Cdt ho provato quello del forum ma nn crea il txt.. Dato che ho un sacco di oggetti che vorrei mettere in vendita mi piacerebbe trovar questo script, ho visto che qualcuno lo usa ancora se magari lo posta mi farebbe un gran piacer! Grazie guys
Ancora nessun annuncio.
[CERCO] item lister per forum
codice:;settaggi dei colori per il forum, guarda sul forum per maggiori info set %sepcol Grey set %propcol White set %lotcol Red ;variabili per i contatti set %icq XXX(al posto della XXX inserire il proprio contatto) set %msn XXX(al posto della XXX inserire il proprio contatto) ;#true per stampare un asta, #false per stampare una vendita set %show_prezzi #true ;non modificate oltre gosub showEUOMenu1 gosub Inizialize gosub MenuLoop halt sub MenuLoop while #true { menuloopstart: menu Get InLista if #menures <> %ItemCurrent && #menures <> 0 { set %ItemCurrent #menures gosub string exp %itemproperty . %ItemCurrent $ CurrentArray set %CurrentArrayCnt #result - 1 menu delete Corrente menu List Create Corrente 228 32 205 233 for %k 1 %CurrentArrayCnt { menu List Add Corrente %CurrentArray . %k } } if #menubutton = CLOSED { set #menubutton N/A halt } if #menubutton = AGGIUNGIITEM { set #menubutton N/A Event ExMsg #charid 3 33 Scegliere l'item da aggiungere... set #ltargetkind 1 set #targcurs 1 while #targcurs = 1 { wait 1 onhotkey ESC { goto menuloopstart } } gosub GetProperty #ltargetid set %ItemCnt %ItemCnt + 1 set %itemproperty . %ItemCnt #result str pos #result $ set #strres #strres - 1 str left #result #strres menu List Add InLista #strres menu Text OggettiCnt 8 8 Oggetti nella lista: %ItemCnt menu List Select Inlista %ItemCnt } if #menubutton = SACCA { set #menubutton N/A Event ExMsg #charid 3 63 Scegliere la sacca conetenete gli oggetti set #ltargetkind 1 set #targcurs 1 while #targcurs = 1 { wait 1 onhotkey ESC { goto menuloopstart } } set #lobjectid #ltargetid Event Macro 17 0 wait 12 finditem * C_ , #contid ;while #findkind <> -1 && #findindex <= #findcnt for #findindex 1 #findcnt { if #findcnt = 0 break gosub GetProperty #findid set %ItemCnt %ItemCnt + 1 set %itemproperty . %itemcnt #result str pos #result $ set #strres #strres - 1 str left #result #strres if #strres N/A continue menu List Add InLista #strres menu Text OggettiCnt 8 8 Oggetti nella lista: #findcnt ;set #findindex #findindex + 1 } menu List Select Inlista %ItemCnt } if #menubutton = STAMPA { set #menubutton N/A menu get NomeFile set %file #menures gosub showEUOMenu2 gosub open 1 %file gosub wipe 1 gosub write 1 [COLOR=" , %sepcol , "] , #spc , %separator , #spc , [/COLOR] for %i 1 %ItemCnt { gosub write 1 [COLOR=" , %lotcol , "] , #spc , Lotto , #SPC , numero , #SPC , %i , #spc , [/COLOR] gosub write 1 [COLOR=" , %propcol , "] gosub string exp %itemproperty . %i $ StringArray set %StringArrayCnt #result - 1 for %j 1 %StringArrayCnt { gosub write 1 %StringArray . %j } ;gosub write 1 #dot if %show_prezzi { gosub write 1 Base: gosub write 1 Rilanci: gosub write 1 Instant , #SPC , Win: } else gosub write 1 Prezzo: gosub write 1 [/COLOR] gosub write 1 [COLOR=" , %sepcol , "] , #spc , %separator gosub write 1 [/COLOR] menu set Completi Scritti %i di %ItemCnt oggetti } if %icq <> icq || %icq <> msn { gosub write 1 [COLOR=" , %lotcol , "] if %icq <> icq gosub write 1 ICQ: %icq if %icq <> msn gosub write 1 MSN: %msn gosub write 1 [/COLOR] } gosub dump 1 set %ItemCnt 0 gosub showEUOMenu1 } if #menubutton = APRI { set #menubutton N/A menu get NomeFile execute #menures } menu get edticq if #menures <> ICQ && #menures <> 0 set %icq #menures menu get edtMSN if #menures <> MSN && #menures <> 0 set %msn #menures menu get lotcol if #menures <> lotto && #menures <> 0 set %lotcol #menures menu get sepcol if #menures <> separatore && #menures <> 0 set %sepcol #menures menu get propcol if #menures <> proprietą && #menures <> 0 set %propcol #menures } return sub Inizialize if 1_5 notin #euover { display ok Questo script funziona solo con EasyUO 1.5! halt } if exec notin #opts { display ok Non hai abilitato l'exec dalle funzioni! halt } set #menubutton N/A set %ItemCurrent 0 set %ItemCnt 0 set %Separator +------------------------------+ return ;================== ;** ;* @name GetProperty ;* @ver 1.0 15May05 ;* @author Boydon ;* @purpose Get the #property of a given item tring to avoid errors, null values and ;* unexpected values. ;* @params %1 req Id of the item you want to EP ;* @returns #property of %1 ;* @dependencies ;* @example gosub GetProperty #findid ;* tis is the standard call and will EP #findid ;* @status Fully tested and working sub GetProperty if %0 < 1 || %1 = N/A { display ok Wrong use of Sub GetProperty: some required arguments are missing! +$Script will be halted. halt } nameSpace Push nameSpace Local GetProperty , #time , #random , #scnt2 set !lpc #lpc set #lpc 2000 __boy_gp_loop1: event property %1 set !Property1 #property event property %1 set !Property2 #property event property %1 set !Property3 #property if ! ( !Property1 = !Property2 && !Property2 = !Property3 ) goto __boy_gp_loop1 gosub formatta #property , ID: , #spc , %1 , $ set #lpc !lpc nameSpace Clear nameSpace Pop return #result ;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code Begin --------- sub showEUOMenu1 menu Clear menu Window Title Boydon UOD Auction Maker 2.0 menu Window Color BtnFace menu Window Size 440 425 menu Font Transparent #true menu Font Align Right menu Font Name MS Sans Serif menu Font Size 8 menu Font Style menu Font Color WindowText menu Font Transparent #false menu Font Align Left menu Text OggettiCnt 8 8 Oggetti nella lista: 0 menu Text Ultimo 228 8 Oggetto corrente menu Button AggiungiItem 8 280 155 29 Aggiungi un oggetto alla lista menu Button Stampa 12 320 125 29 Stampa la lista menu Font BGColor Window menu Edit NomeFile 276 324 155 Asta.txt menu Font BGColor BtnFace menu Button Apri 144 320 126 29 Apri la lista menu Button Sacca 172 280 263 29 Aggiungi alla lista tutti gli oggetti in un contenitore menu Font BGColor Window menu List Create InLista 8 32 205 233 menu Font BGColor Menu menu List Create Corrente 228 32 205 233 menu Text Colori 82 361 Colori: menu Text Separatore 70 375 Separatore menu Text property 10 375 Proprietą menu Text lotto 130 375 menu edit propcol 8 390 60 %propcol menu edit sepcol 68 390 60 %sepcol menu edit lotcol 128 390 60 %lotcol menu text contatti 260 375 Contatti: menu edit edticq 210 390 70 %icq menu edit edtmsn 280 390 150 %msn menu Font Align Right ;menu button asta_vendita 365 325 110 25 asta menu Check asv 345 356 75 22 %show_prezzi ON asta OFF vendi menu Show 750 25 return sub showEUOMenu2 menu Clear menu Window Title Boydon UOD Auction Maker menu Window Color BtnFace menu Window Size 352 25 menu Font Transparent #true menu Font Align Right menu Font Name MS Sans Serif menu Font Size 8 menu Font Style menu Font Color WindowText menu Font Transparent #false menu Font Align Left menu Text Completi 8 8 Scritti 0 di 0 items menu Show 750 25 return ;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code End --------- ;================================== ; Script Name: filesubs.txt (import version) ; Author: Kal In Ex ; Version: 1.00 ; Client Tested with: 4.0.5b ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.009b ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI ; Revision Date: November 16, 2004 ; Public Release: November 16, 2004 ; Global Variables Used: ; Purpose: writing to files in EUO ; Copyright 2004 Kal In Ex ;================================== ; subs open, GetOSFileCmd, wipe, fwipe, write and dump ; are all a part of filesubs.txt only use this script ; in its entirety and do not modify it!
ICQ 579630104[Amdir]Firma Irregolare[/Amdir]
Originariamente inviato da GiaPly3 , Dav87E , GatsuMaledetto sia colui il quale m'ha segnalato la signa.
seconda parte, NB rispettare gli spazi
codice:sub open ; <identifier> <filename> namespace push namespace local _filebuffers set !_filename %1 , _filename set !_buffer %1 , _buffer set !_dirop %1 , _dirop set ! . !_filename %2 set ! . !_buffer set ! . !_dirop >> if !_filecmd = n/a { gosub GetOSFileCmd 1 set !_filecmd %1 } namespace pop return ;================== ;** ;* @name GetOSFileCmd ;* @ver 1.0 9May04 ;* @author Roadkill ;* @purpose check the OS and set @%1 to cmd.exe or command.exe if win98/2000xp ;* @params %1 the varname to hold the return command ;* @returns @%1 and #result hold cmd.exe for win2k and xp, or command.exe for 98/me ;* @example call rksubs.txt GetOSFileCmd filecmd ;* @status done sub GetOSFileCmd str Left #osver 1 set % . %1 cmd.exe if #strRes = 1 set % . %1 return % . %1 ;================== sub wipe ; <identifier> namespace push namespace local _filebuffers set !_buffer %1 , _buffer set !_dirop %1 , _dirop set ! . !_buffer set ! . !_dirop > namespace pop return sub fwipe ; <identifier> namespace push namespace local _filebuffers set !_filename %1 , _filename set !_buffer %1 , _buffer set ! . !_buffer execute !_filecmd type > ! . !_filename namespace pop return sub write ; <identifier> <text> <text> <text...> namespace push namespace local _filebuffers if %0 > 2 { for !_ 3 %0 { set %2 %2 , #spc , % . !_ } } set !_filename %1 , _filename set !_buffer %1 , _buffer set !_dirop %1 , _dirop str len ! . !_buffer set !_ #strres str len %2 if !_ + #strres >= 1900 { execute !_filecmd /c ! . !_buffer >> ! . !_filename set ! . !_buffer } str len ! . !_buffer if #strres = 0 || ! . !_dirop = > set ! . !_buffer echo , #spc , %2 , #spc , ! . !_dirop , #spc , ! . !_filename else set ! . !_buffer ! . !_buffer , #spc , && , #spc , echo , #spc , %2 , #spc , ! . !_dirop , #spc , ! . !_filename set ! . !_dirop >> namespace pop return sub dump ; <identifier> namespace push namespace local _filebuffers set !_filename %1 , _filename set !_buffer %1 , _buffer str len ! . !_buffer if #strres > 0 { execute !_filecmd /c ! . !_buffer set ! . !_buffer } namespace pop return ;================================== ; end of filesubs.txt ;================================== ;================================== ; Script Name: Gravisoft's String Implode/Explode SUB ; Author: Gravix ; Version: 1.1 ; Client Tested with: 4.0.6a ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.009F ; Shard OSI / FS: Both ; Revision Date: 1/19/04 ; Public Release: 1/01/04 ; Global Variables Used: None ; Purpose: Implode: Take an array and link into a string separated by a value/char ; Explode: Take a string and break into array based on dividers ;================================== ;SUB string exp %str %div %arry ;SUB string imp %arry %div SUB string SET !lpc #LPC SET #LPC 500 IF %1 = exp { SET !c 0 SET !s %2 break: IF %3 in !s { SET !c !c + 1 STR POS !s %3 SET !p0 #STRRES SET !p1 !p0 - 1 STR LEFT !s !p1 SET % . %4 , !c #STRRES STR DEL !s 1 !p0 SET !s #STRRES GOTO break } ELSE { SET !c !c + 1 SET % . %4 , !c !s SET #LPC !lpc RETURN !c } } IF %1 = imp { SET !p 0 SET !t build: SET !p !p + 1 SET !p3 %2 , !p IF % . !p3 <> N/A { SET !t !t , %3 , % . !p3 GOTO build } ELSE { STR LEN %3 STR DEL !t 1 #STRRES SET #LPC !lpc RETURN #STRRES } } RETURN #FALSE sub formatta nameSpace Push nameSpace Local formatta , #time , #random , #scnt2 set %string %1 gosub parse insured gosub parse one-handed gosub parse two-handed gosub parse skill , #spc , required gosub parse strength , #spc , requirement ;gosub parse crafted , #spc , by gosub parse weight: gosub parse durability gosub parse durability gosub parse weapon , #spc , speed gosub parse weapon , #spc , damage namespace clear namespace pop return %string sub parse if %1 notin %string && %0 = 1 || %0 = 0 return str len %1 set !sub_string_len #strres str pos %string %1 set !string_startpos #strres set !pos #strres + !sub_string_len repeat str mid %string !pos 1 set !pos !pos + 1 until #strres = $ set !pos !pos - !string_startpos str del %string !string_startpos !pos set %string #strres return
ICQ 579630104[Amdir]Firma Irregolare[/Amdir]
Originariamente inviato da GiaPly3 , Dav87E , GatsuMaledetto sia colui il quale m'ha segnalato la signa.