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[EASYUO-HELP] pet-ressing bot

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  • [EASYUO-HELP] pet-ressing bot

    i have an idea of making afk script, that would ress pets after recieved payment.
    it's almost simple to do, but there are some projecting difficulties.
    the difficulty number one is how to make a dessicion which pet to ress, if there are crowd of dead pets near bot. the simplest solution, that came to my mind is reading person's name in trade-gump, then asking him to say name of a pet, he wants to ress, then reading journal for "[person's name]: [pet's name]", then searching a pet with that name and then ressing.
    any idea about less complicated algoritm?
    does anybody have some kalokr sub or whatever to read name from trading gump 100%-stable?
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