Cerco aiuto per uno script autolooter che uso mentre gioco (non away), dovrei aggiungere bone pile, rib cage ecc...potete aiutarmi pls??
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ecco il codice:
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ecco il codice:
;============================================================= ; Script Name: BadManiac's Automagic Looting 2 ; Author: BadManiac ; Version: 2.56 ; Client Tested with: 5.0.0b ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.00B2 and 1.5 Test Version 56 ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI / works on FS with correct item types ; Revision Date: 12/09/2005 ; Public Release: 05/12/2004 ; Global Variables Used: ; *bml_busy Denotes Script is busy looting ; *bml_minvalue Contains the last min value for equipment ; *bml_settings Contains the last used settings for the script ; *bml_hotkey Stores the current looting hotkey ; Purpose: ; Powerful fast Automagic Looting with item evaluation, corpse cutting, ; resource gathering and cutting, and looting equipment over a certain value ;============================================================= SET #LPC 50 IGNOREITEM RESET BmLooter ;============================================================= ;One delay timing, this timer is the only thing you need to edit if the script has ;problems. Should be around 5, but 4 or 3 works fine for low ping high speed ;conn's ;Dialup and high ping users might have to set it as high as 6 or 7. ;============================================================= SET %bml_waittime 6 ;============================================================= ;Time to wait between actions to prevent errors. Lowering it might cause errors ;============================================================= SET %bml_action_wait 13 ;============================================================= ; The lootlists are set here, other is a list of random other loot that doesn't fit ; anywhere else. ;============================================================= SET %gold POF_ SET %jewels HVF_UVF_FVF_EVF_OVF_VUF_GVF_RVF_BVF_VVF_NVF_ZVF_ SET %reagents KUF_JUF_KZF_JZF_MZF_WZF_RZF_SZF_DUF_TZF_UZF_YZF_IUF_ SET %scrolls AUL_BUL_cul_dul_EUL_FUL_GUL_hul_iul_JUL_KUL_LUL_MUL_nul_oul_PUL_QUL_RUL_SUL_tul_UUL_vul_wul_XUL_YUL_zul_avl_gvl_fvl_ivl_hvl_cvl_NTL_otl_ptl_qtl_rtl_stl_ttl_utl_VTL_wtl_XTL_YTL_ZTL_qxl_pxl_zxl_nxl_wxl_vxl_yxl_xxl_zfj_byl_cyl_dyl_eyl_fyl_gyl_hyl_iyl_jyl_kyl_kym_pym_sym_tym_wym_uym_ SET %arrowsbolts RWF_LNK_FKF_ SET %solenloot GMF_OKF_TTO_IJG_ SET %jukaloot JSL_USL_WOH_YWL_ SET %paragonloot IIF_IKF_BUD_HIF_ ;Resource loot lists SET %feather VLK_ SET %wool HFG_ SET %bones OJK_XIK_SJK_IJK_TJK_BJK_UJK_DJK_MJK_AJK_LJK_FJK_RJK_EJK_ZIK_YIK_JJK_GJK_KJK_HJK_ SET %leather EEG_GED_DEG_ ;Itemtypes for bones and leather after cutting with scissor SET %cutresources JJG_GUF_ ;Seeds, TMap, Gargoyle Pickaxe, Demon Bones, Tribal Berry, Origami Paper, Healthy Gland SET %other PDF_XVH_QPF_OZF_QQD_QIP_NWK_ ;============================================================= ;user1 and user2 are for the users personal lists. They are selectable ;in the menu and you can add your own loot types to them. ;The lists below are examples of what you may want to include ;============================================================= ;Plate of Cookies, Fertile Dirt, Tribal Mask,Mask of Orcish Kin, Evil Orc Helm, Fire Horn SET %user1 SLI_NZF_PZH_VSH_NWL_IWL_ZWF_ ;Bandage, Parrots SET %user2 ZLF_YJM_ ;===================================== ;Set lootlists for equippment ;===================================== GOSUB SetEquipLootlists ;============================================================= ;This is a list of the different bags types that will be opened and looted, ;as well as types for knives and scissors for cutting corpses and leather. ;DON'T EDIT. unless you know what you are doing. ;============================================================= SET %bags ZJF_LKF_CKF_YKK SET %knives TSF_GMH_BNF_CNF SET %scissors KAG_JAG ;===================================== ; This is the INIT part of the script ;===================================== GOSUB CheckFreeShard bml_freeshard GOSUB ShowLootMenu GOSUB LootInit ;Init End ;===================================== ;The script main loop starts here ;===================================== mainloop: ;Make script less intrusive by checking for lifted objects, target cursor, charcter status or char movement. GOSUB CheckStatus IF ! #RESULT GOTO mainloop GOSUB CheckWeight ;If hotkey is set, wait until the specified key is pressed before starting to loot. IF %hotkey { FOR %i 1 1 { SET %i 0 ONHOTKEY *bml_hotkey { SET %i 1 KEY BACK } } } ;All is well, go ahead and look for corpses in range to loot. GOSUB LookForCorpse IF #RESULT <> #FALSE { ;Set global to denote that we are busy looting SET *bml_busy #TRUE GOSUB LootPack #RESULT IF #RESULT IGNOREITEM %bml_corpse BmLooter GOSUB TidyPack } ;Set global to denote that we are done looting SET *bml_busy #FALSE WAIT %bml_waittime GOTO mainloop ;================================================================ ;SUBROUTINES START HERE. ;================================================================ SUB LootInit IF %mcut { FINDITEM %scissors C_ , #BACKPACKID IF #FINDKIND = -1 { DISPLAY OK You need scissors to cut looted resources. $ HALTED! HALT } FINDITEM %knives C_ , #BACKPACKID IF #FINDKIND = -1 { DISPLAY OK You need a knife to cut corpses to loot resources. $ HALTED! HALT } } IF %lootbag = #TRUE { SET #LTARGETID N/A DISPLAY OK Please target your LOOTBAG and click it. $ SET #TARGCURS 1 findbag: WAIT 1 IF #TARGCURS = 1 GOTO findbag SET %origx #CURSORX SET %origy #CURSORY SET %lootbagid #LTARGETID FINDITEM %lootbagid C SET %lxmod %origx - #FINDX SET %lymod %origy - #FINDY SET %regbagid %lootbagid SET %rxmod %lxmod SET %rymod %lymod } IF %regbag = #TRUE { DISPLAY OK Please target our REGBAG and click it.$ SET #LTARGETID N/A SET #TARGCURS 1 findregbag: WAIT 1 IF #TARGCURS = 1 GOTO findregbag SET %origx #CURSORX SET %origy #CURSORY SET %regbagid #LTARGETID FINDITEM %regbagid C SET %rxmod %origx - #FINDX SET %rymod %origy - #FINDY } SET %bml_charpos #CHARPOSX , #CHARPOSY ;Reset globals for Seg'sBandage healer and CEOMedic SET *510 ok SET *BUSY 0 RETURN SUB LookForCorpse FINDITEM YFM G_2 ;If the corpse is a friends (green) or innocents (killed by someone else), or too far away. Don't loot it. IF #FINDKIND = -1 || #FINDDIST > 2 RETURN #FALSE SET %bml_corpse #FINDID IF #FINDKIND <> -1 && #FINDTYPE = YFM { ;If everything is fine, and the found object is a corpse you have right to loot, and it is within range. ;Find the loot- and reg bags and set the coordinates accordingly FINDITEM %lootbagid C IF #FINDKIND = -1 { EVENT EXMSG #CHARID 3 33 Can't find lootbag, paused. PAUSE RETURN #FALSE } SET %lootx #FINDX + %lxmod SET %looty #FINDY + %lymod FINDITEM %regbagid C IF #FINDKIND = -1 { EVENT EXMSG #CHARID 3 33 Can't find regbag, paused. PAUSE RETURN #FALSE } SET %regbx #FINDX + %rxmod SET %regby #FINDY + %rymod } RETURN %bml_corpse