i m almost sure that are millions of scripts to maco quests in heartwood. can anybody share some for recievening recipes bs.
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[EASYUO HELP] blacksmithy recipes
i've not an unique script to farm smith recipes and I'm a pretty noob scripter too, but i've resolved the problem in that way (and in 1 hour i've found silver-etched mace and ruby mace)
i go with 1 pack lama and tons of ingots, place near an anvil/forge/trash and drag a npc name to have easier click on it
then i use this script for craft 50 broadsword (it's a part of M&S script modified, you have to do urself the first broadsword so the script always click make last, you must have ONLY 1 thongs in backpack and some tinker tool...these limitations because i'm not an uber scripter )) )
codice:set %sword 49 set %lag 10 repeat { gosub tool gosub crafta finditem ATF C_ , #backpackid set %crafted #findcnt } until #findcnt >= %sword halt sub tool tool: finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid if #findkind = -1 { finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid if #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20 { trova: finditem ENK C_ , EUNYSMD ;packlama ID if #findcol <> 0 || #findstack < 3 { ignoreitem #findid goto trova } exevent drag #findid 3 exevent dropc #backpackid wait 15 wait %lag } finditem KTL C_ , #backpackid set #lobjectid #findid event macro 17 0 wait 10 wait %lag if #findcnt = 1 { set %clicx #contposx + 30 set %clicy #contposy + 110 click %clicx %clicy wait 5 wait %lag set %clicx #contposx + 230 set %clicy #contposy + 130 click %clicx %clicy wait 30 wait %lag } set %clicx #contposx + 30 set %clicy #contposy + 110 click %clicx %clicy wait 20 wait %lag set %clicx #contposx + 380 set %clicy #contposy + 270 click %clicx %clicy wait 20 wait %lag set %clicx #contposx + 230 set %clicy #contposy + 110 click %clicx %clicy wait 40 wait %lag finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid if #findkind = -1 goto tool if #contname = generic_gump { set %clicx #contposx + 230 set %clicy #contposy + 110 click %clicx %clicy r } } return sub crafta finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid if #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20 { trova: ;mod Dani set #lobjectid EUNYSMD ;packlama id event macro 17 0 wait 15 wait %lag ;fine mod dani finditem ENK C_ , EUNYSMD ;packlama id if #findcol <> 0 || #findstack < 20 { ignoreitem #findid goto trova } set %stack ( #maxweight - #weight ) * 10 if %umano set %stack %stack + 600 if 1000 < %stack set %stack 1000 exevent drag #findid %stack exevent dropc #backpackid wait 15 wait %lag } if #contname <> generic_gump { finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid set #lobjectid #findid event macro 17 0 wait 10 wait 10 } set %clicx #contposx + 280 set %clicy #contposy + 415 click %clicx %clicy set %wait #scnt2 + 60 finditem ATF C_ , #backpackid set %fatti #findcnt wait 5 while %wait > #scnt2 && #findcnt = %fatti finditem EDP C_ , #backpackid return
now i start the other scritp that wait until you accept a quest, then it select 10 broadsword as quest item and return to sleep until your next quest
double click on npc name and see if you have the broadsword quest (on first page you must have instrument of war? or see the quest name that must be something that now i don't remember...)
if it's the broadsword quest accept, else double click again on name until the right quest, than accept and the second script will automatically start
codice:_start: while #sysmsg <> You_have_accepted_the_Quest. wait 20 exevent popup #charid 7 wait 1s finditem ATF C_ , #backpackid for #FINDINDEX 1 #FINDCNT { set #ltargetid #findid event macro 22 0 wait 10 if Your in #sysmsg { set #targcurs 0 wait 10 goto _start } } pause ;here only if you have finished broadswords and not the current quest
So, i know that these scripts are a sort of insult to all you great scripters but they've worked fine for me ))
hope to have helped, see you in doom (when I'll buy a sos+25...)ICQ: 567-107-480
Sono spesso occupato con l'universitą, pazientate
Originariamente inviato da JZman Visualizza il messaggionot a bad script... for me #charid 6 not charid 7...
if only u can make this automated.
but i've not a lot of time to spend on it and i've just found all the recipes that i need for the moment, so i've just given you a rudimetal idea how to make this script automated, try to script it than share, it will not be so difficultICQ: 567-107-480
Sono spesso occupato con l'universitą, pazientate