Salve, tempo fa quando giocavo ero solito usare questo script per killare, skinnare e lootare uccelli.
Solo che al momento non va bene. Qualcuno sarebbe così caritatevole da provare a sistemarlo? ^_^
;============================================================= ; Script Name: the Birds ; Author: Machine ; Version: 1.0 ; Client Tested with: ; EUO version tested with: 1.5 ; Shard OSI / FS: Only tested on Alexandria. Should work ; wherever item types are same ; Revision Date: 22/02/2007 ; Public Release: 22/02/2007 ; Global Variables Used: NONE ; Purpose: ; Makes all birds attack you, also automatically cuts and ; collects feathers and raw birds if desired. ; Script thread: ; ;============================================================= ; ============================================================ ; INFO: ; This script makes all birds around you attack you, Hitchcock ; style. After the birds are dead, the script can cut and loot ; the feathers and raw birds if desired. If you are running ; this script together with a proper looter it's best to ; disable the built-in looter since it is very primitive. It ; only loots feathers and (optionally) raw birds, leaving ; everything else. ; If you turn off the option to loot it should run smoothly ; with any looter scripts you may have running. ; DISCLAIMER: ; This script does NOT have any attack or healing functions, ; it merely makes sure that all birds around attack you. And ; frankly, if you get killed by a bird, you deserved to die ;) ; ============================================================ ; =========================== ; SCRIPT BEHAVIOUR ; EDIT BELOW ; =========================== ; Set this to #false if you use an external looter, else ; #true set %doLooting #true ; Set %featherBag to the id of the bag you want the looter ; to use. Defaults to your backpack set %featherBag #backpackId ; Set to #true if you want to loot raw birds set %collectRawBirds #false ; Set to #true if you want to close any opened corpses set %closeCorpse #false ; Set to #true if you want to experience the Birds... set %scaryMode #false ; =========================== ; ITEM AND BIRD TYPES ; =========================== set %birdTypes WC_TC set %rawBirdType PUD set %featherType VLK initEvents set #lpc 5 if #doLooting = #true { display ok Target a weapon to be used in cutting corpses gosub getTargetIDType set %knife #result } loop: gosub attackBird if %doLooting = #true gosub lootBird goto loop sub attackBird findItem %birdTypes G_15 set !result #findcnt <> 0 if #findcnt > 0 { namespace push namespace Local Attacker set !lTargetId #lTargetId for !i 1 #findcnt { set #findindex !i if #findId notin !oldTargets && %scaryMode = #true { set !oldTargets !oldTargets , _ , #findId event ExMsg #charId 3 33 Another bird sweeps down to attack you! } set #lTargetId #findId set #lTargetKind 1 event Macro 27 } set #lTargetId !lTargetId namespace pop } return !result sub walk return sub lootBird gosub equipTool %knife id findItem YFM if #findcnt <> 0 { set !lTargetId #lTargetId for !i 1 #findCnt { set #findIndex !i set #lTargetId #findId set #lTargetKind 1 event Macro 17 target 5s event Macro 22 wait 5 set !birdId #lTargetId gosub openCorpse !birdId if #result = #true { gosub getFeathers if %closeCorpse = #true gosub closeCorpse !birdId ignoreItem !birdId corpses } } set #lTargetId !targetId } return sub equipTool namespace Push namespace Local Equip set !types %1 if %0 > 1 set %argType %2 if %argType = id set #lObjectId %1 else { findKnife: findItem !types C_ , #backpackId if #findcnt = 0 findItem !types C_ , #charId if #findcnt = 0 6 { set #sysmsgcol 33 event Sysmessage Unable to locate a knife! Script paused. pause goto findKnife } set #lObjectId #findId } namespace Pop return sub openCorpse namespace push namespace Local openCorpse set !id %1 set !lObjectId #lObjectId set #lObjectId !id set #nextCPosX 0 set #nextCPosY 0 event Macro 17 gosub waitForVar contid = #lObjectId set #lObjectId !lObjectId namespace pop return #result sub closeCorpse namespace push namespace Local closeCorpse set !gumpId %1 set !lObjectId #lObjectId set #lObjectId !gumpId event Macro 17 gosub waitForVar contid = !gumpId if #result = #true { str Pos #contsize _ set !_Pos #strRes str Len #contSize set !xLen !_Pos - 1 set !yLen #strRes - !_Pos str Left #contSize !xLen set !xSize #strres set !x #contPosX + !xSize / 2 str Right #contSize !yLen set !y #contPosy + #strRes / 2 wait 5 click !x !y dmc r } set #lObjectId !lObjectId namespace pop return #result sub getFeathers set !toFind %featherType if %collectRawBirds = #true set !toFind %featherType , _ , %rawBirdType findItem !toFind C_ , #contId if #findcnt <> 0 { for !i 1 #findCnt { set #findIndex !i exEvent drag #findId #findStack wait 15 exEvent dropc %featherBag wait 20 } } return sub waitForVar set %timeout #time + 5 if %0 > 3 set %timeout #time + %4 waitForVarLoop: if # . %1 %2 %3 return #true if #time >= %timeout return #false goto waitForVarLoop sub GetTargetIDType set #targCurs 1 targLoop: if #targCurs = 1 goto targLoop finditem #lTargetID if %1 = Type return #FINDTYPE return #lTargetID
