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[EASYUO HELP] script taming

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  • [EASYUO HELP] script taming

    salve il mio script funziona bene il problema è la rail
    nonostante abbia fatto una rail con roadkiller e con ceo eagis nn mi carica il file di rail, ho messo il nome giusto nella cartella di easy uo che ho lanciato.. qualè il problema??

    sarei + contento di usare le rune per spostarmi ma nn ho idea di come posso fare chi mi aiuta?

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da Firello Visualizza il messaggio
    salve il mio script funziona bene il problema è la rail
    nonostante abbia fatto una rail con roadkiller e con ceo eagis nn mi carica il file di rail, ho messo il nome giusto nella cartella di easy uo che ho lanciato.. qualè il problema??

    sarei + contento di usare le rune per spostarmi ma nn ho idea di come posso fare chi mi aiuta?
    prova a creare le rail con questo ricordati che quando salvi la rail dopo la registrazione di mettere l'estenzione cioè ad es. rail.txt

    ; Script Name: CEOAutoRailWriter
    ; Author: CEO
    ; Version: 1.3a
    ; Client Tested with: 4.0.1b
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.4 (005F)
    ; Shard OSI / FS:
    ; Revision Date: 12-22-03
    ; Public Release:12-22-03
    ; Purpose: Simple method for writing a rail file. Just hit Record and walk the path.
    ;--------------------------- Change these to fit your needs
    set %ztolerance 3
    set %dtolerance 4
    set %targetx_text ltargetx
    set %targety_text ltargety
    set %targetz_text ltargetz
    set %filename railspots.txt
    ;might need to set this use "command" instead of "cmd" for your OS
    set %cmd cmd
    set %version 1.3a
    set %debug #false
    set %totalspots 0
    set %totalltargets 0
    set %testrail #false
    if EXEC notin #opts
      display ok In order to save the rail file you must have $"Allow Execute" on.
    + Enable this option$from the Easyuo menu:$$Options>Configuration>Allow Execute$$Halting...
    gosub initmenu
    set #menubutton N/A
    wait 5
    if #menubutton <> N/A
      gosub #menubutton
    if *500 = waiting && ! %testrail
      menu font bgcolor silver
      menu font color black
      menu button TestRail 200 5 60 20  Test Rail
      menu font bgcolor black
      menu font color red
      set %testrail #true
    gosub DisplayCords
    goto Mainloop
    sub TestRail
    set *502 railspots.txt
    set *503 1
    set *504 run
    set *501 start
    set #menubutton N/A
    sub Write
    show menu
    menu delete record
    set #menubutton N/A
    menu delete write
    menu font bgcolor blue
    menu font color white
    menu text status 55 5 Writing File
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font color red
    str mid #date 3 2
    set %date #strres
    str right #date 2
    set %date %date , / , #strres
    str left #date 2
    set %date %date , / , #strres
    execute %cmd /c echo #smc , * Created with CEOAutoRailWriter on , #spc , %date , #spc , * > %filename
    execute %cmd /c echo #smc , #spc >> %filename
    execute %cmd /c echo set % , endspot , #spc , %totalspots >> %filename
    menu text hs 10 30 Saving Spot:
    menu font color white
    for %i 1 %totalspots
      menu delete ss
      menu text ss 85 30 %i
      wait 1
      execute %cmd /c echo set % , X , %i , #spc , %railspotx . %i >> %filename
      execute %cmd /c echo set % , Y , %i , #spc , %railspoty . %i >> %filename
      execute %cmd /c echo set % , Z , %i , #spc , %railspotz . %i >> %filename
      if %target . %i = #true
        execute %cmd /c echo set % , %targetx_text , %i , #spc , %ltargetx . %i >> %filename
        execute %cmd /c echo set % , %targety_text , %i , #spc , %ltargety . %i >> %filename
        execute %cmd /c echo set % , %targetz_text , %i , #spc , %ltargetz . %i >> %filename
        execute %cmd /c echo set % , ltargetkind , %i , #spc , %ltargetkind . %i >> %filename
        execute %cmd /c echo set % , ltargettile , %i , #spc , %ltargettile . %i >> %filename
    menu font bgcolor silver
    menu font color black
    menu button Record 10 150 50 20  Record
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font color red
    set %totalspots 0
    menu delete rx
    menu delete ry
    menu delete rz
    menu delete ss
    menu delete hs
    menu delete fh
    gosub DisplayTotalSpots
    menu delete status
    sub Record
    show menu
    set %lpc #lpc
    set #lpc 1000
    for %i 1 %totalspots
      set %ltargetx . %i n/a
    set #lpc %lpc
    set %totalspots 1
    set %totalltargets 0
    gosub WalkOn
    gosub DisplayTotalSpots
    gosub RecordSpot
    menu delete Record
    menu font bgcolor silver
    menu font color black
    menu button Stop 10 150 50 20  Stop
    menu button LTARGET 110 150 50 20  Ltarget
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu delete recording
    menu font bgcolor red
    menu font color white
    menu text status 55 5 Recording
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font color red
    menu text ath 10 30 Auto Timer:
    set %recording #true
    set #menubutton N/A
    show menu
    if #menubutton = ltarget
      if %lastpos <> %lastrailspot
           set %totalspots %totalspots + 1
          gosub DisplayTotalSpots
           gosub RecordSpot
          gosub DisplayCords
      gosub record_ltarget
      gosub DisplayTotalSpots
    if #menubutton <> N/A
      gosub #menubutton
      if ! %recording
        menu delete ltarget
    wait 5
    if %lastpos <> %lastrailspot
      set %timetowrite %lastmoved - #scnt
      menu delete ttw
      if %timetowrite <= 5
        menu font color yellow
        menu text ttw 75 30 %timetowrite
        menu font color red
        if %timetowrite <= 0
           set %totalspots %totalspots + 1
          gosub DisplayTotalSpots
           gosub RecordSpot
    gosub DisplayCords
    if %record_spot
       set %totalspots %totalspots + 1
      gosub DisplayTotalSpots
       gosub RecordSpot
    goto Record1
    sub RecordSpot
    set %lastspotx #charposx
    set %lastspoty #charposy
    set %lastspotz #charposz
    set %railspotx . %totalspots %lastspotx
    set %railspoty . %totalspots %lastspoty
    set %railspotz . %totalspots %lastspotz
    gosub DisplayRecordedSpot
    set %lastrailspot %lastspotx , _ , %lastspoty , _ , %lastspotz
    set %lastpos %lastrailspot
    set %lastmoved #scnt + 5
    menu delete ttw
    sub DisplayRecordedSpot
    menu font align right
    menu font color white
    menu delete rx
    menu text rx 135 70 %lastspotx
    menu delete ry
    menu text ry 175 70 %lastspoty
    menu delete rz
    menu text rz 215 70 %lastspotz
    menu font color red
    menu font align left
    sub stop
    menu delete Stop
    menu font bgcolor silver
    menu font color black
    menu button Record 10 150 50 20  Record
    set #menubutton N/A
    menu delete status
    menu delete ath
    menu delete ttw
    set %recording #false
    if %totalspots > 1
      menu button Write 60 150 50 20  Write
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font color lime
    gosub RunON
    sub InitMenu
    menu clear
    menu font alight left
    menu window size 270 200
    menu window title CEOAutoRailWriter %version
    menu window color black
    menu font bgcolor BLACK
    menu font color red
    menu show
    menu font size 9
    menu text s 10 5 Status:
    menu text fnameheader 5 180 Filename:
    menu font size 8
    menu font color white
    menu edit fname 70 175 130 %filename
    menu font size 9
    menu font color red
    menu text h1x 130 35 X
    menu text h1y 170 35 Y
    menu text h1z 210 35 Z
    menu text h1 10 50 Current Position:
    menu text h5 10 70 Last Recorded:
    menu text h4 10 85 Total Railspots:
    menu text h4 145 85 Total # , LTargets:
    gosub DisplayTotalSpots
    menu font align left
    menu font style b
    menu font color yellow
    menu text hh 5 100 Rail Parameters :
    menu font style n
    menu font color red
    menu text h2 10 115 Max distance between spots:
    menu text h3 10 130 Z tolerance:
    menu font color yellow
    menu text t2 175 115 %dtolerance
    menu text t3 80 130 %ztolerance
    menu font color red
    gosub displayCords
    menu font bgcolor silver
    menu font color black
    menu button Record 10 150 50 20  Record
    menu button getfname 201 178 30 20 upd
    if *500 = waiting
      menu button TestRail 200 5 60 20  Test Rail
      set %testrail #true
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font color red
    set #menubutton N/A
    menu delete total
    menu font color lime
    if ! %debug
      menu hideeuo
    sub DisplayTotalSpots
    menu font align right
    menu font color white
    menu delete tspots
    menu delete tltargets
    menu text tspots 120 85 %totalspots
    menu text tltargets 255 84 %totalltargets
    menu font align left
    menu font color red
    sub DisplayCords
    set %record_spot #false
    if #charposx , _ , #charposy , _ , #charposz = %lastpos
    menu font align right
    menu font color lime
    if %lastposx = #charposx
      goto Y
    menu delete x
    menu text x 135 50 #charposx
    set %dif abs ( %lastspotx - #charposx )
    if %dif > %dtolerance
      set %record_spot #true
    set %lastposx #charposx
    if %lastposy = #charposy
      goto Z
    set %dif abs ( %lastspoty - #charposy )
    if %dif > %dtolerance
      set %record_spot #true
    menu delete y
    menu text y 175 50 #charposy
    set %lastposy #charposy
    if #lastposz = #charposz
      goto DC_End
    set %dif abs ( %lastspotz - #charposz )
    if %dif > %ztolerance
      set %record_spot #true
    menu delete z
    menu text z 215 50 #charposz
    set %lastposx #charposz
    set %lastpos #charposx , _ , #charposy , _ , #charposz
    menu font align left
    menu font color red
    set %lastmoved #scnt + 7
    menu delete ttw
    Sub WalkOn
    ;purpose: toggle always run off
    event macro 32 0
    wait 10 10
    if now_off IN #SYSMSG
    event macro 32 0
    Sub RunON
    ;purpose: toggle always run on
    event macro 32 0
    wait 10 10
    if now_on IN #SYSMSG
    event macro 32 0
    sub closed
    if ! %debug
      terminate euo
    sub record_ltarget
    event macro 13 14
      if #targcurs = 1
        goto targetloop
    if %ltargetx . %totalspots <> n/a
      set %totalspots %totalspots + 1
      gosub DisplayTotalSpots
      gosub RecordSpot
    set %ltargetx . %totalspots #ltargetx
    set %ltargety . %totalspots #ltargety
    set %ltargetz . %totalspots #ltargetz
    set %ltargetkind . %totalspots #ltargetkind
    set %ltargettile . %totalspots #ltargettile
    set %totalltargets %totalltargets + 1
    set %target . %totalspots #true
    set #menubutton n/a
    sub getfname
    menu get fname
    if #menuRes <> %filename
      set %filename #menuRes
      menu font color white
      menu font size 8
      menu edit fname 70 175 130 %filename
      menu font color lime
      menu font size 9
    set #menubutton n/a


    • #3
      ora io lo script l'ho usato circa 4 anni fà forse più, ora se hai provato quella del post di aegis, presentava alcuni bug sopratutto nella fase di inizializzazione della rail quindi dovrebbe essere il tuo problema, a riguardo ti consiglio di copiarti questa salvarla su un blocco note e lanciarla , la trovi qui copiati solo codice 1/2 e 2/2 il terzo non ti interessa

      per le impostazioni segui il post di aegis se parti con 50 di skill in taming vai a delucia ci sono parecchi bull da tamare


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