Posto di seguito lo script che ho trovato per fare piume.... ho un problema, mi hanno detto che in teoria targhetta le arpie e le insegue finche non le uccide...
Lo script parte, sul cadavere lo taglia e prende le piume pero le arpie non le insegue e non le targhetta...
potete aiutarmi?
; Script Name: CEOWoolandFeathers
; Author: CEO
; Version: 1.2
; Client Tested with: 4.0.1b
; EUO version tested with: 1.4 (0067)
; Shard OSI / FS:
; Revision Date: 02-3-04
; Public Release: 02-3-04
; Purpose: Wool and Feathers, Wool and Feathers, Wool and Feathers (sung to the tune of Silver and Gold).
set %version 1.2
; Not much to change
; For debuging
set %debug #false
; Add more types for your stuff if you want...
set %knifetypes CNF_BNF
; set this to #false if you don't want t sheer nearby sheep
set %sheering #true
; set to #true if you want to hide corpses
set %hidecorpses #false
; set to #true if you have a slowconnection
set %slowconnection #false
gosub CheckEUOVersion 1 41 102 euomajor euominor euobuild
if ! #result
menu hideeuo
str del %euobuild 1 1
display ok Your Environment:$$EasyUO Version: %euomajor , #dot , %euominor , #spc , ( , build , #spc , #strres , )$
+Client: #CLIVER $$
+This script requires EasyUO version 1.41 (build 0066) or higher.$$
+Sorry you can not use it with this version. Halting.
menu hide
set %scissortypes KAG_JAG
set %corspetype YFM
set %nakedsheeptypes FG
set %sheepwithwooltypes PF
set %sheeptypes %nakedsheeptypes , _ , %sheepwithwooltypes
set %feathertypes VLK
set %wooltypes HFG
set %purewooltypes OFF
set %resourcetype %wooltypes , _ , %feathertypes
set %tcorpses 0
if %slowconnection
set %wait1 20
set %wait1 10
gosub GetKnife
if ! #result
display ok You need a knife in your backpack for cutting$up corpses. Script Halted.
gosub GetScissors
if ! #result
display ok You need scissors in your backpack for cutting$up hides and bones. Script Halted.
gosub GetPaperdollxy
gosub StatusBarUp
linespercycle 40
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %tpurewool #result
gosub CountItems %wooltypes
set %tcorpsewool #result
gosub CountItems %feathertypes
set %tfeathers #result
gosub initmenu
set #menubutton N/A
wait %wait %wait1
if #menubutton = closed
gosub closed
menu delete status
if #maxweight - #weight < 8
menu text status 50 10 Waiting (Sheering off).
menu text status 50 10 Waiting.
wait 5
if #weight >= #maxweight - 5
display ok You are now overweight, the script will$not pick up anymore resources until you$empty your pack.
set %waitcount 0
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Paused, overweight.
wait 20
if #weight >= #maxweight - 5
set %waitcount 0
goto waitforweight
set %waitcount %waitcount + 1
if %waitcount < 3
goto waitforweight
set %temp1 ( %maxloaded - #weight ) / 5
finditem %corspetype , _ , %sheeptypes G_2
if #findkind = 1
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Sheep/Corpse found , #dot
set %tcorpses %tcorpses + 1
set %findid #findid
if #findtype in %sheepwithwooltypes && ( #maxweight - #weight >= 8 ) && %sheering
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %temp #result
gosub sheersheep %findid %knifeid
if ! #result
goto skip2
wait 10
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %temp #result - %temp
set %tpurewool %tpurewool + %temp
gosub UpdateStats
ignoreitem %findid
goto Mainloop
if #findtype in %sheeptypes
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Ignoring shorn sheep , #dot
wait 10
goto skip2
event property %findid
wait 10
set %corpse_property #property
gosub Corspecutter %findid %knifeid
if ! #result
goto skip2
gosub OpenCorpse %findid
if ! #result
goto Skip2
finditem %resourcetype C_ , %instance_id
if #findkind <> -1
set %resourceid #findid
gosub DropOnBackpack %resourceid
goto lootagain
ignoreitem %findid
if %hidecorpses
hideitem %findid
gosub UpdateStats
goto MainLoop
sub OpenCorpse
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Opening corpse.
set %retry 0
set %_corpse %1
finditem %_corpse
if #findkind = -1
return #false
set #lobjectid #findid
set #nextcposx 400
set #nextcposy 600
gosub resetjournal
event macro 17
gosub GetInstanceID
if ! #result
set %retry %retry + 1
if %retry < 4
goto OC1
return #false
set %lootable #true
if #result
set %lootable #false
return %lootable
sub GetInstanceID
;pub 28 fix for instance corpses
set %ttw #scnt2 + 25
if #contname = container_gump && #contsize = 144_212
set %instance_id #contid
return #true
if #scnt2 < %ttw
goto GIID1
return #false
Lo script parte, sul cadavere lo taglia e prende le piume pero le arpie non le insegue e non le targhetta...
potete aiutarmi?
; Script Name: CEOWoolandFeathers
; Author: CEO
; Version: 1.2
; Client Tested with: 4.0.1b
; EUO version tested with: 1.4 (0067)
; Shard OSI / FS:
; Revision Date: 02-3-04
; Public Release: 02-3-04
; Purpose: Wool and Feathers, Wool and Feathers, Wool and Feathers (sung to the tune of Silver and Gold).
set %version 1.2
; Not much to change
; For debuging
set %debug #false
; Add more types for your stuff if you want...
set %knifetypes CNF_BNF
; set this to #false if you don't want t sheer nearby sheep
set %sheering #true
; set to #true if you want to hide corpses
set %hidecorpses #false
; set to #true if you have a slowconnection
set %slowconnection #false
gosub CheckEUOVersion 1 41 102 euomajor euominor euobuild
if ! #result
menu hideeuo
str del %euobuild 1 1
display ok Your Environment:$$EasyUO Version: %euomajor , #dot , %euominor , #spc , ( , build , #spc , #strres , )$
+Client: #CLIVER $$
+This script requires EasyUO version 1.41 (build 0066) or higher.$$
+Sorry you can not use it with this version. Halting.
menu hide
set %scissortypes KAG_JAG
set %corspetype YFM
set %nakedsheeptypes FG
set %sheepwithwooltypes PF
set %sheeptypes %nakedsheeptypes , _ , %sheepwithwooltypes
set %feathertypes VLK
set %wooltypes HFG
set %purewooltypes OFF
set %resourcetype %wooltypes , _ , %feathertypes
set %tcorpses 0
if %slowconnection
set %wait1 20
set %wait1 10
gosub GetKnife
if ! #result
display ok You need a knife in your backpack for cutting$up corpses. Script Halted.
gosub GetScissors
if ! #result
display ok You need scissors in your backpack for cutting$up hides and bones. Script Halted.
gosub GetPaperdollxy
gosub StatusBarUp
linespercycle 40
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %tpurewool #result
gosub CountItems %wooltypes
set %tcorpsewool #result
gosub CountItems %feathertypes
set %tfeathers #result
gosub initmenu
set #menubutton N/A
wait %wait %wait1
if #menubutton = closed
gosub closed
menu delete status
if #maxweight - #weight < 8
menu text status 50 10 Waiting (Sheering off).
menu text status 50 10 Waiting.
wait 5
if #weight >= #maxweight - 5
display ok You are now overweight, the script will$not pick up anymore resources until you$empty your pack.
set %waitcount 0
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Paused, overweight.
wait 20
if #weight >= #maxweight - 5
set %waitcount 0
goto waitforweight
set %waitcount %waitcount + 1
if %waitcount < 3
goto waitforweight
set %temp1 ( %maxloaded - #weight ) / 5
finditem %corspetype , _ , %sheeptypes G_2
if #findkind = 1
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Sheep/Corpse found , #dot
set %tcorpses %tcorpses + 1
set %findid #findid
if #findtype in %sheepwithwooltypes && ( #maxweight - #weight >= 8 ) && %sheering
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %temp #result
gosub sheersheep %findid %knifeid
if ! #result
goto skip2
wait 10
gosub CountItems %purewooltypes
set %temp #result - %temp
set %tpurewool %tpurewool + %temp
gosub UpdateStats
ignoreitem %findid
goto Mainloop
if #findtype in %sheeptypes
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Ignoring shorn sheep , #dot
wait 10
goto skip2
event property %findid
wait 10
set %corpse_property #property
gosub Corspecutter %findid %knifeid
if ! #result
goto skip2
gosub OpenCorpse %findid
if ! #result
goto Skip2
finditem %resourcetype C_ , %instance_id
if #findkind <> -1
set %resourceid #findid
gosub DropOnBackpack %resourceid
goto lootagain
ignoreitem %findid
if %hidecorpses
hideitem %findid
gosub UpdateStats
goto MainLoop
sub OpenCorpse
menu delete status
menu text status 50 10 Opening corpse.
set %retry 0
set %_corpse %1
finditem %_corpse
if #findkind = -1
return #false
set #lobjectid #findid
set #nextcposx 400
set #nextcposy 600
gosub resetjournal
event macro 17
gosub GetInstanceID
if ! #result
set %retry %retry + 1
if %retry < 4
goto OC1
return #false
set %lootable #true
if #result
set %lootable #false
return %lootable
sub GetInstanceID
;pub 28 fix for instance corpses
set %ttw #scnt2 + 25
if #contname = container_gump && #contsize = 144_212
set %instance_id #contid
return #true
if #scnt2 < %ttw
goto GIID1
return #false