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[EASYUO HELP]Lightning Strike, Felix i need u

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  • [EASYUO HELP]Lightning Strike, Felix i need u

    Felix i have a trouble with your script Lightning Strike...I have used it for a long time but now it didn't want to start... It say me drag Lightning Strike Icon and i do it... it say me drag Primary ability Icon and i do it..and it didn't start... why??
    i have this script:

    ; Script Name: lighting strike
    ; Author: Felix
    ; Version: 3.2
    ; Client Tested with: 6.0.10
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.5.143
    ; Shard FS: UODreams
    ; Public Release: 10/03/2009
    ; Purpose: reactivating lighting strike or mixing lighting strike and primary ability
    set %SetupHotkey y ; hotkey to run initialisation for pixel reading
    set %SetupMod alt ; hotkey modifier to initialisation
    set %UseAbilityKey 5 ; hotkey to turn on/off mixing primary ability and lighting strike. same key with alt to turn off script
    set %PrimAbilManaCost 20 ;mana to perform primary ability
    set %DoublePrimAbilManaCost 33 ; mana to use ability with double-cost
    set %LightManaCost 7 ; mana to perform lighting strike
    set %lIconX 394 ; X-posiotn of Ligting strike icon
    set %lIconY 678 ; Y-posiotn of Ligting strike icon
    set %pIconX 394 ; X-posiotn of Primary ability icon
    set %pIconY 627 ; Y-posiotn of Primary ability icon
    set %FR 60 ; stop wasting mana whan fire res < value
    ;don't edit below
    set %nextturn #systime 
    set %nextswitch #systime 
    set %nextscan #systime 
    set %abilityactivated #false 
    set %somethingactivated #false 
    set %abilityused3000 0 
    set %scandelay 400 
    set #lpc 500 
    wait 30 
          if *LightingScriptSetup <> OK 
             gosub Setup first
              gosub Setup
    until *LightingScriptSetup = OK 
    set %abilityon #false 
    set %scripton #true 
        sleep 10 
        onhotkey %UseAbilityKey alt
                  gosub ShutDown 
        if %scripton = #false 
           goto loop
        onhotkey %UseAbilityKey 
                  gosub switchmode
        onhotkey %SetupHotkey %SetupMod 
                 gosub Setup first
        if #systime < %nextscan || #mana < %LightManaCost 
           goto loop
        set %lighting #false 
        cmppix 1 f
           set %lighting #true 
        if %abilityon && ( %lighting = #false || %abilityactivated ) 
           set %abilty #false 
           cmppix 2 f
                  set %abilty #true 
           if %abilty = #false && %abilityactivated 
              if a notin #charstatus 
                     set %abilityused3000 #systime + 3000 
                     set %abilityactivated #false 
                  set %abilityactivated #false 
        if %somethingactivated 
           set %somethingactivated #false 
           set %nextscan #systime + 100 
        if %lighting || ( %abilty && %abilityon ) 
           goto loop
        while #targcurs = 1 || A in #charstatus 
                    sleep 10 
        wait 1 
        if #mana >= %LightManaCost && H notin #charstatus && #FR > %FR 
           if %abilityon && %abilty = #false && #mana >= %PrimAbilManaCost && ( #systime >= %abilityused3000 || #mana >= %DoublePrimAbilManaCost ) 
              event macro 35 0 
              ;set %lastmove 2
              set %nextscan #systime + %scandelay 
              set %abilityactivated #true 
              set %somethingactivated #true 
               if %lighting = #false 
                  event macro 15 149 
                  ;set %lastmove 1
                  set %nextscan #systime + %scandelay 
                  set %abilityactivated #false 
                  set %somethingactivated #true 
                  ;set %asd #systime - %lastactive
                  ;event macro 1 0 %asd #stamina
                  ;set %lastactive #systime
    goto loop
    sub Setup
        event macro 36 0 
        wait 10 
        if %1 = first
           set *LightingScriptSetup OK 
           event macro 8 1 
           while #CONTNAME <> paperdoll_gump
                sleep 10 
           event exmsg #charid 0 0 drag your lighting strike icon. it should be not active. 
           set %posing #true 
              while #contname <> spellicon_gump
                    sleep 10 
              contpos %lIconX %lIconY 
              wait 10 
              if #CONTPOSX = %lIconX && #CONTPOSY = %lIconY 
                 set %posing #false 
           until %posing = #false 
        set %pixX %lIconX + 10 
        set %pixY %lIconY + 10 
        savePix %pixX %pixY 1 
        if %1 <> first
           if *LightingScriptLight <> #pixcol 
              set *LightingScriptSetup Fail
        if %1 = first
           set *LightingScriptLight #pixcol 
           event macro 8 1 
           while #CONTNAME <> paperdoll_gump
                sleep 10 
           event exmsg #charid 0 0 drag your prime ability icon. it should be not active. 
           set %posing #true 
              while #contname <> abilityicon_gump
                    sleep 10 
              contpos %pIconX %pIconY 
              wait 10 
              if #CONTPOSX = %pIconX && #CONTPOSY = %pIconY 
                 set %posing #false 
           until %posing = #false 
        set %pixX %pIconX + 22 
        set %pixY %pIconY + 6 
        savePix %pixX %pixY 2 
        if %1 <> first
           if *LightingScriptPrime <> #pixcol 
              set *LightingScriptSetup Fail
        if %1 = first
           set *LightingScriptPrime #pixcol 
    sub switchmode
        if #systime > %nextswitch 
           set %nextswitch #systime + 300 
           if %abilityon 
              event ExMsg #charid 0 33 OFF
              set %abilityon #false 
                  set %lastmove 2 
                  set %nextlighting #systime 
               event ExMsg #charid 0 68 ON
               set %abilityon #true 
    sub ShutDown 
        if #systime > %nextturn 
           set %nextturn #systime + 500 
           if %scripton 
              event ExMsg #charid 0 0 Script OFF
              set %scripton #false 
               event ExMsg #charid 0 0 Script ON
               set %scripton #true 


  • #2
    your status bar should be opened.
    your fire resist should be higher than 60

    i think that some other thing (backpack or status bar or even chat of uoam) blocks the postion of icons.
    icons of lihting and primary should be always visible.

    if nothing blocks icons and it doesnt work run this script once and than run lighting.
    set *LightingScriptSetup null
    set *LightingScriptLight null
    set *LightingScriptPrime null
    even if it doesn't help
    download script again :: Log in

    tell me anyway what was the reason


    • #3
      oh man... i'm totally noob... i didn't cast Magic Reflection and my Res Fire was lower than 60.... Thx Felix you are the best ^^



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