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Script Lockpiking 0-95_help per guida all'uso

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  • Script Lockpiking 0-95_help per guida all'uso

    Non riesco a seguire con precisione le istruzioni per impostare questo script, sapete aiutarmi?Qualcuno lo ha gia' usato o mi consigliate altro?
    Grazie mille =)

    ;================================================= ==
    ; Script Name: Ceed's 0-95 Lockpicking Trainer
    ; Author: Minoc Miner Murderer
    ; Version: 0.0.3 BETA 3
    ; Client Tested with: 4.0.3d
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.0094
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 07/18/04
    ; Public Release: 07/05/04
    ; Global Variables Used: *_DHVarsSet , *_TotalMain
    ; *_MainID(#) , *_TotalChest , *_ChestID(#) , *_Chest(#)
    ; Purpose: 0-95 Lockpicking trainer for use with
    ; player crafted "wooden box"s
    ;================================================= ===

    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; ---------------------------GENERAL INFORMATION------------------------------ ;
    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; Name: Ceed's 0-95 Lockpicking Skill Trainer
    ; Version: 0.0.3 beta 3
    ; © 2004 Minoc Miner Murderer
    ; Purpose: Automated lockpicking trainer with chest relock & chest status
    ; memory recalling
    ; This script can be stopped at any time by simpley closing the status monitor
    ; and clicking stop in EasyUO. The script will "remember" which boxes
    ; are locked and unlocked and as long as you choose to use the same
    ; boxes at start, will pick up where it left off so to speak.
    ; The following is a skill referance chart for what boxes to use in level increments:
    ; ¤ 0 Skill - You really should buy this to at least 25 it will save you
    ; time and effort, you can buy it from either the thieves GM or
    ; NPC tinkers. If you're cheap go straight to the next step
    ; ¤ 25 Skill - At this point you're going to need EXTREMELY easy boxes
    ; to pick to gain. This can be tricky. I believe the best thing
    ; you can do is to take your LPer and buy both carpentry skill
    ; and tinkering skill. That should put you at approx 30 each.
    ; which is about what you need at this level (it's pretty picky
    ; to since a new tink with 40 skill gave nothing at all) You'll
    ; know when you have the right level because the gains will fly
    ; up at this point.
    ; ¤ 45 Skill - Somewhere around here I started using boxes that were made
    ; by a 50 skill tinker along with the 30 skill boxes.
    ; ¤ 71 Skill - At about this level I switched to GM boxes. I broke a ton
    ; of lockpicks but still gained on the failures (didn't happen
    ; at lower levels) and LP flew right up until he started opening
    ; them. Once the skill starts to slow again you'll need to start
    ; using a lot of targets. I recommend using a full 200-400 at a
    ; min to get to 95.0 skill.
    ; ¤ 95 Skill - You will no longer be able to gain using GM tinkered boxes
    ; nor will you be able to use this script for any more gains since
    ; that is it's primary function. From here you need to start
    ; picking spawning and static chests in dungeons and towns and from
    ; treasure maps etc. It's long and slow from here, but GMing locking
    ; can be one of the most rewarding accomplishments in the game.
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; ----------------------------VERSION HISTORY--------------------------------- ;
    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; v0.0.0 beta - Basic structure layed out, basic functions operational. ;
    ; v0.0.1 beta - Popup menu var sets introduced ;
    ; v0.0.2 beta - Added the chest status memory ;
    ; v0.0.3 beta - Integrated the status monitor ;
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; -----------------------------INSTRUCTIONS----------------------------------- ;
    ; ================================================== ========================== ;
    ; Chests to be picked by the script MUST be of the "wooden box" variety. The
    ; small red chest type.
    ; All chests to be picked by the script must be placed inside containers along
    ; with ONE keyring per container that holds keys for each box. This limits the
    ; total boxes per chest to 20 since keyrings only hold 20 keys. The maximum
    ; number of main chests you can define is also 20. Giving a grand total of 400
    ; boxes the script can activley maintain in a single loop.
    ; (actually it will do as many as you want to define, but it will only orgainize
    ; the first 20 main boxes on your screen, the rest it will stack)
    ; If you happen to get a lot of "you must wait" messages then you can play with
    ; %Wait & %Wait2 to increase the scripts delay times to suit your set up &
    ; connection speed. A few "you must wait" messages SHOULD come up and the script
    ; will continue as it should. Excessive amounts should be remedied with these
    ; two variables.

  • #2
    suppongo tu lo abbia trovato in questo thread:

    The most important thing to this script is proper set up!

    How to set up your boxes:

    1) First take a container (any container, though I prefer the crates since
    they line up nicely on the screen) and put all the boxes that are to be
    picked inside the container. You can put up to 20 in each container
    and use as many containers & boxes as you like.

    *NOTE* You CANNOT have more than 20 boxes or more than ONE keyring per container!

    2) Second put a blank key ring in each of the main containers and and
    place all the keys for all the boxes in that particular container onto
    the blank keyring (they can only hold 20, thats why you can only have
    20 boxes per container)

    *NOTE* All boxes to be picked currently MUST BE "wooden box" types (The small red boxes)

    3) Third and finally, arrange the boxes so that they can all be reached by
    your character at the start of the script. The script will open the boxes
    automatically, but they must be within his/her reach.
    google translate mi dice.
    La cosa più importante a questo script è l'impostazione corretta!

    Come impostare le caselle:

    1) In primo luogo prendere un contenitore (qualsiasi contenitore, anche se io preferisco le casse da
    si allineano bene sullo schermo) e mettere tutte le caselle che devono essere
    scelto all'interno del contenitore. È possibile inserire fino a 20 in ciascun contenitore
    e utilizzare un numero di contenitori e scatole come ti piace.

    * NOTA * non si può avere più di 20 caselle o più di un portachiavi per container!

    2) Secondo mettere un anello vuoto chiave in ciascuno dei contenitori e principali e
    mettere tutte le chiavi per tutte le caselle in quel contenitore particolare su
    il portachiavi bianco (possono contenere solo 20, ecco perché si può avere solo
    20 scatole per contenitore)

    * NOTA * Tutti i widget per essere raccolti al momento deve essere "scatola di legno" tipi (I piccoli riquadri rossi)

    3) In terzo luogo, infine, sistemare le caselle in modo che possano essere raggiunti da
    il tuo personaggio all'inizio dello script. Lo script aprire le scatole
    automaticamente, ma devono essere all'interno del suo / sua portata.
    ti avverto che comunque questo script è moooolto vecchio, è stato fatto quando ancora easyuo era in stato di sviluppo e certe funzioni venivano fatte/usate in maniera impropria e potrebbe non funzionare anche se lo imposti bene...

    Il p Fengyr
    : algander#6292


    • #3
      si, avevo gia' tradotto, e fatto molte prove ma appena andava ad analizzare la prima cassa andava in blocco.....
      ho risolto con l'alternativa: ''razor'': in 10 ore da 50a95, ora le casse dei prigionieri mi aspettano xD

      Grazie mille per la risposta


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