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[EASYUO] Aegis Uber Tamer Update

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  • [EASYUO] Aegis Uber Tamer Update

    - la parte riguardante l'uccisione dei paragon, per problemi con il rail runner e con le relative tempistiche
    - ho tolto i messsaggi ExMsg che, personalmente, facevano crashare il client e ogni tanto mandavano in pappa anche easy uo
    - ho riscritto i messaggi per renderli utili dopo gli ultimi fix
    - EDIT: BUGFIX: tolto il baco nello script di taming: una volta in fase di inizializzazione della rail, se veniva beccato un pet tamabile, la rail stessa non partiva perche' schiumava il rail runner..ora si prende il tempo necessario per far partire la rail e iniza a tamare a rail iniziata..

    per il resto, e' tutto identico a quello di aegis
    le prestazioni sono ottime

    codice 1/2

    ;===Aegis' Uber Tamer ============
    ;===Ver 2.0=======================
    ;===Author: Aegis=================
    ;===Modified by: Kiuzzo===========
    set %MyPetID HEHN
    set %killMode 3
    set %HealMethod 5
    chooseskill anim
    set %TameBase #SKILL
    set *501 N/A
    set %Tamed 0
    set %Ignored 0
    gosub CreateMenu
    set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
    event property #CHARID
    if [ notin #property
    Display Ok Warning: Aegis'tamer might not work properly if you're not in a Guild.
    gosub CommandRail start
    event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waitin' for the rail..
    wait 7s
    event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 3..
    wait 1s
    event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 2..
    wait 1s
    event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 1..
    wait 1s
    event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 ..go!
    set %tamTimer #SCNT
    ;=====Loop Principale=========================
    finditem *AegisTamerPlist G_ , %MaxFindRange
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
        set %charX #CHARPOSX
        set %charY #CHARPOSY
        set %charZ #CHARPOSZ
        gosub TameControl #FINDID
        if %pback = -1
            set %tamTimer #SCNT
            while ( #SCNT < %tamTimer + 20 ) && ( ( %charX <> #CHARPOSX ) || ( %charY <> #CHARPOSY ) )
                event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ
                ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Pathfinding back to StandBy>
                wait 2s
            ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Resuming...>
        wait 1s
        chooseskill anim
        if %TameBase <> #SKILL 2
            menu delete gained
            menu text gained 160 20 ( #SKILL - %TameBase )
        menu delete Rail
        menu text Rail 160 80 Running
        gosub CommandRail resume
    if *500 = done
        wait 3s
        gosub CommandRail start
    if %HealMethod <> 6 && #HITS < #MAXHITS
        gosub HealSelf %HealMethod
    wait 1
    goto MainTameLoop
    sub TameControl
    set %MobToTame %1
    event property %MobToTame
    if tame in #PROPERTY
        ignoreitem %MobToTame
        ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Ignoring Target>
        set %Ignored %Ignored + 1
        menu delete Ignored
        menu text Ignored 160 60 %Ignored
    finditem %MobToTame G_
    if #FINDCOL = 1281
        ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Paragon Found: Proceeding to kill>
        gosub CommandRail pause
        gosub KillMob %MobToTame
        gosub CommandRail resume
    menu delete Rail
    menu text Rail 160 80 Paused
    gosub CommandRail pause
    ;event ExMsg %MobToTame 3 50  Tame me! Tame me!
    set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
    set %tamTimer #SCNT
    finditem %MobToTame G_
    event property %MobToTame
    if ( tame in #PROPERTY ) && ( %TempFollowers = #FOLLOWERS )
        ignoreitem %MobToTame
        ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Tamed by someone else: Ignoring Target>
        set %Ignored %Ignored + 1
        menu delete Ignored
        menu text Ignored 160 60 %Ignored
    if ( get_there in #SYSMSG ) || ( #SCNT > %tamTimer + 20 ) || ( #FINDKIND = -1 )
        ;event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50  <Ignoring Target>
        ignoreitem %MobToTame
        set %Ignored %Ignored + 1
        menu delete Ignored
        menu text Ignored 160 60 %Ignored
    if #FINDDIST > 2
        event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ
        wait 1s
        goto tameloop
    set %tamTimer #SCNT
    event macro 13 35
    target 1s
    set #lTargetID %MobToTame
    set #lTargetKind 1
    event Macro 22
    if %TempFollowers <> #FOLLOWERS
        gosub KillMob %MobToTame
        menu delete Tamed
        set %Tamed %Tamed + 1
        menu text Tamed 160 40 %Tamed
    goto tameloop
    ;==============%1 il Target Da Segare==============
    sub KillMob
    msg all guard me$
    if %killMode = 3 2
    gosub KIllWMount %1
    if %killMode = 2 2
    gosub SummonEarth %1
    msg all guard me$
    wait 1s
    set #LTargetID %1
    event macro 27
    wait 1s
    finditem %1
    until #FINDKIND = -1
    ;===Sega con il mount==============================
    ;====%1 Il Target da segare=========================
    sub KIllWMount
    set #lObjectID #CHARID
    event macro 17
    wait 5
    finditem %MyPetID
    until #FINDKIND <> -1
    msg all kill $
    target 3s
    set #lTargetID %1
    set #lTargetKind 1
    event Macro 22
    wait 5s
    msg all guard me$
    wait 3s
    finditem %1 G_15
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
    goto WaitDeathMo
    msg all follow me$
    set #lObjectID %MyPetID
    event macro 17
    wait 5
    finditem %MyPetID
    if #FINDKIND <> -1
    goto monta
    Ultima modifica di kiuzzo; 01-12-2008, 01:56.


  • #2
    codice 2/2

    ;====%1 Il Target da segare=========================
    sub SummonEarth
    set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
       event macro 15 61
       wait 5s
    until %TempFollowers <> #FOLLOWERS
    msg all guard me$
       msg all kill $
       target 3s
       set #lTargetID %1
       set #lTargetKind 1
       event Macro 22
       wait 1s
    finditem %1 G_15
    until #FINDKIND = -1
    ;msg An Earth Elemental Release$
    ;msg An Earth Elemental Release$
    ;=%1 HealType
    ;==1: Heal 2: Gheal 3:CloseWounds 4:Bandages
    sub HealSelf
    while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 1
        event macro 15 3
        target 5s
        event macro 23
        wait 1s
    while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 2
        event macro 15 28
        target 5s
        event macro 23
        wait 1s
    while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 3
        event macro 15 202
        target 5s
        event macro 23
        wait 1s
    while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 4
        findItem ZLF C_ , #BACKPACKID
        if #FINDKIND = -1 2
           Display Ok No Bandages Found!!! $ Script Halted.
        set #lObjectID #FINDID
        event Macro 17
        target 5s
        event macro 23
        set %bandTime ( 220 - #DEX )
        wait %bandTime
        wait 1
    while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 5
        event macro 13 32
        wait 2s
    sub CreateMenu
    menu clear
    set #MenuButton N/A
    menu Font BGColor black
    menu font color red
    menu window color black
    menu Window Title Aegis Uber Tamer Configuration
    menu Window Size 260 260
    menu Font Size 8
    if *AegisTamerPlist = N/A 2
        menu text hi 20 20 WELCOME To AEGIS' UBER TAMER $____ver 2.0____ $ $ - Checking peristent variables... $ - done$ 501 : *501 $ 502 : *502 $ 503 : *503 $ 504 : *504 $ AegisTamerPlist : *AegisTamerPlist $ $First run WARNING: $ This Script uses 5 persistent variables, $ which are stored permanently in your REGISTRY $under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyUO$ Used vars are listed over here $ THIS WINDOW WILL CLOSE IN 30sec
        menu Show 500 40
        wait 5s
    if *AegisTamerPlist <> N/A
        menu text hi 20 20 WELCOME BACK -|- #CHARNAME -|- $ To AEGIS' UBER TAMER $____ver 2.0____
        menu Show 500 40
        wait 1s
    menu delete hi
    menu Button AddTameButton 0 50 140 30 Add animal to ToTame list
    menu Button ResetTameButton 0 80 140 20 Reset ToTame list
    menu Button ConfirmButton 60 240 140 20 Submit And Start
    menu text ListLabel 150 50 Current ToTame list:
    menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
    menu text CheckKillMLabel 0 110 Select the Kill Mode:
    menu combo create KillModeCombo 2 125 95
    menu combo add KillModeCombo Weapon
    menu combo add KillModeCombo Earth Elemental
    menu combo add KillModeCombo Mounted Pet
    menu combo SELECT KillModeCombo 3
    menu Button FindMountButton 190 120 60 30 Get Pet ID
    menu text EdtLabel 0 160 RailFile Name:
    menu Edit RailNameEdit 0 175 220 RailSacrificeCorta.txt
    menu Button UpdateRailButton 220 175 40 23 Submit
    menu text Edt2Label 0 200 Current RailFile Name:  *502
    menu text HealModeLabel 0 5 Select the Heal Method:
    menu combo create HealModeCombo 2 20 130
    menu combo add HealModeCombo Magery: Heal
    menu combo add HealModeCombo Magery: Greater Heal
    menu combo add HealModeCombo Chivalry: Close Wounds
    menu combo add HealModeCombo Skill Healing: Bandages
    menu combo add HealModeCombo Skill Spirit Speak
    menu combo add HealModeCombo -----No Healing-----
    menu combo SELECT HealModeCombo 5
    menu text FindDistLabel 105 110 Max Find range:
    menu combo create FindDistCombo 105 125 70
    for %ind 1 25
    menu combo add FindDistCombo %ind , #spc , tiles
    menu combo SELECT FindDistCombo 9
    menu Check PBackCheck 150 10 90 40 #false PathFind back after tame
    if #MenuButton = ConfirmButton
         menu get KillModeCombo
         set %killMode #menures
         menu get HealModeCombo
         set %HealMethod #menures
         menu get FindDistCombo
         set %MaxFindRange #menures
         set %MaxEnemyRange ( #menures / 2 )
         menu get PBackCheck
         set %pback #menures
         menu clear
         menu Font BGColor black
         menu font color red
         menu window color black
         menu text AlertRailLabel 20 20 If you wish to use an external rail $ script (like CEORailRunner),$ start it BEFORE clicking this $ button.
         menu Button ConfirmButton 50 100 180 40 Start Aegis' Uber Tamer
         set #MenuButton N/A
         while #MenuButton = N/A
             wait 1s
             event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting...
         menu delete AlertRailLabel
         menu delete ConfirmButton
         menu text SkillLabel 20 20 Total Gained:
         menu text KilledLabel 20 40 Total Tamed and Killed:
         menu text IgnoredLabel 20 60 Total Ignored:
         menu text RailLabel 20 80 Rail Status:
         gosub CommandRail start
    if #MenuButton = UpdateRailButton
        menu get RailNameEdit
        wait 1s
        set %RfileName #menures
        set *502 #menures
        menu delete Edt2Label
        menu text Edt2Label 0 200 Current RailFile Name:  *502
        set #MenuButton N/A
    if #MenuButton = FindMountButton
        set #targcurs 1
        while #targcurs = 1
            event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting...
            wait 1s
        set %MyPetID #ltargetid
        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
        set #MenuButton N/A
    if #MenuButton = ResetTameButton
        set *AegisTamerPlist _
        set #MenuButton N/A
        menu delete ListTypes
        menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
    if #MenuButton = AddTameButton
        set #targcurs 1
        while #targcurs = 1
            event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting...
            wait 1s
        Finditem #ltargetid
        if #FINDTYPE in *AegisTamerPlist
        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 That is already in your Tame List!!
        if #FINDTYPE notin *AegisTamerPlist
            set *AegisTamerPlist *AegisTamerPlist , _ , #FINDTYPE
            event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Target added.
            menu delete ListTypes
            menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
        set #MenuButton N/A
    goto rloop
    ;========Comanda la rail tramite il %1=====================
    ;   *501 : User Control: Used to control rail movement through an external program.
    ;            Values:
    ;                  start- Start the rail program
    ;                  pause - pause rail program
    ;                  resume - resume rail program
    ;                  stop - stop rail program
    sub CommandRail
    set *502 %RfileName
    set *503 -1
    set *504 run
    set *501 %1



    • #3
      questo invece e' per far muovere la barca mentre si usa veterinary
      goto loppone
      for %1 1 20
          MSG one left$
          wait 5s
      for %1 1 20
      MSG one forward$
      wait 5s
      for %1 1 20
          MSG one right$
          wait 5s
      for %1 1 20
      MSG one back$
      wait 5s
      goto loppone
      Ultima modifica di kiuzzo; 01-02-2009, 13:29.



      • #4
        ma per animal taming su che animale e dove lo devo fare?


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da gallinari Visualizza il messaggio
          ma per animal taming su che animale e dove lo devo fare?
          leggi qui:

          ICQ 627-712-838


          • #6
            grazie mille !!!

            ma al posto del percorso, non è possibile optare per il recall da runebook ?


            • #7
              io lo usato senza rail. Prima con i lalli poi ho usato monigli e sono andato dai polar.

              ICQ 627-712-838


              • #8
                Dopo anni e anni di onorato lavoro...l'aegis uber tamer è ormai inutilizzabile. Con i nuovi fix il pg elfo tamer ke sto creando muore almeno una volta ogni 10-20 cavalli xkè ucciso dal proprio beetle. Qualcuno può aiutarmi a risolvere il problema? Premetto ke ormai ho animal lore a 100 ma il beetle ogni tanto decide di farmi la festa e non è qualke problema nello script xkè mi accade anke giocando manualmente quindi sarà x i nuovi fix. Senza contare ke i pet attaccati dal beetle attaccano me :\


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da MrX1983 Visualizza il messaggio
                  Dopo anni e anni di onorato lavoro...l'aegis uber tamer è ormai inutilizzabile. Con i nuovi fix il pg elfo tamer ke sto creando muore almeno una volta ogni 10-20 cavalli xkè ucciso dal proprio beetle. Qualcuno può aiutarmi a risolvere il problema? Premetto ke ormai ho animal lore a 100 ma il beetle ogni tanto decide di farmi la festa e non è qualke problema nello script xkè mi accade anke giocando manualmente quindi sarà x i nuovi fix. Senza contare ke i pet attaccati dal beetle attaccano me :\
                  stesso problema una soluzione?



                  • #10
                    beh mi pare che ce l'opzione di uccidere i pet con le armi indossate.Al max alza qualche skill combattiva e una che ti curi poi li abbassi al max.

                    ICQ 627-712-838


                    • #11
                      se hai abbastanza magery ti conviene usare il metodo con gli earth elemental.

                      Il p Fengyr
                      : algander#6292


                      • #12
                        So che l'ultimo reply risale a più di un anno fa, ma credo sia utile questo che voglio dire.

                        Io avevo lo stesso problema di mrx1983 e mina84: una volta tamato il pet, il mio mount che l'avrebbe dovuto segare (nel mio caso il beetle) mi killava fisso.

                        Ho beccato lo stesso script da un altro sito che francamente nn ricordo e mi funziona alla perfezione, senza nessun kill da parte del mio scarafaggione.

                        Parte 1:
                        ===Aegis’ Uber Tamer ============
                        ;===Ver 2.0=======================
                        ;===Author: Aegis=================
                        set %killMode 2
                        set %HealMethod 6
                        chooseskill anim
                        set %TameBase #SKILL
                        set *501 N/A
                        set %Tamed 0
                        set %Ignored 0
                        gosub CreateMenu
                        set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
                        event property #CHARID
                        if [ notin #property
                        Display Ok Warning: Aegis’tamer might not work properly if you’re not in a Guild.
                        gosub CommandRail start
                        set %tamTimer #SCNT
                        ;=====Loop Principale=========================
                        finditem *AegisTamerPlist G_ , %MaxFindRange
                        if #FINDKIND <> -1
                        set %charX #CHARPOSX
                        set %charY #CHARPOSY
                        set %charZ #CHARPOSZ
                        gosub TameControl #FINDID
                        if %pback = -1
                        set %tamTimer #SCNT
                        while ( #SCNT < %tamTimer + 20 ) && ( ( %charX <> #CHARPOSX ) || ( %charY <> #CHARPOSY ) )
                        event pathfind %charX %charY %charZ
                        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 wait 2s
                        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50
                        wait 1s
                        chooseskill anim
                        if %TameBase <> #SKILL 2
                        menu delete gained
                        menu text gained 160 20 ( #SKILL – %TameBase )
                        menu delete Rail
                        menu text Rail 160 80 Running
                        gosub CommandRail resume
                        if *500 = done
                        wait 3s
                        gosub CommandRail start
                        if %HealMethod <> 6 && #HITS < #MAXHITS
                        gosub HealSelf %HealMethod
                        wait 1
                        goto MainTameLoop
                        sub TameControl
                        set %MobToTame %1
                        event property %MobToTame
                        if tame in #PROPERTY
                        ignoreitem %MobToTame
                        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50
                        set %Ignored %Ignored + 1
                        menu delete Ignored
                        menu text Ignored 160 60 %Ignored
                        menu delete Rail
                        menu text Rail 160 80 Paused
                        gosub CommandRail pause
                        event ExMsg %MobToTame 3 50 Tame me! Tame me!
                        set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
                        set %tamTimer #SCNT
                        finditem %MobToTame G_
                        if ( get_there in #SYSMSG ) || ( #SCNT > %tamTimer + 20 ) || ( #FINDKIND = -1 )
                        event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50
                        ignoreitem %MobToTame
                        set %Ignored %Ignored + 1
                        menu delete Ignored
                        menu text Ignored 160 60 %Ignored
                        if #FINDDIST > 2
                        event pathfind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ
                        wait 1s
                        goto tameloop
                        set %tamTimer #SCNT
                        event macro 13 35
                        target 2s
                        set #lTargetID %MobToTame
                        set #lTargetKind 1
                        event Macro 22
                        if %TempFollowers <> #FOLLOWERS
                        gosub KillMob %MobToTame
                        menu delete Tamed
                        set %Tamed %Tamed + 1
                        menu text Tamed 160 40 %Tamed
                        goto tameloop
                        ;==============%1 il Target Da Segare==============
                        sub KillMob
                        msg all guard$
                        if %killMode = 3 2
                        gosub KIllWMount %1
                        if %killMode = 2 2
                        gosub SummonEarth %1
                        msg all guard$
                        wait 1s
                        set #LTargetID %1
                        event macro 27
                        wait 1s
                        finditem %1
                        until #FINDKIND = -1
                        ;===Sega con il mount==============================
                        ;====%1 Il Target da segare=========================
                        sub KIllWMount
                        set #lObjectID #CHARID
                        event macro 17
                        wait 5
                        finditem %MyPetID
                        until #FINDKIND <> -1
                        msg all kill $
                        target 3s
                        set #lTargetID %1
                        set #lTargetKind 1
                        event Macro 22
                        wait 3s
                        finditem %1 G_15
                        if #FINDKIND <> -1
                        goto WaitDeathMo
                        msg all come$
                        set #lObjectID %MyPetID
                        event macro 17
                        wait 5
                        finditem %MyPetID
                        if #FINDKIND <> -1
                        goto monta
                        ;====%1 Il Target da segare=========================
                        sub SummonEarth
                        set %TempFollowers #FOLLOWERS
                        event macro 15 61
                        wait 5s
                        until %TempFollowers <> #FOLLOWERS
                        msg all guard $
                        msg all kill $
                        target 3s
                        set #lTargetID %1
                        set #lTargetKind 1
                        event Macro 22
                        wait 1s
                        finditem %1 G_15
                        until #FINDKIND = -1
                        msg An Earth Elemental Release$
                        msg An Earth Elemental Release$
                        ;=%1 HealType
                        ;==1: Heal 2: Gheal 3:CloseWounds 4:Bandages
                        sub HealSelf
                        while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 1
                        event macro 15 3
                        target 5s
                        event macro 23
                        wait 1s
                        while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 2
                        event macro 15 28
                        target 5s
                        event macro 23
                        wait 1s
                        while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 3
                        event macro 15 202
                        target 5s
                        event macro 23
                        wait 1s
                        while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 4
                        findItem ZLF C_ , #BACKPACKID
                        if #FINDKIND = -1 2
                        Display Ok No Bandages Found!!! $ Script Halted.
                        set #lObjectID #FINDID
                        event Macro 17
                        target 5s
                        event macro 23
                        set %bandTime ( 220 – #DEX )
                        wait %bandTime
                        wait 1
                        while #HITS < #MAXHITS && %1 = 5
                        event macro 13 32
                        wait 2s
                        In pratica faccio partire lo script con il pg a piedi e il beetle che mi segue poi fa tutto da solo. Non so cosa ci sia di diverso dal'altro script, però so solo che funziona. Vedete un pò voi


                        • #13
                          Parte 2:
                          sub CreateMenu
                          menu clear
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          menu Font BGColor black
                          menu font color red
                          menu window color black
                          menu Window Title Aegis Uber Tamer Configuration
                          menu Window Size 260 260
                          menu Font Size 8
                          if *AegisTamerPlist = N/A 2
                          menu text hi 20 20 WELCOME To AEGIS’ UBER TAMER $____ver 2.0____ $ $ – Checking peristent variables… $ – done$ 501 : *501 $ 502 : *502 $ 503 : *503 $ 504 : *504 $ AegisTamerPlist : *AegisTamerPlist $ $First run WARNING: $ This Script uses 5 persistent variables, $ which are stored permanently in your REGISTRY $under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEasyUO$ Used vars are listed over here $ THIS WINDOW WILL CLOSE IN 30sec
                          menu Show 500 40
                          wait 30s
                          if *AegisTamerPlist <> N/A
                          menu text hi 20 20 WELCOME BACK -|- #CHARNAME -|- $ To AEGIS’ UBER TAMER $____ver 2.0____
                          menu Show 500 40
                          wait 5s
                          menu delete hi
                          menu Button AddTameButton 0 50 140 30 Add animal to ToTame list
                          menu Button ResetTameButton 0 80 140 20 Reset ToTame list
                          menu Button ConfirmButton 60 240 140 20 Submit And Start
                          menu text ListLabel 150 50 Current ToTame list:
                          menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
                          menu text CheckKillMLabel 0 110 Select the Kill Mode:
                          menu combo create KillModeCombo 2 125 95
                          menu combo add KillModeCombo Weapon
                          menu combo add KillModeCombo Earth Elemental
                          menu combo add KillModeCombo Mounted Pet
                          menu Button FindMountButton 190 120 60 30 Get Pet ID
                          menu text EdtLabel 0 160 RailFile Name:
                          menu Edit RailNameEdit 0 175 220 Change , #spc , me!
                          menu Button UpdateRailButton 220 175 40 23 Submit
                          menu text Edt2Label 0 200 Current RailFile Name: *502
                          menu text HealModeLabel 0 5 Select the Heal Method:
                          menu combo create HealModeCombo 2 20 130
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo Magery: Heal
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo Magery: Greater Heal
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo Chivalry: Close Wounds
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo Skill Healing: Bandages
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo Skill Spirit Speak
                          menu combo add HealModeCombo —–No Healing—–
                          menu combo SELECT HealModeCombo 6
                          menu text FindDistLabel 105 110 Max Find range:
                          menu combo create FindDistCombo 105 125 70
                          for %ind 1 25
                          menu combo add FindDistCombo %ind , #spc , tiles
                          menu combo SELECT FindDistCombo 13
                          menu Check PBackCheck 150 10 90 40 #false PathFind back after tame
                          if #MenuButton = ConfirmButton
                          menu get KillModeCombo
                          set %killMode #menures
                          menu get HealModeCombo
                          set %HealMethod #menures
                          menu get FindDistCombo
                          set %MaxFindRange #menures
                          menu get PBackCheck
                          set %pback #menures
                          menu clear
                          menu Font BGColor black
                          menu font color red
                          menu window color black
                          menu text AlertRailLabel 20 20 If you wish to use an external rail $ script (like CEORailRunner),$ start it BEFORE clicking this $ button.
                          menu Button ConfirmButton 50 100 180 40 Start Aegis’ Uber Tamer
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          while #MenuButton = N/A
                          wait 1s
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting…
                          menu delete AlertRailLabel
                          menu delete ConfirmButton
                          menu text SkillLabel 20 20 Total Gained:
                          menu text KilledLabel 20 40 Total Tamed and Killed:
                          menu text IgnoredLabel 20 60 Total Ignored:
                          menu text RailLabel 20 80 Rail Status:
                          gosub CommandRail start
                          if #MenuButton = UpdateRailButton
                          menu get RailNameEdit
                          wait 1s
                          set %RfileName #menures
                          set *502 #menures
                          menu delete Edt2Label
                          menu text Edt2Label 0 200 Current RailFile Name: *502
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          if #MenuButton = FindMountButton
                          set #targcurs 1
                          while #targcurs = 1
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting…
                          wait 1s
                          set %MyPetID #ltargetid
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          if #MenuButton = ResetTameButton
                          set *AegisTamerPlist _
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          menu delete ListTypes
                          menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
                          if #MenuButton = AddTameButton
                          set #targcurs 1
                          while #targcurs = 1
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Waiting…
                          wait 1s
                          Finditem #ltargetid
                          if #FINDTYPE in *AegisTamerPlist
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 That is already in your Tame List!!
                          if #FINDTYPE notin *AegisTamerPlist
                          set *AegisTamerPlist *AegisTamerPlist , _ , #FINDTYPE
                          event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Target added.
                          menu delete ListTypes
                          menu text ListTypes 150 70 *AegisTamerPlist
                          set #MenuButton N/A
                          goto rloop
                          ;========Comanda la rail tramite il %1=====================
                          ; *501 : User Control: Used to control rail movement through an external program.
                          ; Values:
                          ; start- Start the rail program
                          ; pause – pause rail program
                          ; resume – resume rail program
                          ; stop – stop rail program
                          sub CommandRail
                          set *502 %RfileName
                          set *503 -1
                          set *504 run
                          set *501 %1


                          • #14
                            Domanda.. ma devo essere gildato per usare questo script? Ho letto che alcuni script lo richiedono per poter killare il pet..

                            ICQ: 649-822-899


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da olaf37xx Visualizza il messaggio
                              Domanda.. ma devo essere gildato per usare questo script? Ho letto che alcuni script lo richiedono per poter killare il pet..
                              si devi essere gildato, se non lo sei ti puoi creare una gilda tua giusto per utilizzare lo script


                              Sto operando...