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[CERCO] script per sop

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  • [CERCO] script per sop

    nello specifico, sto cercando un semplice script che mi prenda dalla sacca le sop in scadenza, possibilmente che all inizio ti faccia scegliere i giorni minimi per prendere le sop .
    esempio: prende dalla cassa tutte le sop con scadenza inferiore a 20 giorni

    grazie per l'attenzione

  • #2
    probabilmente basterebbe sistemare questo script che ho trovato in rete che funziona pero solo sulle propieta oggetto e quindi nn vede la scadenza come propietą

    ;================================================= ==============
    ; Script Name: Zagos Pro Finder
    ; Author: Zagos
    ; Version: 1.02
    ; Client Tested with:
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.5 Version 169
    ; Shard: FS UODreams
    ; Revision Date: 06/17/2010
    ; Public Release: 06/15/2010
    ; Global Variables Used: None
    ; Purpose: Automatic search in container / vendor and buy/drag item into backpack
    ;================================================= ==============

    ;================================================= ==============
    ;Change Logs
    ;v1.01 add: better menu to choose property intensity/values
    ;v1.02 fix: bug in drag&drop item / buy item from vendor
    ;================================================= ==============
    gosub creamenuscelta
    if ( %type <> 0 && %metodo <> 0 )
    gosub cercanpc
    gosub targetnpc

    gosub creaattesa
    gosub loopnpc
    gosub creacompleta
    ; Wait Menu
    sub creaattesa
    menu clear
    menu window size 40 50
    menu Text text_search 10 10 Searching...
    sub creacompleta
    menu clear
    menu window size 40 50
    menu Text text_search 10 10 Terminate!

    ; Starting Menu

    sub creamenuscelta
    menu window title Zagos Pro Finder
    for %i 1 15
    set %altezza %i * 25
    menu Text text_ . %i 10 %altezza Property %i :
    menu Edit edit_ . %i 100 %altezza 150
    menu Combo create combo_ . %i 265 %altezza 30
    menu combo add combo_ . %i <
    menu combo add combo_ . %i >
    menu combo add combo_ . %i =
    menu combo select combo_ . %i 0
    menu Edit value_ . %i 310 %altezza 100
    set %altezza %i * 25
    menu Text text_ . %i 10 %altezza Automatic???
    menu check Automatic 125 %altezza 60 20 #false
    set %i %i + 1
    set %altezza %i * 25
    menu Text text_ . %i 10 %altezza NPC???
    menu check NPCCONT 125 %altezza 60 20 #false
    set %i %i + 1
    set %altezza %i * 25
    menu Text text_ . %i 10 %altezza Hide After???
    menu check HIDEAFTER 125 %altezza 60 20 #false
    set %i %i + 1
    set %altezza %i * 25
    menu Button button_1 200 %altezza 50 25 Start!
    set %dimy %altezza + 50
    menu window size 430 %dimy
    menu show

    set #menubutton null
    while #menubutton <> button_1
    wait 1
    set %numprops 0
    for %i 1 15
    menu get edit_ . %i
    str len #menures
    if ( #strres > 0 )
    set %numprops %numprops + 1
    set %proprieta . %numprops #menures
    ; check if selected zone
    menu get combo_ . %i
    if ( #menures > 0 )
    if ( #menures = 1 )
    set %direction . %i <
    if ( #menures = 2 )
    set %direction . %i >
    if ( #menures = 3 )
    set %direction . %i =
    menu get value_ . %i
    set %value . %i #menures
    set %direction . %i 0
    set %value . %i null
    menu get Automatic
    set %metodo #menures
    menu get NPCCONT
    set %type #menures
    menu get HIDEAFTER
    set %hideafter #menures
    if ( %numprops = 0 )
    Display ok Insert at least 1 property!

    ; Find All Npc In the Area
    sub cercanpc
    set %numnpc 0
    finditem _HS_IS_AV_XU_ G_8
    if ( #findindex < #findcnt + 1 )
    event property #findid
    if ( shop in #property )
    set %numnpc %numnpc + 1
    set %npcc . %numnpc #findid
    set #findindex #findindex + 1
    goto loopnpc

    ; Target Specified NPC / Container

    sub targetNPC
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    wait 2
    set %npcc1 #Ltargetid
    set %numnpc 2

    ; Check All the NPC's looping it.

    sub loopnpc
    ;loop all the vendor / containers
    set %numnpc %numnpc - 1
    set %npc %npcc . %numnpc ; save NPC
    set %numcont 0 ; container in first level
    ; open vendor/container and save container id (first level)
    set #lobjectid %npc
    event macro 17
    wait 1s
    set %principale #contid
    ;first Level
    finditem * C_ , %principale
    if ( #findindex < #findcnt + 1 )
    gosub checkcontainer #findid
    if #result = true
    set %numcont %numcont + 1
    set %cont . %numcont #findid
    gosub checkpezzo #findid
    set #findindex #findindex + 1
    goto ciclaprinc
    ; search in all the container (only in the first level)
    for %i 1 %numcont
    gosub cercasotto %cont . %i
    ; hide npc
    if ( %hideafter <> 0 )
    hideitem %npc
    if ( %numnpc > 1 )
    goto loopnpc

    ; Check second level containers

    sub cercasotto
    set #lobjectid %1
    event macro 17
    wait 1s
    finditem * C_ , %1
    if ( #findindex < #findcnt + 1 )
    gosub checkpezzo #findid
    set #findindex #findindex + 1
    goto checksecondlevel

    ; Check if item is a container
    sub checkcontainer
    event property %1
    if ( Contents in #property )
    return true
    return false

    ; Check if items properties

    sub checkpezzo
    set %itemid %1
    event property %1
    set %proptrovate 0
    for %j 1 %numprops
    if ( %proprieta . %j in #property )
    if ( %direction . %j <> 0 )
    gosub checkvalue %proprieta . %j %value . %j %direction . %j
    set %proptrovate %proptrovate + 1
    if ( %proptrovate = %numprops )
    display YesNo #property $ Take/Buy????
    if #dispRes = yes
    gosub take %itemid

    ; Parse Description
    sub checkvalue
    set %props %1
    set %value %2
    set %direction %3
    ; save the property lenght
    str len %props
    set %lunghprop #strres
    ; save the item len
    str len #property
    set %lungtot #strres
    ; find position of property in item
    str Pos #property %props
    ; save difference from total lenght - ( property lenght + position where property was found )
    set %diff %lungtot - ( %lunghprop + #strres )
    ; delete useless part
    str Right #property %diff
    ; save temporary str
    set %tempword #strres
    ; look for a termination
    str pos %tempword $
    set %lunghprop #strres - 1
    ; delete from $ to end of string
    str left %tempword %lunghprop
    set %tempword #strres
    str pos %tempword %
    if ( #strres > 0 )
    set %lunghprop #strres - 1
    str left %tempword %lunghprop
    set %tempword #strres
    if ( %tempword %direction %value )
    set %proptrovate %proptrovate + 1
    ; Take Item (if in vendor it'll buy it)
    sub take
    msg %type $
    if ( %type <> 0 )
    exevent popup %1 1
    for %attesa 0 10
    set %timeout 10 - %attesa
    event ExMsg #charID 3 0 %timeout Second Left To complete Buy.
    wait 1s
    exevent drag %1
    wait 10
    exevent dropc #backpackid


    • #3


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