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  • #91
    Originally posted by Sebastian Sorano


    anyways. what was this? lookalike your favourite uo npc?

    we have one ratman, a gorilla, an ogre and some other mixed npcs.

    Show me some more class at next raduno plz.
    Sorano it was you who first said a nonesense like pvp in real with raoul.. showing nothing else that a kiddish way to see the game..

    now you are talking about "class"

    i suggest you to avoid judging our "way to play the game" that has nothing to do with class but something more close to "Enjoying"

    at least don't do that after have said something like "pvp in real"

    think up
    Suddenly I realized The prophecies I've never believed in
    My deeds were wrong I've stained the land And slain my kin
    (Burning Soul)
    There's no release from my sins It hurts
    The Curse of Fëanor Runs Long
    Time and only time will tell us Tell: was I right or wrong?
    When Anger breaks through I'll leave Mercy behind

    Icq 34565197


    • #92
      Originally posted by Fëanor

      Sorano it was you who first said a nonesense like pvp in real with raoul.. showing nothing else that a kiddish way to see the game..

      now you are talking about "class"

      i suggest you to avoid judging our "way to play the game" that has nothing to do with class but something more close to "Enjoying"

      at least don't do that after have said something like "pvp in real"

      think up
      Iamm bell guagliò! Fallo venire a roma vediamo sto "PvP" in real, che tanto insiste che lui è uno che in real combatte!
      Raoul [-A-]


      • #93
        Originally posted by Lokhart

        We just need a giant slime, so show up at the next meeting.
        You don't need a slime U had noxfen...

        actually, I was telling someone that the only ones that looked somewhat normal was u and spud.... maybe I was wrong. There are no suns without spots.

        Ratman feanor Maybe I, unlike you enjoy some class.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Sebastian Sorano

          You don't need a slime U had noxfen...

          actually, I was telling someone that the only ones that looked somewhat normal was u and spud.... maybe I was wrong. There are no suns without spots.

          Ratman feanor Maybe I, unlike you enjoy some class.

          I'm not even going to answer you. You're the only one that tried to turn (with success, i see) this thread in a flame, or something like that.

          Do you really enjoy some class? Behave like you had some.

          I see no class at all in a childish declaration like "let's do some PvP in real", but, if you really care to apply Ultima concept into real life (the pvp story, ratmen, ogres and so on) let's see how does fit the idea of "gank" on your person.

          Do as you wish in game, act as a bully, act as a lamer, act as you want and as you wish.

          When you're in the forums, and you are talking about *REAL* people, act in a civl manner.

          Otherwise the community could not want you.

          "I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes -Sparklehorse"
          "Come on along with the black rider, we'll have a gay old time -Tom Waits"


          • #95
            Originally posted by Sebastian Sorano

            You don't need a slime U had noxfen...

            actually, I was telling someone that the only ones that looked somewhat normal was u and spud.... maybe I was wrong. There are no suns without spots.

            Ratman feanor Maybe I, unlike you enjoy some class.
            Seba, I'm already waiting your pic. Post it on this forum.

            Or better...come to Rome and tell us the same things u said on forum directly, don't hide behind a monitor to offend peaople.
            Raoul [-A-]


            • #96
              uno skerzo è uno skerzo come al solito andate oltre...
              tanto da dietro il pc non si pagano le conseguenze ve?
              Ultima modifica di Spud-A-; 04-03-2004, 12:03.
              Spud [-A-]

              Old AngelS StYle

              Kassandra [-A-] on Nhr


              • #97
                Originally posted by Sebastian Sorano

                Ratman feanor Maybe I, unlike you enjoy some class.
                Sorano you are pitiful being beaten so many times in game make you tease photos of players that killed you...?

                This is the peak of your misery

                therefore don't you have any pride..? so despaired to offend the ones you can't defeat in game?

                try to recover...

                well.. about the rat... it's a shame but.. my girl says you are right! i resemble a *lovely* ratman

                i am going to find some cheese

                Originally posted by Lokhart
                Sorano if you really care to apply Ultima concept into real life let's see how does fit the idea of "gank" on your person.
                Ultima modifica di Ghilteras; 04-03-2004, 18:16.
                Suddenly I realized The prophecies I've never believed in
                My deeds were wrong I've stained the land And slain my kin
                (Burning Soul)
                There's no release from my sins It hurts
                The Curse of Fëanor Runs Long
                Time and only time will tell us Tell: was I right or wrong?
                When Anger breaks through I'll leave Mercy behind

                Icq 34565197


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Fëanor

                  well.. about the rat... it's a shame but.. my girl says you are right! i resemble a *lovely* ratman
                  chi è la prode?

                  i am going to find some cheese
                  vai vah ^^

                  cmq complimenti per l'inglese.... prosaico


                  • #99
                    SENTO NELL'ARIA ENERGIA NEGATIVAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa......


                    Siamo tutti figli del nostro coraggio, ma a volte è un cattivo padre.


                    • AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!!! *Piangeeeee*
                      Ultima modifica di HolyShadow; 04-03-2004, 23:44.

                      22 Maggio 2010.. fine di un sogno durato 45 anni


                      • Ekkkk Holy!!!

                        ...mi hai spostato...
                        un attimino lo schermo!!!

                        [NESOG] Membro New Elite Spammer of Gamesnet

                        Firma irregolare
                        Volturno - GN Forum Admin


                        • Brutti SCU


                          • Originally posted by FuTuRa
                            Ekkkk Holy!!!

                            ...mi hai spostato...
                            un attimino lo schermo!!!
                            Tu e la tua inferiorità Hardware! le tue risoluzioni da talpa strabbica e il tuo client 2d del piffero per prestazioni veramente squallide!!! FuTuRaSddddd! Amore mioooo!

                            22 Maggio 2010.. fine di un sogno durato 45 anni


                            • Se Se!!!

                              tu mi hai fatto diventare strab(b)ica...
                              ...a leggere quella sottospecie di post
                              messa al macroscopio!!!



                              [NESOG] Membro New Elite Spammer of Gamesnet

                              Firma irregolare
                              Volturno - GN Forum Admin


                              • Volevo salutare i miei compaesani SCU....!!!!1111 Ragà, io sono di Napoli....... se organizzzate ualkosi qui.... mettetemi PRESENTE! ^__^
                                Wherever Ivan Drago
                                Since 1999 from NGI,Awakening,Reame I,II,III e IV Ed.,J&D,DRL,NhR and a lot of Shards!!!!
                                Ed ora anche su UoDreams!!!!
                                ICQ: 348949926
                                Originally posted by Nerkia in mappa NoX parlando della cartolina che avvisa la bocciatura...

                                fai na cosa
                                fai come si fa in guerra per bloccre le comunicazioni
                                intercetta i postini e uccidili


                                Sto operando...