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Petition for guilds and factions.

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  • Petition for guilds and factions.

    This goes to everyone who's bored of backstabbing newbies playing among us. I am proposing an unofficial, honor based alliance against such players like Yoko, Dark Annettex and other stealth based characters.

    Today while our guild was fighting Shadowlords Annettex tried and failed to assist both sides. First he thought that he's playing with us - SL attacked him, we killed him off. After he died - lots of cry, and he "allied" shadowlords against us. He died again. And no wonders - later he died again.
    What I'm saying is - It's pathetic to watch how everyone is afraid to attack this low level player, who is basically just abusing stealth skill.

    By saying all this, I can assure, that these two specific "hardcore killers" Yoko, Dark Annettex will be targeted FIRST by guild [XVII], if the opposing forces do the same.

    For making a better game to ourselves, Asgard.

  • #2
    End the era of hiders stealing kills for doing the last 1% but doing nothing the first 99% .


    • #3
      Siete na gilda di blu e proponete alleanze contro gli hidder? siete fuori voi!


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da Badoglio Visualizza il messaggio
        Siete na gilda di blu e proponete alleanze contro gli hidder? siete fuori voi!
        scusa, ma mi hai incuriosito... che c'entra l'essere blu con la proposta???

        comunque hai ragione tu... meglio chiedere ai gm di nerfare hiding e stealth che chiedere di pompare tracking e detecting o provare alleanze strane!


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Radamanthys Visualizza il messaggio
          scusa, ma mi hai incuriosito... che c'entra l'essere blu con la proposta???

          I am proposing an unofficial, honor based alliance against such players like Yoko, Dark Annettex and other stealth based characters.


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da Badoglio Visualizza il messaggio
            Siete na gilda di blu e proponete alleanze contro gli hidder? siete fuori voi!
            ormai senza pudore la gente su sto shard
            le gilde gater che piangono x il "fair play"
            ReD PaSSioN[LorD]
            OlD Man Nox[HaTe]


            • #7
              Man You play with me for some time so u can judge my opinion.
              I can assure u that yoko and dark annettex are good players, use a mage hidder pg isn't easy at all. The real problem is, for what i believe ninjia skill, tht skill allow to any player resist to dismount, also a good warrior with heal 105 anatomy 120 that run well is quite impossible to kill. The only differece is that do an equip with fc fcr for a warrior is harder than equip a mage hidder.
              Karasho cheat

              Originariamente inviato da carrasuperevil
              IL programma di karasho è' consentito ed è' uguale ad altri programmi esterni come inj ,razor,steam ecc..
              Non è che con quello spari fulmini dagli occhi e saette dal cul0
              È' come easyuo con un interfaccia diversa e una scrittura diversa!
              È' sicuramente più prestante di easyuo (come la nuova mappa) ma resta comunque un programmino che fa quello che altri programmi già fanno!
              Haldir c.i.t.


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da EUGE Visualizza il messaggio
                Man You play with me for some time so u can judge my opinion.
                I can assure u that yoko and dark annettex are good players, use a mage hidder pg isn't easy at all. The real problem is, for what i believe ninjia skill, tht skill allow to any player resist to dismount, also a good warrior with heal 105 anatomy 120 that run well is quite impossible to kill. The only differece is that do an equip with fc fcr for a warrior is harder than equip a mage hidder.
                Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                • #9
                  Asgard, brutto gay di un russo, i'm with you .
                  E fu così che 7 LvX umiliarono un intero shard di pvp, mio caro Badoglio.

                  E poi siete morti pure voi come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)
                  Per le prime due ore la cosa più pericolosa che hanno avuto in schermata è stato il banchiere. (cit.)

                  Join gli Strateghi


                  • #10
                    Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
                    This goes to everyone who's bored of backstabbing newbies playing among us. I am proposing an unofficial, honor based alliance against such players like Yoko, Dark Annettex and other stealth based characters.

                    Today while our guild was fighting Shadowlords Annettex tried and failed to assist both sides. First he thought that he's playing with us - SL attacked him, we killed him off. After he died - lots of cry, and he "allied" shadowlords against us. He died again. And no wonders - later he died again.
                    What I'm saying is - It's pathetic to watch how everyone is afraid to attack this low level player, who is basically just abusing stealth skill.

                    By saying all this, I can assure, that these two specific "hardcore killers" Yoko, Dark Annettex will be targeted FIRST by guild [XVII], if the opposing forces do the same.

                    For making a better game to ourselves, Asgard.
                    Try Paralyze & Mana Vampire spell in loop...Yoko and Dark Niubbettex will vanish before you cast the last spell...

                    Sorry for my "killing english".

                    ICQ 712 060 326 - Discord: ICE#1603

                    P|K Discord Server:



                    • #11
                      We have no problem in killing him. He is a pure noob with stealth skill. Paralyze spam for loop and he's not a problem.

                      The idea of the topic is to kill them first, even in the middle of a fight, whenever he shows up, then pvp like normal people do it.


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
                        The idea of the topic is to kill them first, even in the middle of a fight, whenever he shows up, then pvp like normal people do it.


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
                          The idea of the topic is to kill them first, even in the middle of a fight, whenever he shows up, then pvp like normal people do it.
                          E fu così che 7 LvX umiliarono un intero shard di pvp, mio caro Badoglio.

                          E poi siete morti pure voi come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)
                          Per le prime due ore la cosa più pericolosa che hanno avuto in schermata è stato il banchiere. (cit.)

                          Join gli Strateghi


                          • #14

                            Oh! please go away, you also dare ask certain things .. you have not perhaps understood, before attaching factioned player..before attaching the rom.. you with all of your boyfriends, will have died already .. you keep on being in gate, sry no respect for gaters put him in your head.. join in anyone faction, that is better for you..cowardly.

                            Pyrotechnics N°2
                            Boom Headshot N°1
                            Sexy Illusion

                            PaC / -§- / AoT / PaiN


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da Saddam Visualizza il messaggio

                              Oh! please go away, you also dare ask certain things .. you have not perhaps understood, before attaching factioned player..before attaching the rom.. you with all of your boyfriends, will have died already .. you keep on being in gate, sry no respect for gaters put him in your head.. join in anyone faction, that is better for you..cowardly.

                              Socc'mel che poliglotta... M'hai estasiato
                              Karasho cheat

                              Originariamente inviato da carrasuperevil
                              IL programma di karasho è' consentito ed è' uguale ad altri programmi esterni come inj ,razor,steam ecc..
                              Non è che con quello spari fulmini dagli occhi e saette dal cul0
                              È' come easyuo con un interfaccia diversa e una scrittura diversa!
                              È' sicuramente più prestante di easyuo (come la nuova mappa) ma resta comunque un programmino che fa quello che altri programmi già fanno!
                              Haldir c.i.t.


                              Sto operando...