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[cerco] script spellweaving

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  • [cerco] script spellweaving

    Sono alle prime armi con spellweaving (+ o - 25) vorrei sapere uno script veloce e pratico.Possibilmente vorrei una risposta grazie

  • #2
    io x macrarla ho usato questo ke mi ha fatto un amico...ti metti in barca su rotta infinita e lanci lo script...
    set %maxskill auto
    ;Set number of recast attempts to get gain
    set %loopmax 4
    ;Minimum skill that each spell will be cast (you can adjust these as necessary)
    set %thunder 100
    set %reaper 240
    set %essence 520
    set %wild 660
    set %word 950
    ;--Antiblock Initialization
    set %boatStopped 0
    set %serverLine 0
    set %goLeft 0
    set %loop 0
    set %spellmana 11
    ;--checks status bar
    if #CHARNAME = N/A
      event macro 8 2
    ;--Menu Initialization
    chooseskill spell real
    if %maxskill = auto
      set %maxskill #skillCap
    set %startskill #SKILL
    chooseskill spell
    set %currentskill #SKILL
    set %totalgains 0
    set %skillNow %startskill
    set %lastrun 0
    set %thisrun 0
    set %bestrun 0
    set %begincount #SCNT
    gosub showmenu
    ;--Find Spellbook and save to variable
    event macro 8 7
    wait 20
    set %backpack #lobjectid
    ;--Initialize Healthwatch
    set %fastheal #hits - 40
    set %slowheal #hits - 20
    ;--Lets go!!
    msg raise anchor$
    wait 20
    msg slow forward$
    wait 20
    ; Searches for 8x8 spot while going slow forward
    set %gainrun 0
    gosub CAST
    ;---goes to 8x8gain on successful gain---
    gosub WANDCHECK
    if #SKILL > %currentskill
        msg stop$
        wait 20
        chooseskill spell
        set %currentskill #SKILL
        chooseskill spell real
        set %skillnow #SKILL
        set %totalgains %skillnow - %startskill
        set %thisrun %thisrun + 1
        gosub showmenu
        goto 8x8GAIN
    ;---fixes endless loop issue related to mage lowering wands---
    if #SKILL < %currentskill
        chooseskill spell
        set %currentskill #SKILL
        goto FINDGAIN
    ;---makes sure boat is moving and corrects if its not---
    if %stopped = #CharPosy
         msg slow forward$
         wait 1s
         gosub isboatstopped
         if %boatStopped = 1
           gosub FixBoatStopped
    set %stopped #CharPosy
    goto FINDGAIN
    ;Milks the 8x8 run and continues on when dry
    set %gainrun 1
    ;moves boat 8 spaces
    for %step 1 8
        msg forward one$
        wait 1s
    wait 1s
    gosub IsBoatStopped
    if %boatStopped = 1
      gosub FixBoatStopped
    gosub CAST
    gosub WANDCHECK
    ;---fixes endless loop issue related to mage lowering wands---
    if #SKILL < %currentskill
        chooseskill spell
        set %currentskill #SKILL
        goto NOGAINLOOP
    ;---repeats 8x8 if you gain---
    if #SKILL > %currentskill
        chooseskill spell
        set %currentskill #SKILL
        chooseskill spell real
        set %skillnow #SKILL
        set %totalgains %skillnow - %startskill
        set %thisrun %thisrun + 1
        gosub showmenu
        set %loop 0
        goto 8x8GAIN
    ;---counts number of successful casts without gain---
    if #SKILL = %currentskill
        set %loop %loop + 1
        gosub CAST
    ;---if number of cast attempts w/o gain is exceeded returns to finding gains---
    if %loop > %loopmax
        set %loop 0
        chooseskill spell
        set %currentskill #SKILL
        set %lastrun %thisrun
        if %thisrun > %bestrun
          set %bestrun %thisrun
        set %thisrun 0
        gosub showmenu
        msg slow forward$
        goto FINDGAIN
    ; sub for spellcasting and meditation
    sub CAST
    if #CHARNAME = N/A
      event macro 8 2
    gosub DoneYet
    ;---makes sure boat isn't blocked before meditation---
    gosub IsBoatStopped
    if %boatStopped = 1
      gosub FixBoatStopped
    gosub MANACHECK
    gosub WANDCHECK
    wait 30
    chooseskill spell
    ;---casts word of death---
    if #skill > %word
          set %spellmana 50
          event macro 15 614
          target 10s
          event macro 23
          set %timebetween 6
          gosub GAINCHECK
          if #result
          gosub FIZZLECHECK
       goto DONE
    ;---casts wildfire---
    if #skill > %wild
          set %spellmana 40
          event macro 15 610
          target 10s
          event macro 23
          gosub FIZZLECHECK
       goto DONE
    ;---casts essence of wind---
    if #skill > %essence
          set %spellmana 22
          event macro 15 611
          gosub FIZZLECHECK
       goto DONE
    ;---casts reaper form---
    if #skill > %reaper
          set %spellmana 15
          event macro 15 609
          gosub FIZZLECHECK
       goto DONE
    ;---casts thunderstorm---
    if #skill > %thunder
          set %spellmana 13
          event macro 15 605
          gosub FIZZLECHECK
       goto DONE
    if %recast = 1
       set %recast 0
       goto RECAST
    ; checks spell for fizzle and recast
    wait 10
    if #SKILL > %currentskill
    scanjournal 1
    if fizzles in #journal
      set %recast 1
    if reagents in #journal
      set %recast 1
    ; Checks to see if boat is stopped
    sub IsBoatStopped
    scanjournal 1
    if stopped in #journal
      set %boatStopped 1
    if turbulent in #journal
      set %boatStopped 1
      set %serverLine 1
    ; Moves boat if it is stopped
    sub FixBoatStopped
    if %serverLine = 1
      if %goLeft = 1
        msg left$
      if %goLeft = 0
        msg right$
      wait 120
      msg stop$
    if %serverLine = 0
      if %boatStopped = 1
      msg back$
      wait 120
    if %goLeft = 1
      msg left
    if %goLeft = 0
      msg right$
    wait 200
    msg forward$
    wait 180
    if %goLeft = 1
      msg right$
    if %goLeft = 0
      msg left$
      wait 200
      msg stop$
    set %temp %goLeft
       if %temp = 1
          set %goLeft 0
    if %temp = 0
    set %goLeft 1
    set %serverLine 0
    set %boatStopped 0
    if %gainrun = 0
      msg Slow Forward$
    ;Checks current skill against skillcap and ends script
    sub DoneYet
    If %skillnow => %maxskill
        msg stop$
        msg drop anchor$
        display ok Congratulations! Your Magery Roxxors!!!$Now go and vote for this script
    ;Disarm and Rearm mage wand to reset skill
    ; scans for gain
    sub gaincheck
    set %waittime #scnt + %timebetween
    if #skill > %currentskill
      return #true
    if %waittime > #scnt
      goto gaincheck
    return #false
    ;Checks mana and meditates if necessary
    if #mana < %spellmana
    if %gainrun = 0
      msg Stop$
    if #mana = #maxMana
      goto MANALOOP
    event macro 13 46
    wait 15
    scanjournal 1
    If meditative in #journal
       goto MANALOOP
    wait 11s
    goto TRYAGAIN
        if #mana < #maxMana
            wait 1
            goto MANALOOP
    if %gainrun = 0
      msg Slow Forward$
    if C in #charstatus
      event macro 15 10
      target 2s
      event macro 23 0
      wait 1s
      wait 20
      goto healloop
    if #hits < %fastheal
      event macro 15 3
      target 3s
      event macro 23 0
      wait 1s
      goto healloop
    if #hits < %slowheal
      event macro 15 28
      target 3s
      event macro 23 0
      wait 1s
      goto healloop
    ;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code Begin ---------
    sub showMenu
          set %elapsed #scnt - %begincount
          set %hours %elapsed / 3600
          set %mins  ( %elapsed / 60 ) - ( %hours * 60 )
      menu Clear
      menu Window Title Mytilus Freeshard Magery
      menu Window Color Black
      menu Window Size 202 287
      menu Font Transparent #true
      menu Font Align Right
      menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
      menu Font Size 10
      menu Font Style
      menu Font Color Lime
      menu Font Transparent #false
      menu Font Align Left
      menu Font BGColor Black
      menu Text EUOLabel1 44 12 hours
      menu Font Color Aqua
      menu Text EUOLabel2 8 48 Starting Skill:
      menu Text EUOLabel3 8 84 Skill Cap:
      menu Text EUOLabel4 8 156 This Run:
      menu Text EUOLabel5 8 192 Total Gains:
      menu Text EUOLabel6 8 228 Current Skill:
      menu Text EUOLabel7 8 264 Best Run:
      menu Font Color Lime
      menu Text EUOLabel8 120 12 minutes
      menu Text EUOLabel9 20 12 %hours
      menu Text EUOLabel10 100 12 %mins
      menu Font Color Red
      menu Text EUOLabel11 88 48 %startskill
      menu Text EUOLabel12 68 120 %lastrun
      menu Text EUOLabel13 68 156 %thisrun
      menu Text EUOLabel14 84 192 %totalgains
      menu Text EUOLabel15 84 228 %skillnow
      menu Text EUOLabel16 68 264 %bestrun
      menu Font Color Aqua
      menu Text EUOLabel17 8 120 Last Run:
      menu Font Color Red
      menu Text EUOLabel18 68 84 %maxskill
      menu Show
    ;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code End ---------
    icq: 361-063-578


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