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[EASYUO] crafting iron demon diamond mace with dull/shadow hammer and +10/+15 ashes

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  • [EASYUO] crafting iron demon diamond mace with dull/shadow hammer and +10/+15 ashes

    script opens all backpacks around pg, searchs for iron metal, dull/shadow hammers, +10/+15 hammers (other hammers are ignored), crafts diamond maces and smelts them. demon maces are stored in main pack. no setup required.

    important not: script smelts all non-demon diamond maces in main pg's backpack

    set %packtype ZJF_LKF_HKF_HIF_BUD_ELN_CUD_JIF
    set %craftype CFR
    set %IngCol 0
    set %HammerCOl1 2419
    set %HammerCOl2 2406
    set %HammerCOlq 2
    set %NeedASH #true
    set %Category 9
    set %Number 8
    set %Prop1 demon
    set %PropQ 1
    set #lpc 1000
    event macro 31 0
    wait 10
    event macro 8 1
    wait 20
    finditem %packtype G_ , 2
    while #findkind <> -1
          for #findindex 1 #findcnt
              set #lobjectid #findid
              event macro 17 0
              ignoreitem #findid OpenedPack
              wait 15
          wait 10
    wait 10
    event macro 8 7
    wait 20
    ignoreitem reset OpenedPack
    ignoreitem reset smelted
    finditem %craftype C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind = -1
       gosub restock ENK 200
       for %i 1 10
           if %NeedASH
              gosub UpdateASH
           gosub UpdateRunic
           gosub s7MakeAnything Smith %Category %Number %ActiveRunic
           if #result = #false
              gosub UpdateRunic
              if #result = #false
           wait 5
    finditem %craftype C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind = -1
       goto loop
    while #findkind <> -1
              event property #findid
              wait 1
        until weapon in #property
        set %Save #false
        for %i 1 %PropQ
            if %Prop . %i in #property
               set %Save #true
        if %Save
           ;exevent drag #findid
           ;exevent dropc %secure
           ;wait 10
           Ignoreitem #findid Save
            set %ItemToIgnore #findid
            gosub s7MakeAnything Smith smelt #findid
            ignoreitem %ItemToIgnore smelted
            wait 5
        finditem %craftype C_ , #backpackid
    goto loop
    sub UpdateRunic
        set %RunicFound #false
          finditem TLH C_ , #backpackid
          if #findkind <> -1
             for #findindex #findcnt 1
                 set %NeededCol #false
                 for %iH 1 %HammerCOlq
                  if #findcol = %HammerCOl . %iH
                     set %NeededCol #true
                 if %NeededCol = #false
                    ignoreitem #findid BadFindCol
                     set %RunicFound #true
                     set %ActiveRunic #findid
          if %RunicFound = #false
             finditem TLH C
             if #findkind = -1
             for #findindex 1 #findcnt
                 set %NeededCol #false
                 for %iH 1 %HammerCOlq
                  if #findcol = %HammerCOl . %iH
                     set %NeededCol #true
                 if %NeededCol = #false
                    ignoreitem #findid BadFindCol
                     exevent drag #findid
                     exevent dropc #backpackid
                     wait 10
        until %RunicFound
    return %RunicFound
    sub UpdateASH
           finditem OLH C_ , #charid
           while #findkind = -1
                 set %ASHfound #false
                 finditem OLH C
                 if #findkind = -1
                 if #findkind <> -1
                    for #findindex 1 #findcnt
                              event property #findid
                              wait 1
                        until weight in #property
                        if +60 in #property || +30 in #property
                           ignoreitem #findid BadFindCol
                        if +15 in #property || +10 in #property
                           set %ASHfound #true
                 if %ASHfound
                    exevent drag #findid
                    exevent droppd
                    wait 10
                 finditem OLH C_ , #charid
    sub restock
        set %tot 0
        finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
        if #findkind <> -1
           for #findindex 1 #findcnt
               if #findcol <> %IngCol
                  ignoreitem #findid BadFindCol
               set %tot %tot + #findstack
        if %tot >= %2
        set %need %2 - %tot
        if %need > 0
           finditem %1 C
           for #findindex #findcnt 1
               if #findcol <> %IngCol
                  ignoreitem #findid BadFindCol
               if #findbagid <> #backpackid
           if #findstack < %need
              set %take #findstack
               set %take %need
           set %need %need - %take
           exevent drag #findid %take
           exevent dropc #backpackid
           wait 10
           if %need > 0
              goto need
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-03-2010, 18:18.

  • #2
    ;* @name s7MakeAnything
    ;* @author snicker7
    ;* @ver 1.3 19Aug05
    ;* @purpose Crafting sub capable of dealing with the
    ;*	standard crafting gump for all crafting skills.
    ;* @params 	%1	Crafting skill. Possible values are:
    ;*			Tailor, Smith, Carpentry, Cooking,
    ;*			Alchemy, Stonecrafting, Tinker,
    ;*			Inscription, or Cartography
    ;*		%2	Three possible options:
    ;*			SelectMaterial: Selects the material to
    ;*				craft with (if avaliable) by
    ;*				index which is defined by %3.
    ;*			Smelt/Cut: Only avaliable if %1 is
    ;*				'Tailor' or 'Smith', respectively.
    ;*				Will cut or smelt the item passed
    ;*				by ID as variable %3.
    ;*			For Crafting: This should be a number
    ;*				which corresponds to the category
    ;*				on the crafting gump beginning
    ;*				with the first category as 1.
    ;*		%3	The material index for SelectMaterial,
    ;*			the ID of the item to be smelted/cut for
    ;*			Smelt/Cut, or the selection number of the
    ;*			item you wish to make on the crafting menu.
    ;*		%4	(optional) ID of specific tool to use. If
    ;*			%4 is defined, the sub will use this tool
    ;*			only to craft with. Used for runic kits.
    ;*			The sub will return #false if the tool is
    ;*			not found. Slower, as the tool will be
    ;*			opened every call of the script, rather
    ;*			than just waiting for the gump to return,
    ;*			ensuring that the tool menu is the right
    ;*			tool.
    ;* @returns 	#true	The sub executed successfully.
    ;* 		#false	A tool was not found to perform the
    ;*			necessary operations. Useful, if the sub
    ;*			returns #false, simply call it again to
    ;*			make the correct tool.
    ;* @notes	This sub automatically determines when to "Make Last."
    ;*		If you call the sub twice in a row with the same
    ;*		options, the second time it will click make last
    ;*		instead of clicking through the whole menu.
    ;* @example:	call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 ;Make a warfork
    ;*		call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Stonecrafting SelectMaterial 2 ;select dullcopper granite
    ;*		call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Tailor Cut DFKLSED ;cuts the item with ID DFKLSED
    ;*		call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 EASUSPS ;makes a warfork using the tool with ID EASUSPS
    ;* @status almost done. still need to put in the cartotool type and find all types for all tools.
    sub s7MakeAnything
    	if %0 < 3
    		return #false
    	namespace push
    	namespace local _s7MakeAnything
    	if %0 = 4 && !tool <> N/A
    		finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
    		if #findkind = -1 2
    			namespace pop
    			return #false
    		if %4 <> !tool
    		   set !tool %4
    		   set !FirstCall #true
    	if !1 = %1 && !2 = %2 && !3 = %3 && %2 <> SelectMaterial && !2 notin Smelt_Cut
    		set !MakeLast #true
    	if !1 <> %1 || !2 <> %2 || !3 <> %3 || %2 = SelectMaterial || %2 in Smelt_Cut
    		set !1 %1
    		if !1 = Tailor
    			set !tool HAG
    		if !1 = Smith
    			set !tool OBG_TBG_TLH_FBG
    		if !1 = Carpentry
    			set !tool EGG_IGG_KGG
    		if !1 = Cooking
    			set !tool BCG_DND_OGG
    		if !1 = Alchemy
    			set !tool RQF
    		if !1 = Stonecrafting
    			set !tool ZEH
    		if !1 = Tinker
    			set !tool JTL_KTL_GTL
    		if !1 = Inscription
    			set !tool PBG
    		if !1 = Cartography
    			set !tool PBG
    		if %0 = 4
    			finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
    			if #findkind = -1 2
    				namespace pop
    				return #false
    			if #findtype notin !tool 2
    				namespace pop
    				return #false
    			set !tool %4
    		if %0 < 4
    			finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
    			if #findkind = -1 2
    				namespace Pop
    				return #false
    		set !FirstCall #true
    		set !MakeLast #false
    		if %2 in smelt_cut 3
    			set !FirstCall #false
    			set !destroyID %3
    			set !destroy #true
    		if !Destroy && !1 notin smith_tailor 2
    			namespace Pop
    			return #false
    		if %2 notin smelt_cut 2
    			set !3 %3
    			set !2 %2
    		if !2 = SelectMaterial
    			set !2 15
    	for !selection 2 3
    		for !loop 1 1
    			set #result #true
    			if !1 = Tailor && !destroy
    				set !loop 2
    			if ( ! !FirstCall || ( !1 = Smith && !Destroy ) ) && !loop <> 2 2
    				gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
    				set !loop 1
    			if ( ! #result || !FirstCall ) && !loop <> 2
    				gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 1
    				finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
    				if #findkind = -1 2
    					namespace Pop
    					return #false
    				gosub s7WaitForAction 12
    				set #lobjectid #findid
    				event macro 17 0
    				set !loop 0
    				set !FirstCall #False
    		if !MakeLast && ! !destroy
    			set !_Cx #contposx + 280
    			set !_Cy #contposy + 410
    			click !_Cx !_Cy
    			namespace Pop
    			return #true
    		if !selection = 2
    			if !destroy && !1 = Tailor
    				finditem JAG_KAG C
    				if #findkind = -1 2
    					namespace pop
    					return #false
    				set #lobjectid #findid
    				set #ltargetid !destroyid
    				set #ltargetkind 1
    				gosub s7WaitForAction 12
    				event macro 17 0
    				target 2s
    				event macro 22 0
    				set !destroy #false
    				namespace pop
    				return #true
    			wait 10
    			set !_Cx #contposx + 20
    			set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( !2 * 20 ) )
    			if !destroy && !1 = Smith
    				set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( 14 * 20 ) )
    			click !_Cx !_Cy
    			if !destroy && !1 = Smith
    				target 2s
    				set #ltargetid !destroyid
    				set #ltargetkind 1
    				event macro 22 0
    				set !destroy #false
    				gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
    				namespace pop
    				return #true
    		if !selection = 3
    			set !3t !3
    			for !loop 0 1
    				if !3t > 10
    					set !_Cx #contposx + 380
    					set !_Cy #contposy + 270
    					click !_Cx !_Cy
    					set !3t !3t - 10
    					set !loop 0
    				if !3t <= 10
    					set !_Cx #contposx + 230
    					set !_Cy ( #contposy + 50 + ( !3t * 20 ) )
    					click !_Cx !_Cy
    					gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
    					namespace Pop
    					return #true
    ;* @name s7WaitForVars
    ;* @author snicker7, inspired by Quintok, and of course, Smertrios
    ;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
    ;* @purpose Multiple input sysvar waiter.
    ;* @params 	%1*n is the gump sysvar being checked
    ;*		%2*n is the comparative operator (>, <, <>, =, etc)
    ;*		%3*n is the desired value of the sysvar
    ;*		%nfinal is the timeout in seconds
    ;* @returns #false if it times out
    ;*          #true if success
    ;* @notes 	%1 does not require the preceding number sign
    ;*		one line shorter than Q's, no disrespect son
    ;*		originally written by Smertrios, included in Lexia
    ;*		Multiple inputs by Quintok, Obfuscation and name-
    ;*		spacing by snicker7!
    ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForVars contID = #backpackID contSize = 7_9 3
    ;* @status tested good
    sub s7WaitForVars
    	namespace Push
    	namespace Local _s7WFVs
    	set !C %0 / 3
    	set !T #scnt + 5
    	if ( %0 % 3 ) = 1
    		set !T #scnt + % . %0
    	for !i 1 !C
    		set !o 3 * !i - 2
    		set !p !o + 1
    		set !q !o + 2
    		if ! ( # . % . !o % . !p % . !q )
    			set !i 0
    		if #scnt > !T 2
    			namespace pop
    			return #false
    	namespace Pop
    return #true
    ;* @name s7WaitForAction
    ;* @author snicker7
    ;* @ver 1.1 31Jan05
    ;* @purpose waits 1.3 seconds before continuing, useful for waiting to perform
    ;*    another action
    ;* @params 	none
    ;* @returns none
    ;* @notes probably not an original idea, but I need to use it frequently and it
    ;*    was easier to write it myself than to try to look for it as written by
    ;*    someone else
    ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForAction 13
    ;* @status tested good
    sub s7WaitForAction
    	if %_s7ActionTimer + %1 > #scnt2 2
    		wait 1
    		goto _s7WaitForAction
    	set %_s7ActionTimer #scnt2


    • #3
      if u need all super-slayers, change strings
      set %Prop1 demon
      set %PropQ 1
      set %Prop1 demon
      set %Prop2 reptile
      set %Prop3 repond
      set %Prop4 $elemental
      set %Prop5 arachnid
      set %Prop6 undead
      set %PropQ 6
      if u need demon/undead katana, change strings
      set %craftype CFR
      set %IngCol 0
      set %HammerCOl1 2419
      set %HammerCOl2 2406
      set %HammerCOlq 2
      set %NeedASH #true
      set %Category 9
      set %Number 8
      set %Prop1 demon
      set %PropQ 1
      set %craftype NMH
      set %IngCol 0
      set %HammerCOl1 2419
      set %HammerCOl2 2406
      set %HammerCOlq 2
      set %NeedASH #false
      set %Category 6
      set %Number 6
      set %Prop1 demon
      set %Prop2 undead
      set %PropQ 2
      Ultima modifica di fnurov; 26-02-2010, 17:23.


      • #4
        test result

        180 shadow hammers used

        crafted slayers:
        ARACHNID: 10
        DEMON: 18
        ELEMENTAL: 15
        REPOND: 15
        REPTILE: 12
        UNDEAD: 8

        1 item: demon hml32

        that setup values used
        set %packtype ZJF_LKF_HKF_HIF_BUD_ELN_CUD_JIF
        set %craftype NMH
        set %IngCol 0
        set %HammerCOl1 2419
        set %HammerCOl2 2406
        set %HammerCOlq 2
        set %NeedASH #false
        set %Category 6
        set %Number 6
        set %Prop1 demon
        set %Prop2 reptile
        set %Prop3 repond
        set %Prop4 $elemental
        set %Prop5 arachnid
        set %Prop6 undead
        set %PropQ 6


        • #5
          i'm not lucky with runics
          anyway i gave it a try with a couple of shadow hammers , it works pretty well thank you

          Il p Fengyr
          : algander#6292


          • #6
            crafting &quot;soulseeker&quot;

            change strings
            set %craftype CFR
            set %IngCol 0
            set %HammerCOl1 2419
            set %HammerCOl2 2406
            set %HammerCOlq 2
            set %NeedASH #true
            set %Category 9
            set %Number 8
            set %Prop1 demon
            set %PropQ 1
            set %craftype XFR
            set %IngCol 0
            set %HammerCOl1 2419
            set %HammerCOl2 2406
            set %HammerCOlq 2
            set %NeedASH #true
            set %Category 6
            set %Number 19
            set %Prop1 demon
            set %Prop2 reptile
            set %Prop3 repond
            set %Prop4 $elemental
            set %Prop5 arachnid
            set %Prop6 undead
            set %Prop7 use , #spc , best
            set %Prop8 swing , #spc , speed
            set %Prop9 mana
            set %Prop10 stamina
            set %PropQ 10


            • #7
              i know how to use crap hammers now :P

              ICQ 590-218-729


              • #8
                if u dont need items wihout hml, change string
                if %Prop . %i in #property
                if %Prop . %i in #property && mana in #property
                if u dont need items wihout ssi, change string
                if %Prop . %i in #property
                if %Prop . %i in #property && swing in #property


                • #9



                  • #10
                    some months ago i used some tons of shrunic and dullrunic and i crafted:
                    mace demon sly, di 40, hml60

                    they are quite worthy to be used in crafting

                    • nuovo icq : 442149577


                    • #11
                      i need to craft katana in gold, how can i do it?

                      ty for help


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da -DeaThAngeL- Visualizza il messaggio
                        i need to craft katana in gold, how can i do it?

                        ty for help
                        nello script modifica queste variabili, prima di far partire lo script ricordati di settare il materiale a mano nel gump, lo script si preoccupa solo di restockare il metallo:
                        set %craftype NMH
                        set %IngCol 0 <--- 0 è iron, cambialo in 2213
                        set %HammerCOl1 2419
                        set %HammerCOl2 2406
                        set %HammerCOlq 2
                        set %NeedASH #false
                        set %Category 6
                        set %Number 6
                        set %Prop1 demon
                        set %Prop2 undead
                        set %PropQ 2
                        ti metto uno schema per i colori se vuoi cambiare i martelli
                        Iron 0
                        Dull Copper 2419
                        Shadow 2406
                        Copper 2413
                        Bronze 2418
                        Gold 2213
                        Agapite 2425
                        Verite 2207
                        Valorite 2219
                        Normal 0
                        Spined 2220
                        Horned 2117
                        Barbed 2129

                        Il p Fengyr
                        : algander#6292


                        • #13
                          Grazie mille per l'info! E complimenti ancora per lo script!! funziona benissimo!!


                          • #14
                            un pò di statistiche

                            craftati 65 shadow

                            crafted slayers:
                            ARACHNID: 4
                            DEMON: 5
                            ELEMENTAL: 1
                            REPOND: 6
                            REPTILE: 8
                            UNDEAD: 0

                            1 item: demon swing 25

                            Il p Fengyr
                            : algander#6292


                            • #15
                              visto che mi hanno detto bene di questo script, è possibile sapere la tabella di identificazione degli hammer come i materiali in modo tale che posso cambiarli a mio piacimento? so che i codici sono per shadow e dull:
                              set %HammerCOl1 2419
                              set %HammerCOl2 2406

                              mi piacerebbe sapere anche dal copper in su


                              Sto operando...