzorpul
      MoonfireBrew : reward item

      Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

      Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club



      • #4
        TropicalBird : brightly colored bird with different sounds than normal
        GaintIceWorm : special tamable creature that can be spawned from green thorns
        PricedHealer : healer NPC that will resurrect players for a given price
        VarietyDealer : vendor NPC that sells a variety of goods, including but not limited to bandages, scrolls, potions, regs, provisions, and ammunition
        For Quests:
        (Core) BaseQuester : base quest character that can be talked to
        Collector : AlbertaGiacco, ElwoodMcCarrin, GabrielPiete, Impresario, TomasONeerlan
        Dark Tides : Horus, Maabus, Mardoth, SummonedPaladin
        The Summoning : Chyloth, Victoria
        Uzeraan Turmoil : Dryad, MansionGuard, MilitiaCanoneer, MilitiaFighter, Schmendrick, Uzeraan
        Witch Apprentice : Blackheart, Grizelda, Zeefzorpul


        Server performance optimizations relating to large-scale networking
        Core coalesce buffer size is now changeable (Scripts/Misc/SocketOptions.cs) and initialized to a lower value to help resolve lag issues under certain network setups
        Some bandwidth optimizations (most notable on AOS shards)
        [PacketProfiles and [TimerProfiles will now output the total time of spent profiling
        MyRunUO database functions optimized
        Optimized debug messages of creature AI
        PlayerRangeSensitive is now enabled by default
        Party chat is now broadcast for GMs to hear
        Creature ControlTarget will now be ignored in AquireFocusMob if it is more than RangePerception*2 tiles away from the creature
        Staff may now access guilds as if they were the guildmaster
        Reptilian slayer entries updated to match OSI
        Many TelGen entries changed to more accurately match OSI
        Dead bonded pets can now move through doors like ghosts
        The resurrect command now works on dead bonded pets
        Alcoholic beverage code (*hic*) updated to more accurately match OSI
        Players may no longer instantly log out of their house if they have recently engaged in combat with another player
        Using animal taming will no longer force you to look at your target
        Mage guildmasters now carry gnarled staves
        Added Mobile.MoveToWorld( Point3D loc, Map map ) : used for changing both location and map at the same time. Prevents bugs such as the occasional flicker of monster spawn at 0,0 or double region change (one for location and one for map). Many scripts updated to reflect the change
        Cure spell success chance is now based on magery
        Aggressive monsters will now play their anger sound when you approach
        All uncontrolled creatures and NPCs will, when not in combat, have a small chance to enter an idle state. An animation and sound is played and the creature stops movement for about 20 seconds
        Archery buttes now keep score and broadcast each shot to everyone in range
        Archery buttes, training dummies, and pickpocket dips will now gain skill only to 25
        Fire breathing creatures will no longer do so if they're under peacemaking effect
        Anatomy and evaluating intelligence results now have a margin of error at lower skill values
        There is now a 50% chance for forest birds to be black and named as either a crow, raven, or magpie. Other birds will be randomly colored
        Leather armor can now be sold back to tanners
        Players will now always lose a stamina point when running while below 10% hit points
        There is no longer a chance to poison yourself when using the poisoning skill if you have more than 80 in that skill
        Canned evil champions will now drop power scrolls and champion skulls only in Felucca
        To ease home decoration, OSI's automatic turning functionality has been implemented for most furniture items
        Messages sent when attempting to loot an innocent NPC corpse changed
        Looting rights for creature corpses is now based on damage inflicted
        Properties of type or derived from type BaseAddon can now be set by targeting an addon component
        Bounds.bin updated for the new holiday gift items
        When a non-staff character says something starting with the command prefix, if it's not recognized as a valid command (or out of their access level), it will actually be said. This has the affect of making the staff command system more transparent to players
        Leather sleeves now require 8 hides instead of 4
        Vorpal bunnies now drop a random statue and have a chance to drop brightly colored eggs, and will dig a hole to freedom after 3 minutes
        Whipping vines will now have a random vine as loot, as well as some fertile dirt and an executioner's cap
        Powder of fortifying (aka powder of temperament) may now be used on all armor and weapons (notably, leather and bows)
        Attacking slimes with melee weapons will now always reduce your weapon's durability ('*Acid blood scars your weapon!*')
        Brigands now only show their title on their paperdoll
        Good-aligned creatures will no longer attack tamed 'evil' monsters if their master has positive karma
        Resmelting a weapon or armor piece bought from an NPC will now give a message indicating why full resources were not returned
        Carpenters no longer sell many player-craftable items
        Corpser sound tweaked to match OSI
        Mage vendors now only sell up to 3rd circle scrolls
        Dragon breath on pre-AOS servers reduced from 8% to 5% of current hit points (average dragon will do about 40 damage per breath)
        Players in facets other than Felucca can no longer peacemake pets of other players
        Initial peacemaking and provocation delay has been lowered to 1 second to lower recovery times on a bad target (10 second delay is still applied on a valid attempt)
        Skill delay for evaluating intelligence has been lowered to 1 second
        Target range for evaluating intelligence and anatomy has been raised to 8 tiles (from 5)
        Remove Trap skill now checks that the user has at least 50 in both lock picking and detect hidden
        Swamp dragons and ridgebacks can now bond even without the required taming skill
        Power scroll effects changed to match OSI
        Players may now actively meditate while holding runebooks
        Creatures summoned via the summon creature spell now require 2 control slots always
        Dispel success chance is now based on creature a difficulty rating assigned to each creature (DispelDifficulty and DispelFocus)
        Offering the justice protection now has a 15-minute delay whether accepted or not
        Delete command now shows a confirmation gump when used on more than one object (via global, area, etc)
        Accessibility checks added to most staff commands to prevent tampering with other staff members
        Arrows and bolts can now be used in commodity deeds

        Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

        Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club



        • #5
          -Sacrifice virtue:
          -Succubi can now be sacrificed
          -Can now only be used when over 2,500 fame (before it was 200)
          -Amount of points gained is directly proportional to fame lost (fame/2500)
          -Small effect played when sacrifice is used
          -The following additional creatures will now rummage through nearby corpses for loot:
          Ratmen (melee, archers, and mages)
          Evil Mages (and Evil Mage Lords)
          Unholy bones changed to more accurately match OSI:
          Now makes a sound and effect when carving
          Can be carved from up to 12 tiles away
          Only 30% chance to be destroyed when carved, otherwise just 'damaged'
          When successfully carved, a small random amount of gold will be replaced
          Duration until the summoning has increased from 2.5-5 seconds to 8-12 seconds
          Higher end monsters have been added to the summoning list
          AOS only:
          As OSI (really) there is now a 0.1% chance for cows to be 'mad' : they will attack players without being attacked first
          It is now possible to recall or mark inside the main doom dungeon (gauntlet excluded)
          Chivalry spells will now consume tithing points even when fizzled
          Spirit Speak can now heal through mortal strike
          Weapon damage bonus range for runic crafted weapons is now 35%-50%, where before it was 20%-70%
          Weapon attribute 'Use Best Weapon Skill' is now checked when using combat abilities
          Cure spell now lowers only the maximum -elemental- resistances: physical is excluded
          Slayer weapon attribute can now be applied randomly to any weapon on any monster. They may also be applied when crafting runic weapons
          Shields may no longer be disarmed with the disarm weapon ability
          Weapon traders will now purchase AOS melee weapons. Similarly, bowyers will now purchase AOS ranged bows and crossbows
          Doom region split into two: the doom dungeon ("Doom") and the doom gauntlet ("Doom Gauntlet")
          Loot and sound values of doom boss monsters updated to more accurately match OSI
          Dark fathers will now send back random 8-20 physical damage whenever they get hurt, and have a 5% chance of spawning unholy bones
          Shadow knights now teleport and hide when they reach 50% health
          Shields can now have the faster casting attribute
          Chaos and Order shields are now craftable
          HoodedShroudOfShadows is no longer dyable and is now blessed by default
          Mahjong games now have a 'set security' context menu option
          Player-crafted bulletin boards now have a 'set security' context menu option
          Bulk order books now have a 'set security' context menu option
          Runebooks now have a 'set security' context menu option. Players without access, however, will still be able to travel using the runes in the book
          Players or creatures paralyzed, frozen, or casting a spell may no longer swing weapons or fists
          Parrying success will now take 0 damage (it was 1 before) and, if applicable, will block the attackers current combat ability as well
          Creatures with fame of less than 100 can no longer be animated via the animate dead spell
          Skeletal/hell steeds summoned via animate dead now take 1 follower slot
          Horrific beast damage bonus changed to 25% (was 10%)
          Mind rot now affects 25% on players (was 50%) and 100% on monsters (was 50%)
          Poison strike base damage changed to (34..38)*((30 + ss)/100)
          All summoned familiars inherit the magic resistance skill of their caster
          Horde minions now pick up a maximum of 3 objects at interval doubled to 5-10 seconds
          Vampire bat familiar now drains mana to itself it the caster is not within 2 tiles of it
          Wither damage changed to (30..35)*(300+(targetKarma/100)+(spiritSpeak*10))/1000
          Wraith form mana leech changed from 5% at 0 spirit speak to 20% at 100 spirit speak
          Cure potion success chance changed to match OSI
          Numerous changes to magery spells to match OSI
          There is now a skill bonus applied to success chance when enhancing items
          Enhancing weapons with an existing damage bonus now has an additional break chance
          Revenants now use the detect hidden skill on their target
          Discordance reduction effect on creature damage is now doubled
          Dismount ability now prevents remounting for 10 seconds (up from 3)
          Various properties, most notably resistances, are now grouped when applied to monster loot or runic crafted items
          Explosion potions:
          Greater explosion potions now have a higher damage range (20-40 from 15-30)
          Alchemy now has a greater effect on damage (alchemy/5 instead of alchemy/10)
          Three or more targets now lower damage (divide by (targets - 1))
          Paladin spells tweaked to more accurate resemble OSI:
          Divine fury now loses 20% defense chance (was 10%)
          Noble Sacrifice now uncurses its target (like Remove Curse)
          Duration, power, or chance of each spell tweaked to use a more general (and accurate) method
          Creatures may now use combat weapon abilities by overriding the GetWeaponAbility method. The following creatures implement this change:
          Abyssmal horrors : mortal strike
          Dark fathers : double strike, whirlwind attack, crushing blow
          Fleshrenderers : dismount, paralyzing blow
          Impalers : mortal strike, bleed attack
          Shadow knights : crushing blow
          Patchwork skeletons : dismount
          Ravagers : crushing blow
          Crystal elementals : bleed attack
          Repairing any item using the craft menu will now -always- weaken the maximum durability by one
          The wrestling special moves will no longer require arms lore or anatomy
          Order and Chaos shields will no longer retain any of their special functionality and will behave as regular shields
          Paralyzed characters will no longer be able to throw purple potions
          The lance's special dismount move may only be used against other players if they are mounted and also wielding a lance
          Decreased the amount of time it takes to heal yourself with bandagesbetween 5 10 seconds, based upon the characters Dexterity
          The amount of damage restored when using bandage healing has been lowered. (Ex. If you have 100 Healing and 100 Anatomy, and your fingers have not slipped, then you can expect to heal about 36-60 damage)
          Increased the distance allowed between the person healing with bandages and the person being healed from 1 tile to 2 tiles
          It is now more difficult to interrupt bandage healing-your fingers will not slip unless you take more than 25 damage. However, if interruption & slipping does occur, the amount healed will be reduced by about 35%

          Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

          Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club



          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by Volturno
              brutta firma :P

              Hai notato che sul sito di runuo c'è scrito UO Dreams ?
              Fallo correggere x favore!!!!!Faglielo scrivere attakkato!!!!!

              Il divorzio risale probabilmente alla stessa epoca del matrimonio. Ritengo, comunque, che il matrimonio sia più antico di qualche settimana.(Voltaire)

              Membro n.1 dell'Owned Fans Club



              Sto operando...