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[EASYUO-HELP] Script consegna BOD

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  • [EASYUO-HELP] Script consegna BOD

    Credo che manchi la pausa , qualcuno e' cosi' FIGO da riuscire a dargli un okkio e a sistemarlo??

    ; =====================================================================
    ; Script Name: Traston's Simple Bod Swapper
    ; Author: Traston ShadowFire
    ; Version: 1.01
    ; Client Tested With: 5.0.1h
    ; Euo Version Tested With: 1.5 Test Ver 67
    ; Shard Osi / Fs: FS
    ; Shard Name: Alexandria (the only one that counts)
    ; Debug Mode Started: 22 Nov 2005
    ; Last Revised : 27 Dec 2005
    ; Official Release: 25 Dec 2005
    ; Global Variables Used: none
    ; Purpose:exchanges filled bods for new from a BOD book,
    ; moves rewards to pack animal, and places new bods in book.
    ; user can identify what they want to keep, and what they want
    ; to drop (so that someone else might benefeit from the
    ; shovels and axes that you do not want)
    ; Disclaimer: I am new to scripting and this is
    ; my first attempt. Please give honest
    ; feedback, and do not be too nice... If it sucks
    ; tell me so and tell me why plz. Thanks
    ; Add the item ids that you want to keep after
    ; keepers, and add the ones you dont after tossem.
    ; Note I have a few added in there now, but not all.
    ; If you cannot find an ID then lif the item and
    ; look at the #LLIFTEDTYPE: *** (the value will be
    ; where the *** is) just add an _*** with *** being
    ; the value of the item, note this can be a 2 character
    ; value
    ; Change the number after option to the position
    ; number from top to bottom that has the BOD
    ; option example (%option 4 would be the 4th option
    ; from the vendors menu)
    ; Works best to have a packy, so if you do not have
    ; a beetle, don't be cheap go buy you a lama
    ; or something.
    ; Load all your filled bods into one book, and have anouther
    ; book with room for your new empty bods. The script will set
    ; the filter for either tailor or smith depending on the vendor
    ; you select.
    ;Special Thanks
    ; Tecmo
    ; Tracergod
    ; Red Satin
    ; Kedric Valorite
    ; ID of Items that you want to keep
    set %keepers KEG_BUI_POF_ZZF_TWF_tvh_qpf_ewh_nvi_dui_aui_fui_gui_gbg_TLH
    ; ID of Items that you want to drop on ground
    set %tossem kkh_xkh
    ; Put the number of the option for Bulk Order Deed
    ; on your shard here
    set %voption 4 ;<---
    ; Put the option number for packy backpack here
    set %poption 11 ;<---
    ;edit below at your own risk
    display ok Once you start this, follow the prompts then
               + let it run do not try to click anything for the script.
               + If by chance it does mess up, stop it then try again.
               + If the problem persists please stop and drop me a PM
               + So I can try to fix it for you.
    wait 1
    event macro 31 0
    wait 10
    event macro 8 1
    while #contName <> paperdoll_gump && #contSize <> 262_324
           wait 10
           contpos 800 280
      wait 10
    event macro 8 7
    while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 230_204
           wait 10
           contpos 610 570
    wait 10
    gosub vendorselect
    wait 1
    gosub secureselect
    wait 1
    gosub filledbookselect
    wait 1
    gosub emptybookselect
    wait 5
    ;Main Loop
    gosub getbod
    wait 1
    gosub clickok
    wait 1
    gosub movenewbod
    wait 1
    gosub turnina
    wait 1
    gosub turninb
    wait 1
    gosub tossit
    wait 1
    gosub cutfat
    wait 10
    goto loop
    ;Vendor Selector
    sub vendorselect
    event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the vendor to work with $
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    wait 2
    set %trader #ltargetid
    finditem %trader
    if #finddist > 1
      move #findx #findy a
    event property %trader
          if ( guildmaster in #property ) || ( guildmistress in #property )
              event exmsg #charid 3 30 Sorry guild masters do not give bods try again $
              wait 2
              goto selectionv
          if ( blacksmith in #property ) || ( tailor in #property ) || ( weaver in #property ) || ( weaponsmith in #property )
              msg #property
              wait 5
                 event exmsg #charid 3 30 Wrong vendor type, please try again $
                 wait 2
                 goto selectionv
    goto vmove
    ;secure Selector
    sub secureselect
    display yesno Click yes for Packy, click no for bank
    if #dispres = yes
       set #lobjectid #charid
       event macro 17
       msg all follow me $
       wait 5
       event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the Packy to dump to $
       set #targcurs 1
       while #targcurs = 1
       wait 2
       set %storage #ltargetid
       exevent popup %storage %poption
       wait 5
       while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 230_204
       wait 10
       contpos 440 570
       wait 10
    if #dispres = no
       msg bank $
       wait 5
       while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 180_240
       wait 10
       contpos 440 570
       wait 5
       Display yesno This was devised to be used in Luna $
            +You must be able to access both the bank and the $
            +Vendor From the same location. $
            +Is the bankbox open? $
       if #dispres = yes
           set %storage #contid
           wait 5
       if #dispres = no
           display ok You need to either get to a spot where $
              +you can access the vendor and the bank $
              +without moving, or get a packy.$
              +(a lama is cheap)$$
              +Stopping the script now. $
              wait 2

    Uno e' luce .Uno e' oscurita'.

    Cerco Conjurer's Garb ... TROVATO

  • #2
    ;filled book Selector
    sub filledbookselect
      wait 5
      event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the book that has the bods to be traded
      set #targcurs 1
      while #targcurs = 1
         wait 2
      set %bodbag #ltargetid
      event property %bodbag
      if deeds_in_book:_0 in #property
          wait 2
          event exmsg #charid 3 30 That book is empty, please select a new one.
          goto filledselect
     	set #lobjectid %bodbag
    	event macro 17
        wait 2
        while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454
            wait 10
             event property %trader
             wait 5
             if ( tailor in #property ) || ( weaver in #property )
                 set %f1clickx #contposx + 50
                 set %f1clicky #contposy + 40
                 wait 5
                 click %f1clickx %f1clicky
                 wait 10
                 set %f2clickx #contposx + 40
                 set %f2clicky #contposy + 285
                 wait 5
                 click %f2clickx %f2clicky
                 wait 5
             if ( blacksmith in #property ) || ( weaponsmith in #property )
                 set %f3clickx #contposx + 50
                 set %f3clicky #contposy + 40
                 wait 5
                 click %f3clickx %f3clicky
                 wait 10
                 set %f4clickx #contposx + 40
                 set %f4clicky #contposy + 205
                 wait 5
                 click %f4clickx %f4clicky
                 wait 5
             wait 5
             set %cclickx #contposx + 25
             set %cclicky #contposy + 25
             wait 5
             click %cclickx %cclicky r
             wait 5
             set %cclickx #contposx + 25
             set %cclicky #contposy + 25
             wait 5
             click %cclickx %cclicky r
      wait 10
    ;empty book Selector
    sub emptybookselect
    event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the BOD book to store new BOD's in You can target a bag if you really want, $
    wait 2
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    wait 2
    set %bodbook #ltargetid
    wait 5
    ;gets a new bod
    sub getbod
       exevent popup %trader %voption
       wait 2
    ; clicks yes in the bod menu
    ; Thx to Redsatin and Tecmo for this part.
    sub clickok
         set %timeout #scnt2 + 40
        wait 2
        if #ContName = generic_gump
         wait 2
         set %size #ContSize
         str right %size 3
         wait 0
         set %clicky #strres + #ContPosY - 30
         set %ClickX 115 + #ContPosX
         wait 5
         click %clickx %clicky
         wait 2
        if %timeout > #scnt2
          wait 1
          goto bodgump
        wait 2
    ;transfers new empty bods to book
    Sub movenewbod
    finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
    wait 2
    if #findkind <> -1
        wait 1
        exevent drag #findid
        wait 5
        exevent dropc %bodbook
        wait 5
        goto movenewbod
    wait 5
    if #contkind = IOIB
       set %newx #contposx + 20
       set %newy #contposy + 20
       wait 5
       click %newx %newy r
       wait 5
      wait 2
    ;drop bod out of book
    sub turnina
    set %journal #jindex
     	set #lobjectid %bodbag
    	event macro 17
    	wait 10
    	for %i %journal #jindex
    			scanjournal %i
    			if the_book_is_empty. in #journal
         wait 2
         gosub finaldump
        wait 2
      while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454
             wait 5
              set %dclickx #contposx + 40
              set %dclicky #contposy + 105
              wait 5
              click %dclickx %dclicky
              wait 5
      wait 5
      if #contName = generic_gump && #contSize = 615_454
             set %newx #contposx + 20
             set %newy #contposy + 20
             wait 5
             click %newx %newy r
             wait 5
      wait 5
    ;give the bod to vendor
    sub turninb
    finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind <> -1
       wait 1
       exevent drag #findid
       wait 5
       exevent dropc %trader
       wait 5
    if #findkind = -1
     gosub tossit
     gosub finaldump
    ;drops unwanted stuff to the ground
    sub tossit
        finditem %tossem c_ , #backpackid
        if #findkind <> -1
         wait 10
         exevent drag #findid #findstack
         wait 10
         set %gdropx #charposx
         set %gdropy #charposy
         wait 10
         exevent dropg %gdropx %gdropy
         wait 10
         goto tossit
    wait 10
    ; drops stuff to storage
    sub cutfat
    wait 2
       finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
       wait 2
       if #findkind <> -1
          wait 1
          exevent drag #findid #findstack
          wait 5
          exevent dropc %storage
          wait 5
          goto storagedrop
    wait 2
    ;Final Dump to storage
    sub finaldump
      wait 5
       finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
       if #findkind <> -1
          wait 1
          exevent drag #findid #findstack
          wait 5
          exevent dropc %storage
          wait 5
          goto lastdrop
    Display ok Looks like you are out of bods to turn in.
               + Thank you for using Traston's Simple Bod Swapper
               + Please let me know what you think.

    Uno e' luce .Uno e' oscurita'.

    Cerco Conjurer's Garb ... TROVATO


    • #3


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