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[EASYUO] Does anyone have script for Anti Blood Oath

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  • [EASYUO] Does anyone have script for Anti Blood Oath

    Hey guys, if you do not mind to share script with me and others whom that one will be useful and helpful. Very appreciate that.

    I had that script before, a long time ago It was working like:

    Scanning buffbar L-shaped, and once it identifies Blood Oath then the war mode is turned off immediately

    The old script looks like:

    ; Script Name: Anti Blood Oath
    ; Author: Felix
    ; Version: 3
    ; Client Tested with: 6.0.13
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.5.148
    ; Shard FS: UODreams
    ; Public Release: 27/07/2009
    ; Purpose: turns off war-mode, whan blood oath
    ; Requirments: ScanBuffBar

    set %BloodOathScanDelay 250

    ;;;;;;;DON'T EDIT
    set %InOldOath #false
    set %NextBloodOathScan #systime
    set %EndTurningOffWar 0
    set %OathId xxyyxx

    if %InOldOath && ( #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar || #enemyid = %OathId ) && G in #charstatus
    if #enemyid = %OathId
    finditem %OathId G
    if #findtype = IS && #findrep = 6
    event property %OathId
    if revenant in #property
    set %OathId xxyyxx
    if #systime > %EndTurningOffWar && #enemyid = %OathId
    event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH2
    set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
    while #systime <= %EndTurningOffWar && G in #charstatus
    event macro 6 0
    set %nexttoggle #systime + 300
    while #systime <= %nexttoggle && G in #charstatus
    sleep 10
    if #systime >= %NextBloodOathScan
    gosub AntiBloodOath
    sleep 20
    goto loop

    sub AntiBloodOath
    if G notin #charstatus && %InOldOath = #false
    set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay
    Call ScanBuffBar
    set %oathed _CurseBloodOath_ in %BuffBarIconNames
    if %oathed
    if G in #charstatus
    if %InOldOath = #false && #systime > %EndTurningOffWar
    set %InOldOath #true
    set %EndTurningOffWar #systime + 2000
    if #enemyid <> n/a
    set %OathId #enemyid
    set %OathId xxyyxx
    event exmsg #charid 0 0 OATH
    if %InOldOath
    set %InOldOath #false
    if G notin #charstatus
    event macro 6 0
    event exmsg #charid 0 0 go go go
    set %NextBloodOathScan #systime + %BloodOathScanDelay

    Thank you very much!!!
    Ultima modifica di leessaa; 28-04-2020, 11:42.
    <<< Contact me via email: >>>

    Game Nicknames: Vis, Viska, CnopTcMeH, K'ammoR SayyaF
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