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[EASYUO] Looking for kill counter/logger

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  • [EASYUO] Looking for kill counter/logger

    Looking for a script that logs every monster I kill. For example

    5 dragons
    3 drakes
    53 ratman archer
    4 lizard man

    Also would be cool if the script could save the progress in a .txt and later recover the old data.

  • #2
    it's somethings impossible...
    there is no solution to detect what you kill, the RUNUO script count ur damage, the other damage and detect if u can loot.

    To detect if u are considered a loot member we have to know how many damage u do and some stats about the monster u are killing.

    An idea is, if u do alone, check corpse and count these, but some corpse have the same type for difference mob(hiryu and lesser hiryu),and already killed mob will be counted like urs...

    The only way is make a count assist, if u kill "strong" mob,to count spawn is useless..
    with an hotkey u add a mob to ur count.

    onhotkey F5
     finditem #ENEMYID G_13
     if #findcnt > 0
      if %Count_ . #findtype = N/A
       set  %Count_ . #findtype 0
      set %Count_ . #findtype  %Count_ . #findtype + 1
      ignoreitem #findid
    wait 2
    This is only an idea, the script must be done.
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