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should work. didn't test
sub unload set %param %1 gosub edit_stato Deposito , #spc , il , #spc , loot repeat if %storebank = #true { set !nruneatt %nruneatt set %nruneatt 1 gosub recall set %nruneatt !nruneatt event SysMessage Recallato alla banca } set %nextrecalltobank #systime + 10000 set %bagx 345 ;<--- place here x-coord of your dropbag set %bagy 23 ;<--- place here y-coord of your dropbag set %bagz 50 ;<--- place here z-coord of your dropbag event pathfind %bagx %bagy %bagz finditem %dropbag while #systime < %nextrecalltobank && #findkind <> -1 && #finddist <= 2 { finditem %dropbag } sleep 10 until #findkind <> -1 set %dbx #findx + 25 set %dby #findy + 7 _p2b1: if %lootagold = #TRUE { finditem %gold C_ , #backpackid if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore gold #findstack gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } if %lootaleather = #TRUE { finditem %cutleather C_ , #backpackid while #findkind <> -1 { gosub Contatore leather #findstack #findcol exevent drag #findid #findstack wait 2 exevent dropc %dropbag wait 5 finditem %cutleather C_ , #backpackid } } if %lootafeather = #TRUE { finditem %feather C_ , #backpackid if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore feather #findstack gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } if %lootafrecce = #TRUE { finditem %frecce C_ , #backpackid if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore frecce #findstack gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } if %lootaossa = #TRUE { finditem GUF C_ , #backpackid ;GUF cutted bone IDtype if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore ossa #findstack gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } if %lootalana = #TRUE { finditem %wool C_ , #backpackid if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore wool #findstack gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } if %lootascales = #TRUE { finditem %drgnscale C_ , #backpackid if #findkind <> -1 ; found something { gosub Contatore scaglie #findstack #findcol gosub moveItemToPos #findid %dbx %dby 0 if #result = #true goto _p2b1 } } gosub timecalc gosub aggiorna_stats finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid if #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20 { set %bendagesinpack #findstack finditem ZLF C for %ib 1 #findcnt { set #findindex %ib if #findcnt <> %bendagesinpack { exevent drag #findid 20 wait 3 exevent dropc #backpackid wait 7 } } } ;wait 30 if %param = norecall return else { if %InstantEscape { while ( #mana < #maxmana - 9 ) || ( #hits < #maxhits - 2 ) { if #hits < #maxhits - 2 gosub curati sleep 10 } } if %param = next gosub cambiaspot nounload else gosub recall } return