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[EASYUO] Aiuto per script bod

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  • [EASYUO] Aiuto per script bod

    allora in passato ho sempre usato sto script per consegnare bod, bodswap. ora riscaricandolo non mi va, perchè mi sbaglia i tasti, per esempio invece di aprire il backpack del pet preme su release, invece di ritirare il bod clicca su buy.
    se qualcuno sa come aggiustarlo o ha una versione funzionante, mi farebbe un gran piacere XD. posto lo script
    ; =====================================================================
    ; Script Name: Penny's Bod Swapper
    ; Author: Pennylane 
    ; Version: 2.3
    ; Client Tested With: (patch 38)
    ; Euo Version Tested With: 1.5 Ver 102
    ; Shard Osi / Fs: Osi, Fs
    ; Revision Date: 12/24/06
    ; Public Release: 10/24/05
    ; Global Variables Used: N/A
    ; Purpose:exchanges filled bods for new, moves rewards to pack animal.
    ; Will detect and save user specified cloth colors while dying the rest.
    ; Returns smithy prospecting hammers, shovels, and pickaxes to vendor
    ; (optional) while saving fortification powder, scrolls, anvils & hammers.
    ; =====================================================================
    ; --------------------------Version Updates----------------------------
    ; =====================================================================
    ; ver. 2.3 Dec. 26 2006
    ; fixed the weight issue again
    ; ver. 2.2 Dec. 24 2006
    ; added check to only dismount if riding a beetle (based on followers = 3)
    ; ver. 2.1 Dec. 24, 2006
    ; fixed as small issue with it not finding the tinker kids on RunUO shards
    ; (thank you BookWibble!)
    ; added gold to the loot options to be moved to the packy
    ; fixed a couple of freeshard gump issues
    ; changed the weight equation to account for elven chars
    ; fixed a gump offset for making sewing kits
    ; added aqua cloth to the save list
    ; fixed the guildmaster smithy bod issue (TY Twi!)
    ; ver. 2.0  Nov. 23, 2005
    ; added option to hardcode pack animal, bod books, reward bag & vendors
    ; added the ability to save all cloth colors without dying
    ; added all tinker kit options for OSI and RunUO shards
    ; added *some* RunUO compatability (no guarantees)
    ; added option to choose between OSI and RunUO shards
    ; cleaned up journal scanning code (ty Kedrick Valorite for tips!)
    ; a lot of other little tuneups that I have already forgotten
    ; =====================================================================
    ; ---------------------------directions--------------------------------
    ; =====================================================================
    ; -If you play a RunUO shard set %runuo to #true in customizable options below
    ; -Follow the directions in the cutomizable options below to choose your cloth
    ;  colors or to save pickaxes, shovels and prospecting hammers (they are returned
    ;  to the vendor by default)
    ; -Hardcode options are available below. If you aren't sure what your doing, 
    ;  DON'T DO IT
    ; -Put a bag, backpack or pouch on your pack animal
    ; -Have 2 bod books in your pack, one with your filled bods and one that is empty.
    ; -Tailors: you need an unused dye tub, tinker kit, sewing kit and ingots
    ;  (in case your sewing kit breaks)
    ; -Press Play and follow the prompts.
    ; -Rate the script while your char is turning in bods!
    ; =====================================================================
    ; -----------------------customizable options--------------------------
    ; =====================================================================
    ; if you play a RunUO server set this to #true
    set %RunUO #false
    ; If you are on a run uo shard where the location is different
    ; set this to the number location on the popup menu to open your pack animal
    ; the first option is #1, count down from the top
    set %packpop 10
    ; If you are on a run uo shard where the location is different
    ; set this to the number location on the popup menu to get bod
    ; the first option is #1, count down from the top
    set %vendorpop 4
    ; if you want to keep any of the items below, just remove the type from 
    ; the list in %return
    set %return npf_qpf_gbg_twf ;gargoyle pickaxes ( 2 types ), prospecting 
    ; hammers, sturdy shovels
    ; if you have lag set this to #true
    set %lag #false
    ; Below are the different colors of bod cloth listed by reward level
    ; if you want to save any of these colors, change #false to #true
    ; the colors listed are as they are named on the Tower of Roses bod reward site
    ;Level 1 Colors//
    set %green #false
    set %greenblue #false
    set %dkturquoise #false
    set %aqua #false
    ;Level 2 Colors//
    set %turquoise #false
    set %purple #false
    set %dkpurple #false
    set %bloodred #false ;done
    ;Level 3 Colors//
    set %neonblue #false
    set %neonpurple #false
    set %neonpink #false
    set %neonyellow #false
    ;Level 4 Colors//
    set %neongreen #false
    set %redblue #false
    set %navy #false
    set %charcoal #false
    ;Level 5 Colors//
    set %blaze #true
    set %icewhite #true
    set %iceblue #false
    set %icegreen #false
    ; =====================================================================
    ; ------------------------- Hardcode Options --------------------------
    ; =====================================================================
    ; If you don't know what you are doing, or if you use different books, 
    ; bags, or vendor shops each time, don't alter these. This is for people
    ; who wish to hardcode their own setup.
    set %packanimal N/A ;change N/A to the container id of your pack animal
    set %rewardbag N/A ;change N/A to the id of the bag on your packy
    set %filledbook N/A ;change N/A to the id of your book containing filled bods
    set %emptybook N/A ;change N/A to the id of your empty bod book
    set %tailorvendor N/A ;the id of the tailor vendor you use
    set %smithyvendor N/A ;the id of the smithy vendor you use
    ; ===================================================================== ;
    ; ----------------------do not edit beyond here------------------------ ;
    ; ===================================================================== ;
    ignoreitem reset
    set %human HS_IS
    set %elf AV_XU
    if %lag #true
    		set %shortwait 20
    		set %longwait 40
    		set %shortwait 10
    		set %longwait 20
    gosub setup
    ;sub bodswap
    	set %get_new #true
    	gosub weight_check
    	gosub item_check
    	gosub get_bod
    	gosub turn_in
    	if %get_new
    		gosub get_new
    	goto mainloop
    ; =====================================================================
    ; --------------------------subroutines-------------------------------
    ; =====================================================================
    sub get_bod
    	set %journal #jindex
    	finditem %filled c_ , #backpackid
    	set #lobjectid #findid
    	event macro 17
    	wait %shortwait
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if the_book_is_empty. in #journal
    					if %smithy
    							gosub turn_in
    							if %get_new
    								gosub get_new
    					if %tailor
    							gosub turn_in
    							if %get_new
    								gosub get_new
    							gosub combine
    							gosub dye
    							wait %shortwait
    					display No more bods to turn in$
    					+I hope you found this script helpful$
    					+Thank you for rating it!$
    					;return %filled_book_empty
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 615_454
    	if ! %gumpopened
    		goto openbook:
    	set %journal #jindex
    	gosub click_offset 43 104
    	wait %shortwait
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if there_is_not_enough_room in #sysmsg
    					gosub empty %loot
    					goto openbook
    			if the_book_is_empty. in #journal
    					if %smithy
    							gosub turn_in
    							if %get_new
    								gosub get_new
    					if %tailor
    							gosub turn_in
    							if %get_new
    								gosub get_new
    							gosub combine
    							gosub dye
    							wait %shortwait
    					display No more bods to turn in$
    					+I hope you found this script helpful$
    					+Thank you for rating it!$
    					;return %filled_book_empty
    	finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 615_454
    	if #findkind = -1
    		goto dropbod
    	gosub click_offset 385 430
    sub turn_in
    	set %journal #jindex
    	finditem %bodguy g_2
    	if #findkind = -1
    			finditem %bodguy g_8
    			event pathfind #findx #findy #findz 2
    			wait 30
    			goto find_bodguy
    	finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
    	set %filledbod #findid
    	wait 5
    	exevent drag %filledbod
    	wait %longwait
    	exevent dropc %bodguy
    	wait %longwait
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if enough_room_in_your_backpack in #journal
    					if %smithy
    						gosub empty %loot
    					if %tailor
    							gosub combine
    	 						gosub dye
    							gosub empty %loot
    			if I_am_not_interested_in_this. in #journal
    					gosub put_away
    					set %get_new #false
    	finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    	goto find_bodguy

    Malmsteen, Kamyura, Anathema, Bjork

  • #2
    sub get_new
    	set %journal #jindex
    	finditem %bodguy g_2
    	if #findkind = -1
    			finditem %bodguy g_8
    			event pathfind #findx #findy #findz 2 2
    			wait 30
    			goto find_bodguy2
    	if %runuo = #true
    		exevent popup %bodguy %vendorpop
    			exevent popup %bodguy
    			wait 2
    			if #contname <> normal_gump
    				goto waitforpopup1
    			gosub click_offset 90 40
    			wait %shortwait
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if an_offer_may_be_available in #journal
    					gosub get_bod
    					gosub turn_in
    					goto find_bodguy2
    	gosub waitforvendorgump
    	if %vgopen = #false
    		goto find_bodguy
      gosub clickvendorgump
    	wait %shortwait
    	finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    		goto find_bodguy2
    	gosub put_away
    sub put_away
    	finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    			gosub click_offset  385 430
    	set %journal #jindex
    	exevent drag #findid
    	wait %longwait
    	exevent dropc %empty
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if The_book_is_full_of_deeds. in #journal
    					display ok Your empty book is now full.$
    					+I hope you found this script helpful$
    					+Thank you for rating it!$
    					;return %emptybookfull
    	wait %longwait
    	goto putaway
    sub click_offset
    	set %clickx #contposx + %1
    	set %clicky #contposy + %2
    	click %clickx %clicky f
    sub weight_check
    	if #weight >= %maxweight
    			if %smithy
    				gosub empty %loot
    			if %tailor
    					gosub combine
    	 				gosub dye
    					gosub empty %loot
    sub item_check
    	event property #backpackid
    	if 120/125 in #property
    			if %tailor
    					gosub combine
    	 				gosub dye
    					gosub empty %loot
    			if %smithy
    				gosub empty %loot
    sub empty ;context: gosub empty %loot
    	finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
    	for %i 1 #findcnt
    			finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
    			event property #findid
    			if runic in #property
    					exevent drag #findid
    					wait %longwait
    					exevent dropc %packybag
    					wait %longwait
    			ignoreitem #findid
    	set %journal #jindex
    	ignoreitem reset
    	finditem %1 c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    	if #findtype in %return
    			exevent drag #findid #findstack
    			wait %longwait
    			exevent dropc %bodguy
    			wait %longwait
    			goto empty
    	if #findtype <> bui
    			exevent drag #findid #findstack
    			wait %longwait
    			exevent dropc %packybag
    			wait %longwait
    			for %i %journal #jindex
    					scanjournal %i
    					if that_container_cannot_hold in #journal
    							display Your packy is full and so are you,$
    							+Its time to unload$
    							+I hope you found this script helpful$
    							+Thank you for rating it!$
    			 				;return packy_full
    			goto empty
    	exevent drag #findid #findstack
    	wait %longwait
    	exevent dropc %packy
    	wait %longwait
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if that_container_cannot_hold in #journal
    					display Your packy is full and so are you,$
    					+Its time to unload$
    					+I hope you found this script helpful$
    					+Thank you for rating it!$
    			 		;return packy_full
    	goto empty
    sub combine
    	finditem %bod_cloth c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    			finditem %combined_cloth c_ , #backpackid
    			for %t 1 #findcnt
    					finditem %combined_cloth c_ , #backpackid
    		 			wait 5
    		 			if #findcol = 1155 && %green = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1164 && %greenblue = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1162 && %aqua = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1160 && %dkturquoise = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1173 && %turquoise = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1163 && %purple = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1158 && %dkpurple = #true
                gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1157 && %bloodred = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1165 && %neonblue = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1168 && %neonpurple = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1166 && %neonpink = #true
                gosub savecloth
              if #findcol = 1169 && %neonyellow = #true
                gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1167 && %neongreen = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1172 && %redblue = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1156 && %navy = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1175 && %charcoal = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1150 && %icewhite = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1161 && %blaze = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1151 && %icegreen = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					if #findcol = 1154 && %iceblue = #true
    						gosub savecloth
    					ignoreitem #findid
    			ignoreitem reset
    	set %journal #jindex
    	finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    		gosub make_kit
    	event property #findid
    	if runic in #property
    			ignoreitem #findid
    			goto use_sewing_kit1
    	set #lobjectid #findid
    	event macro 17
    	wait %shortwait
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    	if ! %gumpopened
    		goto use_sewing_kit1
    	gosub click_offset 230 90 ;combine cloth
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if you_have_worn_out in #journal
    					gosub make_kit
    					goto use_sewing_kit1
    	wait %shortwait
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    	gosub click_offset 25 420 ;exit
    	wait %shortwait
    	goto find_cloth
    sub savecloth
    	set %movecloth #findid
    	exevent drag %movecloth #findstack
    	wait %longwait
    	exevent dropc %packy
    	wait %longwait
    	ignoreitem #findid
    sub dye
    	set %journal #jindex
    	finditem %dye_tub c_ , #backpackid
    	set #lobjectid #findid
    	finditem %combined_cloth c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind = -1
    			finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
    			if #findkind = -1
    					gosub make_kit
    					goto use_sewing_kit2
    			event property #findid
    			if Runic in #property
    					ignoreitem #findid
    					goto use_sewing_kit2
    			set #lobjectid #findid
    			event macro 17
    			gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    			if ! %gumpopened
    			goto use_sewing_kit2
    			gosub click_offset 230 90 ;combine cloth
    			wait %shortwait
    			for %i %journal #jindex
    					scanjournal %i
    					if you_have_worn_out in #journal
    							gosub make_kit
    							goto use_sewing_kit2
    			gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    			gosub click_offset 25 420 ;exit
    			wait %longwait
    			ignoreitem reset
    	set #ltargetid #findid
    	event macro 17
    	event macro 22
    	ignoreitem #findid
    	wait 20
    	goto dye_cloth
    sub make_kit
    	finditem %tinker_kit c_ , #backpackid
    	set #lobjectid #findid
    	event macro 17
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    	if ! %gumpopened
    		goto tinker
    	gosub click_offset 30 110 ;tools
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    	for %i 1 2
    			gosub click_offset 230 190 ;sewing kit
    	gosub waitforgump generic_gump 530_437
    	gosub click_offset 30 410
    	finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
    	if #findkind <> -1
    	goto tinker
    sub waitforvendorgump
    	set %vgopen #true
    	set %vgcount 0
    	if #contname = generic_gump &&  ( #contsize = 460_207 )
    	+ || ( #contsize = 460_231 ) || ( #contsize = 460_279 )
    	+ || ( #contsize = 460_351 ) || ( #contsize = 460_375 )
    	+ || ( #contsize = 460_399 ) || ( #contsize = 460_303 )
    	+ || ( #contsize = 460_327 ) || ( #contsize = 499_279 )
    	+ || ( #contsize = 467_279 )
    	if %vgcount >= 50
    			set %vgopen #false
    	wait 2
    	set %vgcount %vgcount + 1
    	goto waitforvendorgump
    sub waitforgump
    	set %beenwaiting %beenwaiting + 1
    	if #contname = %1 && #contsize = %2
    			set %beenwaiting 0
    			set %gumpopened #true
    	wait 2
    	if %beenwaiting >= 40
    			set %gumpopened #false
    	goto waitforgump
    sub clickvendorgump
    	if #contsize = 460_207
    		gosub click_offset 110 180
    	if #contsize = 460_231
    		gosub click_offset 110 200
    	if #contsize = 460_279
    		gosub click_offset 110 250
      if #contsize = 467_279
        gosub click_offset 110 250
      if #contsize = 499_279
        gosub click_offset 110 250
    	if #contsize = 460_303
    		gosub click_offset 110 270
    	if #contsize = 460_327
    		gosub click_offset 110 300
    	if #contsize = 460_351
    		gosub click_offset 110 320
    	if #contsize = 460_375
    		gosub click_offset 110 350
    	if #contsize = 460_399
    		gosub click_offset 110 370

    Malmsteen, Kamyura, Anathema, Bjork


    • #3
      ; ===================================================================== ;
      ; -----------------------------setup subs------------------------------ ;
      ; ===================================================================== ;
      sub setup
      	event macro 31 0
      	wait %shortwait
      	event macro 8 1
      	wait %shortwait
      	contpos 802 1
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #contname <> paperdoll_gump
      		goto paperdoll
      	event macro 8 2
      	wait %shortwait
      	contpos 629 588
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #contname <> status_gump
      		goto statusbar
      	event macro 8 7
      	wait %shortwait
      	contpos 768 329
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #contid <> #backpackid
      		goto backpack
        set %bag zjf_lkf_ckf
        set %tailor_loot bui_tvh_ewh_nvi_pof
        set %bod eym
        set %smith_loot bmh_keg_npf_qpf_tvh_gbg_tlh_xkh_skh_kkh_twf_ewh_pof
        set %animal bo_wn_zgb
        set %combined_cloth bui
        set %ingots enk
        set %tinker_kit JTL_KTL_GTL
        set %sewing_kit hag
        set %dye_tub dbg
        set %bod_cloth dui_aui_fui_gui
        set %gumpopened #true
        if #followers = 3 3
          set #lobjectid #charid
          event macro 17
          wait %shortwait
        if %packanimal = N/A
      	  gosub packy_setup
      	  set %packy %packanimal
        finditem %rewardbag
        if %findkind = -1 || %rewardbag = N/A
      	  gosub open_packy
      	  set %packybag %rewardbag
        event macro 3 0 all follow me
        gosub loot_setup
        if %tailor
            if %tailorvendor = N/A
      	      gosub bodguy
      	      set %bodguy %tailorvendor
        if %smithy
            if %smithyvendor = N/A
      	       gosub bodguy
      	       set %bodguy %smithyvendor
        gosub bodbook_setup
        gosub clear_filter
        gosub get_1st_bod
      sub get_1st_bod
      	set %journal #jindex
      	finditem %bodguy g_2
      	if #findkind = -1
      			finditem %bodguy g_8
      			event pathfind #findx #findy #findz 2 2
      	wait 20
      	if %runuo = #true
      		exevent popup %bodguy %vendorpop
      			exevent popup %bodguy
      			wait 2
      			if #contname <> normal_gump
      				goto waitforpopup
      			gosub click_offset 90 40
      			wait %shortwait
      	for %i %journal #jindex
      			scanjournal %i
      			if an_offer_may_be_available in #journal
      	wait %longwait
        gosub clickvendorgump
      	wait %shortwait
      		finditem %bod c_ , #backpackid
      	if #findkind = -1
      		goto get_1st_bod
      	gosub put_away
      sub clear_filter
      	finditem %filled c_ , #backpackid
      	set #lobjectid #findid
      	event macro 17
      	wait 20
      	if #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 615_454
      		goto openbook
      	gosub click_offset 50 40
      	wait %shortwait
      	gosub click_offset 386 426
      	wait %shortwait
      	gosub click_offset 520 430
      	wait %shortwait
      	gosub click_offset 390 430
      	wait %shortwait
      sub findit ;finds needed items
      	finditem %1 c_ , #backpackid
      	if #findkind = -1
      			display You need %2 in your backpack$
      			+get it and press play.
      			goto findit
      sub set_kit
      	finditem %sewing_kit c_ , #backpackid
      	event property #findid
      	if runic in #property
      			exevent drag #findid
      			wait %longwait
      			exevent dropc %packybag
      			wait %longwait
      			goto use_sewing_kit
      	set #lobjectid #findid
      	event macro 17
      	wait 20
      	if you_have_worn_out in #sysmsg
      		gosub make_kit
      	if #contname <> generic_gump && #contsize <> 530_437
      		goto use_sewing_kit
      	gosub click_offset 30 90
      	wait 30
      	gosub click_offset 25 420
      sub open_packy
      	finditem %packy
      	if #findtype = zgb
      			if %runuo = #true
      				exevent popup %packy %packypop
      					exevent popup %packy
      					wait %shortwait
      					gosub click_offset  60 190
      					wait %shortwait
      					contpos 437 551
      					set %packycont #contid
      			set #lobjectid #findid
      			event macro 17 0
      			wait %shortwait
      			contpos 437 551
      			set %packycont #contid
      	display ok Please target the bag in your packy$
      	+where we will place rewards
      	wait %shortwait
      	set #targcurs 1
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #targcurs = 0
      			finditem #ltargetid
      			if #findtype notin %bag
      					display ok That is not a bag we can use, $
      					+please get a backpack,pouch or bag and try again
      					goto try_again_i
      			wait %shortwait
      			set %packybag #ltargetid
      	goto waittargeti
      sub loot_setup
      	display yesno Are you turning in tailor bods?
      	if #dispres = yes
      			set %tailor #true
      			gosub findit enk ingots
      			gosub findit %tinker_kit tinker , #spc , tool
      			gosub findit hag sewing , #spc , kit
      			gosub findit dbg dye , #spc , tub
      			gosub set_kit
      			set %loot %tailor_loot
            finditem #charid
            if #findtype in %human 2
             set %allowable #maxweight - ( #weight - 50 )
      			 set %maxweight %allowable / 2
      			if #findtype in %elf 2
             set %allowable #maxweight - #weight
             set %maxweight %allowable / 2
      			set %smithy #true
      			set %loot %smith_loot
      			set %maxweight #maxweight - 20
      sub bodbook_setup
      	if %filledbook <> N/A
      	  set %filled %filledbook
      			display Ok Please target your filled bod book$
      			wait %shortwait
      			set #targcurs 1
      			wait %shortwait
      			if #targcurs = 0
      					finditem #ltargetid
      					if #findtype <> dym
      							display Ok That is not a bod book$
      							+please press ok and try again
      							goto try_again1
      					set %filled #ltargetid
      					goto emptybook						
      			goto waittarget1
      	if %emptybook <> N/A
        		set %empty %emptybook
      			display Ok Please target your empty bod book$
      			wait %shortwait
      			set #targcurs 1
      			wait %shortwait
      			if #targcurs = 0
      					finditem #ltargetid
      					if #findtype <> dym
      							display Ok That is not a bod book$
      							+please press ok and try again
      							goto try_again1
      					set %empty #ltargetid
      			goto waittarget1
      sub bodguy
      	display ok Please target your vendor$
      	wait %shortwait
      	set #targcurs 1
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #targcurs = 0
      			finditem #ltargetid
      			if #findrep <> 7
      					display ok That is not an NPC Vendor$
      					+please press ok and try again
      					goto try_again2
      			wait %shortwait
      			event property #findid
      			if tailor in #property && ( ( guildmaster in #property ) || ( guildmistress in #property ) )
      					display ok You wont get bods from that one$
      					+target a vendor, not a guildmaster$
      					+please press ok and try again
      					goto try_again2
      			set %bodguy #ltargetid
      	goto waittarget2
      sub packy_setup
      	display Ok Please target your packy$
      	wait %shortwait
      	set #targcurs 1
      	wait %shortwait
      	if #targcurs = 0
      			finditem #ltargetid
      			if #findtype notin %animal
      					display Ok That is not a pack animal $
      					+please press ok and try again
      					goto try_again
      			wait %shortwait
      			set %packy #ltargetid
      	goto waittarget

      Malmsteen, Kamyura, Anathema, Bjork


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