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[x SCripters] - Wraithform

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  • [x SCripters] - Wraithform

    Preso da stratics:

    "Transforms the caster into an ethereal Wraith, lowering some Elemental Resists, while increasing their Physical Resist. Wraith Form also allows the caster to always succeed when using the Recall Spell, and causes a Mana Drain effect when hitting enemies. Caster remains in this form until they recast the Wraith Form spell. Caster receives 25% more damage from silver weapons, adds 10% to Physical Resist, loses 25% Fire Resist and 5% in Energy, Poison and Cold Resist. Caster can move through creatures without loss of Stamina."

    In realta' qui non funziona cosi'.
    Su Felucca, ne' la gente puo' passare attraverso colui che la casta... ne' quest'ultimo puo' attraversare altri Pg/Npc/Animali senza perdere stamina.
    ICQ: 96586029

  • #2
    ICQ: 96586029


    • #3

      P.s: Approfitto del server down e della presenza di un Admin per sapere se sono al corrente, non fustigatemi!
      ICQ: 96586029


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