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Pre release 1.0

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  • Pre release 1.0

    • Le armi trovate nei mostri ora potranno avere anche la proprietà 'hit physical area' (Weapons now have a chance to spawn with 'hit physical area' AOS property)
    • Looking at corpses will again display their notoriety as text hue
    • Monsters will now use the correct damage type attacks (AOS only)
    • I tool dei craft ora vendon controllari in varie fasi del craft (Tool accessibility is checked periodically when crafting)
    • Aggiustato il decadimento della virtù compassion (Compassion virtue now properly decays over time)
    • Gli animali tamati non visualizzeranno più il tag di gilda del proprietario (Tamed pets will no longer show the guild abbreviation of their master)
    • Provocation è stata aggiustata per essere più vicina a OSI (Provocation should now behave more accurately to OSI)
    • Fishing treasure from SOS messages will no longer have the chance to give the 'fish don't seem to be biting here' message
    • Le armi ora si distruggeranno quando la durability scende sotto 1 e non sotto 0 (Weapons are now destroyed when they are below 1 durability, rather than below 0)
    • Creating cake mixes (cooking) now properly consumes only one use of flour, rather than the whole sack
    • Non si possono pacificare le creature morte (Peacemaking can no longer work on dead bonded creatures)
    • Orcish lords spawned by orc brutes will now obey the savage/orc opposition groups
    • Discordance non si può usarlo più volte contemporaneamente sullo stesso mostro (Discordance may no longer be used multiple times concurrently on the same monster)
    • Players may no longer directly give items to dead (bonded) pack animals
    • Giant beetles will no longer display the 'beaten into subjugation' message when reaching low health -after already being tamed-
    • Bonded pets may no longer be issued the drop command
    • Gli animali bonded non mantengono più i loro oggetti alla morte (Dead bonded pets (notably pack animals) will no longer retain their items on death)
    • Bug fixed relating to crafting potions directly into potion kegs
    • I mostri non tenteranno più di attaccare i vendor (Monsters should no longer get stuck trying to attack player vendors)
    • Abyss super slayer is now exorcism
    Ultima modifica di Volturno; 28-02-2004, 13:11.

  • #2
    • Doom gauntlet
    • Shard vote/polling system (ShardPoller item)
    • Weather system (Scripts/Misc/Weather.cs)
    • AOS attribute 'self repair' is now implemented
    • Orcs, ratmen, lizardmen, and wisps now have a chance to speak in some situations (Scripts/Misc/InhumanSpeech.cs)
    • Decorations:
      - Dungeons for all facets, including the hedgemaze, and the orc caves
      - Cross dungeon teleporters for the champion system (Felucca only)
      - Star room decorated for the champion system (Felucca only)
      - Various areas in Ilshenar
      - More decoration for Luna and Umbra in Malas as well as Haven in Trammel
      - TelGen updated to reflect the changes
    • Items:
      - BrightlyColoredEggs : eggs colored randomly, renamed, found on vorpal bunnies
      - GauntletSpawner : specialty spawner used for controling the doom gauntlet
      - LanternOfSouls : renamed and rehued lantern, carried by Nix in dungeon doom
      - ConfirmationMoongate : moongate with a confirmation gump that can be customized ingame
      - ShardPolller : ingame shard-wide vote/polling item. Double click as an administrator to edit options. Use [props to edit title or duration and activate.
      - WeatherMap : map item that shows weather centers. Intended for internal use only
      - SpikeTrap : floor or wall trap that deals 6-36 damage when moved over
      - SawTrap : floor or wall trap that deals 5-15 damage when moved over
      - GasTrap : floor or wall trap that applies poison to players when moved over
      - GiantSpikeTrap : very large floor trap that deals 7-70 damage when moved over
      - FlameSpurtTrap : impassable column of fire that deals 1-10 damage when moved near or 1-30 damage when attempting to move over
      - MushroomTrap : exploding mushroom dealing a small amount of damage
      - StoneFaceTrap : stone face spits fire when approached, dealing 3-45 damage
      - StoneFaceTrapNoDamage : same as above except does no damage
      - WarningItem : item that broadcasts a specified warning message when approached
      - MorphItem : item that transforms itself into another itemID when approached
      - HintItem : derived from WarningItem, sends an additional message when double clicked
      - (BaseRejuvinationAnkh) RejuvinationAnkhWest, RejuvinationAnkhNorth : ankhs (in despise by default) that rejuvination stats when used
    • Mobiles:
      - TropicalBird : brightly colored bird with different sounds than normal
      - GaintIceWorm : special tamable creature that can be spawned from green thorns
      - PricedHealer : healer NPC that will resurrect players for a given price
      - VarietyDealer : vendor NPC that sells a variety of goods, including but not limited to bandages, scrolls, potions, regs, provisions, and ammunition
    Ultima modifica di Volturno; 27-02-2004, 02:41.


    • #3
      • Server performance optimizations relating to large-scale networking
      • Some bandwidth optimizations (most notable on AOS shards)
      • Reptilian slayer entries updated to match OSI
      • Dead bonded pets can now move through doors like ghosts
      • Alchoholic beverage code (*hic*) updated to more accurately match OSI
      • Players may no longer instantly log out of their house if they have recently engaged in combat with another player
      • Using animal taming will no longer force you to look at your target
      • Mage guildmasters now carry gnarled staves
      • Cure spell success chance is now based on magery
      • Aggressive monsters will now play their anger sound when you aproach
      • All uncontroled creatures and NPCs will, when not in combat, have a small chance to enter an idle state. An animation and sound is played and the creature stops movement for about 20 seconds
      • Archery buttes now keep score and broadcast each shot to everyone in range
      • Archery buttes, training dummies, and pickpocket dips will now gain skill only to 25
      • Fire breathing creatures will no longer do so if they're under peacemaking effect
      • Anatomy and evaluating intelligence results now have a margin of error at lower skill values
      • There is now a 50% chance for forest birds to be black and named as either a crow, raven, or magpie. Other birds will be randomly colored
      • HoodedShroudOfShadows is no longer dyable
      • Leather armor can now be sold back to tanners
      • There is no longer a chance to poison yourself when using the poisoning skill if you have more than 80 in that skill
      • To ease home decoration, OSI's automatic turning functionality has been implemented for most furniture items
      • Messages sent when attempting to loot an innocent NPC corpse changed
      • Properties of type or derived from type BaseAddon can now be set by targeting an addon component
      • Leather sleeves now require 8 hides instead of 4
      • Vorpal bunnies now drop a random statue and have a chance to drop brightly colored eggs, and will dig a hole to freedom after 3 minutes
      • Whipping vines will now have a random vine as loot, as well as some fertile dirt and an executioners cap
      • Powder of fortifying (aka powder of temperament) may now be used on all armor and weapons (notably, leather and bows)
      • Attacking slimes with melee weapons will now always reduce your weapon's durability ('*Acid blood scars your weapon!*')
      • Brigands now only show their title on their paperdoll
      • Good-aligned creatures will no longer attack tamed 'evil' monsters if their master has positive karma
      • Resmelting a weapon or armor piece bought from an NPC will now give a message indiciating why full resources were not returned
      • Carpenters no longer sell many player-craftable items
      • Corpser sound tweaked to match OSI
      • Mage vendors now only sell up to 3rd circle scrolls
      • Dragon breath on pre-AOS servers reduced from 8% to 5% of current hitpoints (average dragon will do about 40 damage per breath)
      • Initial peacemaking and provokation delay has been lowered to 1 second to lower recovery times on a bad target (10 second delay is still applied on a valid attempt)
      • Remove Trap skill now checks that the user has at least 50 in both lockpicking and detect hidden
      • Swamp dragons and ridgebacks can now bond even without the required taming skill
      • Players may now actively meditate while holding runebooks
      • The following additional creatures will now rumage through nearby corpses for loot:
        - Lizardmen
        - Ratmen (melee, archers, and mages)
        - Trolls
        - Evil Mages (and Evil Mage Lords)
      • Unholy bones changed to more accurately match OSI:
        - Now makes a sound and effect when carving
        - Can be carved from up to 12 tiles away
        - Only 30% chance to be destroyed when carved, otherwise just 'damaged'
        - When successfully carved, a small random amount of gold will be replaced
        - Duration until the summoning has increased from 2.5-5 seconds to 8-12 seconds
        - Higher end monsters have been added to the summoning list

      AOS only:
      • As OSI (really) there is now a 0.1% chance for cows to be 'mad' : they will attack players without being attacked first
      • Chivalry spells will now consume tithing points even when fizzled
      • Weapon damage bonus range for runic crafted weapons is now 35%-50%, where before it was 20%-70%
      • Weapon attribute 'Use Best Weapon Skill' is now checked when using combat abilities
      • Cure spell now lowers only the maximum -elemental- resistances: physical is excluded
      • Slayer weapon attribute can now be applied randomly to any weapon on any monster. They may also be applied when crafting runic weapons
      • Shields may no longer be disarmed with the disarm weapon ability
      • Weapon traders will now purchase AOS melee weapons. Similarly, bowyers will now purchase AOS ranged bows and crossbows
      • Loot and sound values of doom boss monsters updated to more accurately match OSI
      • Dark fathers will now send back random 8-20 physical damage whenever they get hurt, and have a 5% chance of spawning unholy bones
      • Shadow knights now teleport and hide when they reach 50% health
      • Shields can now have the faster casting attribute
      • Chaos and Order shields are now craftable
      • Mahjong games now have a 'set security' context menu option
      • Player-crafted bulletin boards now have a 'set security' context menu option
      • Bulk order books now have a 'set security' context menu option
      • Runebooks now have a 'set security' context menu option. Players without access, however, will still be able to travel using the runes in the book
      • Players or creatures paralyzed, frozen, or casting a spell may no longer swing weapons or fists
      • Parrying success will now take 0 damage (it was 1 before) and, if applicable, will block the attackers current combat ability as well
      • Creatures may now use combat weapon abilities by overriding the GetWeaponAbility method. The following creatures implement this change:
        - Abyssmal horrors : mortal strike
        - Dark fathers : double strike, whirlwind attack, crushing blow
        - Fleshrenderers : dismount, paralyzing blow
        - Impaler : mortal strike, bleed attack
        - Shadow knight : crushing blow
      • Pub21:
        - Repairing any item using the craft menu will now weaken it by one (and only one) maximum durability
        - The wrestling special moves will no longer require arms lore or anatomy
        - Order and Chaos shields will no longer retain any of their special functionality and will behave as regular shields
        - Paralyzed characters will no longer be able to throw purple potions
        - The lance's special dismount move may only be used against other players if they are mounted and also wielding a lance
        - Decreased the amount of time it takes to heal yourself with bandages—between 5 – 10 seconds, based upon the character’s Dexterity
        - The amount of damage restored when using bandage-healing has been lowered. (Ex. If you have 100 Healing and 100 Anatomy, and your fingers have not slipped, then you can expect to heal about 36-60 damage)
        - Increased the distance allowed between the person healing with bandages and the person being healed from 1 tile to 2 tiles
        - It is now more difficult to interrupt bandage-healing—your fingers will not slip if you take less then 26 damage while bandaging. However, if interruption & slipping does occur, the amount healed will be reduced by about 35%
      Ultima modifica di Volturno; 27-02-2004, 02:45.


      • #4


        Originally posted by Volturno
        - AOS only:
        - As OSI (really) there is now a 0.1% chance for cows to be 'mad' : they will attack players without being attacked first


        • #5
          spettacolo danka ahahahah


          • #6
            2 Parole:
            vi amo


            Immagine_____Sito Druidi


            • #7
              la cosa ke pero piu mi da noia e pensoa tutti e ke ogni repair dell'armor runika perde di durability...
              cioe uno impeiega soldi e tempo per farle e poi prima o poi la distruggi....

              sarebbe da rivedere sta kosa
              Logan Serker


              • #8
                Io penso la stessa cosa...nel ci mette una vita per fare una runica...e ora massimo che mi dura sono si e no 20 gg.
                6 mesi per 20gg.
                Questo non fara' altro che incrementare la serie di account farlocchi della gente per prendere bod...
                Non mi sembra una mossa azzeccata...anche perche' la dimensione dello shard e' comunque diversa da osi...

                Per qualsiasi cosa :
                -X- The Free Spirit in Everyone!


                • #9
                  No ma ditemi una cosa positiva che sia una.. il bendaggio di 1 tile piu lontano??
                  Si va al peggioramento? facciamola piu' difficile dai.... asd non era meglio la vecchia? asd
                  (tra parentesi a parte le runiche le magie del paladino sono ancora buggate e disper evil dove sta?)
                  Ultima modifica di erbufera; 27-02-2004, 03:03.

                  Innumerevoli pg su innumerevoli Shards di UO;
                  tutti ottimamente equippati e skillati 120.
                  Undead Priest lvl 60, Undead Warlock lvl 60
                  Orc Hunter lvl 60, Tauren Shaman lvl 60
                  Night Elf Warrior lvl 60; Tutti con almeno 5 pezzi epici.
                  Ma sono cmq a giocare su UOD, perchè rulla.


                  • #10
                    Dead bonded pets (notably pack animals) will no longer retain their items on death
                    Non pensavo fosse un bug... boh svuoto il blattino

                    Originally posted by Koper
                    Cerco scarpe lrc 6%

                    Vedi titolo


                    • #11
                      è appunto

                      Innumerevoli pg su innumerevoli Shards di UO;
                      tutti ottimamente equippati e skillati 120.
                      Undead Priest lvl 60, Undead Warlock lvl 60
                      Orc Hunter lvl 60, Tauren Shaman lvl 60
                      Night Elf Warrior lvl 60; Tutti con almeno 5 pezzi epici.
                      Ma sono cmq a giocare su UOD, perchè rulla.


                      • #12
                        per le runiche esistono i powder e poi e' ovvio che se girate in leather avete il minimo della durability.

                        Vi siete mai chiesti perche' tutti erano in leather?


                        • #13
                          spettacolo mi dispiace giusto per le runiche per il resto up

                          Ve Menamo in Game e in Real

                          Quelli che Ultima te lo danno in Bocca


                          • #14
                            Ma allora self repair adesso funziona?


                            • #15
                              ma nn si poteva tradurre ste cose in italiano?

                              SI SONO IGNORANTE


                              Sto operando...