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[INFO]consegna bod e risorse in banca<------

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  • [INFO]consegna bod e risorse in banca<------

    ciao ragazzi il mio problema e' questo: vorrei ke il mio sarto mettesse, la stoffa o quant'altro riceve dal sarto tutto in banka.
    ho visto che il trastone ha un opsione simile(nn so se sbajo) ma nn riesco ad avviarlo nella modalita' dove dovrebbe svuotarsi in banca.
    spero sappiate aiutarmi^_^GRAZIE
    Se vincete qualcosa nei miei thread contattatemi voi grazie'_^

  • #2
    record macro in razor, opening bankbox from banker's gump menu, go to tailor and open bankbox by macro )
    u can use this script to give bods to npc and recieve new:
    just set correct %storage id of backpack in your bankbox and %trader id of vendor u use for transfering bods (now set for luna tailor)

    script in 2 posts
    ; =====================================================================
    ; Script Name: Traston's Simple Bod Swapper
    ; Author: Traston ShadowFire, modified by felix
    ; Version: 1.01
    ; Client Tested With: 5.0.1h
    ; Euo Version Tested With: 1.5 Test Ver 67
    ; Shard Osi / Fs: FS
    ; Shard Name: Alexandria (the only one that counts)
    ; Debug Mode Started: 22 Nov 2005
    ; Last Revised : 27 Dec 2005
    ; Official Release: 25 Dec 2005
    ; Global Variables Used: none
    ; Purpose:exchanges filled bods for new from a BOD book,
    ; moves rewards to pack animal, and places new bods in book.
    ; user can identify what they want to keep, and what they want
    ; to drop (so that someone else might benefeit from the
    ; shovels and axes that you do not want)
    ; Disclaimer: I am new to scripting and this is
    ; my first attempt. Please give honest
    ; feedback, and do not be too nice... If it sucks
    ; tell me so and tell me why plz. Thanks
    ; Add the item ids that you want to keep after
    ; keepers, and add the ones you dont after tossem.
    ; Note I have a few added in there now, but not all.
    ; If you cannot find an ID then lif the item and
    ; look at the #LLIFTEDTYPE: *** (the value will be
    ; where the *** is) just add an _*** with *** being
    ; the value of the item, note this can be a 2 character
    ; value
    ; Change the number after option to the position
    ; number from top to bottom that has the BOD
    ; option example (%option 4 would be the 4th option
    ; from the vendors menu)
    ; Works best to have a packy, so if you do not have
    ; a beetle, don't be cheap go buy you a lama
    ; or something.
    ; Load all your filled bods into one book, and have anouther
    ; book with room for your new empty bods. The script will set
    ; the filter for either tailor or smith depending on the vendor
    ; you select.
    ;Special Thanks
    ; Tecmo
    ; Tracergod
    ; Red Satin
    ; Kedric Valorite
    ; ID of Items that you want to keep
    set %keepers KEG_BUI_POF_ZZF_TWF_QPF_tvh_ewh_nvi_dui_aui_fui_gui_gbg_TLH
    ; ID of Items that you want to drop on ground
    set %tossem
    ; Put the number of the option for Bulk Order Deed
    ; on your shard here
    set %voption 4 ;<---
    ; Put the option number for packy backpack here
    set %poption 11 ;<---
    ;edit below at your own risk
    display ok Once you start this, follow the prompts then
               + let it run do not try to click anything for the script.
               + If by chance it does mess up, stop it then try again.
               + If the problem persists please stop and drop me a PM
               + So I can try to fix it for you.
    wait 1
    event macro 31 0
    wait 10
    event macro 8 1
    while #contName <> paperdoll_gump && #contSize <> 262_324
           wait 10
           contpos 800 280
      wait 10
    event macro 8 7
    while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 230_204
           wait 10
           contpos 610 570
    wait 10
    set %trader WDPD
    set %storage YDCQNMD
    gosub filledbookselect
    wait 1
    gosub emptybookselect
    wait 5
    ;Main Loop
    gosub getbod
    wait 1
    gosub clickok
    wait 1
    gosub movenewbod
    wait 1
    gosub turnina
    wait 1
    gosub turninb
    wait 1
    gosub tossit
    wait 1
    gosub cutfat
    wait 1
    goto loop
    ;Vendor Selector
    sub vendorselect
    event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the vendor to work with $
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    wait 2
    set %trader #ltargetid
    finditem %trader
    if #finddist > 1
      move #findx #findy a
    event property %trader
          if ( guildmaster in #property ) || ( guildmistress in #property )
              event exmsg #charid 3 30 Sorry guild masters do not give bods try again $
              wait 2
              goto selectionv
          if ( blacksmith in #property ) || ( tailor in #property ) || ( weaver in #property ) || ( weaponsmith in #property )
              msg #property
              wait 5
                 event exmsg #charid 3 30 Wrong vendor type, please try again $
                 wait 2
                 goto selectionv
    goto vmove
    ;secure Selector
    sub secureselect
    display yesno Click yes for Packy, click no for bank
    if #dispres = yes
       set #lobjectid #charid
       event macro 17
       msg all follow me $
       wait 5
       event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the Packy to dump to $
       set #targcurs 1
       while #targcurs = 1
       wait 2
       set %storage #ltargetid
       exevent popup %storage %poption
       wait 5
       while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 230_204
       wait 10
       contpos 440 570
       wait 10
    if #dispres = no
       msg bank $
       wait 5
       while #contName <> container_gump && #contSize <> 180_240
       wait 10
       contpos 440 570
       wait 5
       Display yesno This was devised to be used in Luna $
            +You must be able to access both the bank and the $
            +Vendor From the same location. $
            +Is the bankbox open? $
       if #dispres = yes
           set %storage #contid
           wait 5
       if #dispres = no
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 14-06-2008, 21:20.


    • #3
             display ok You need to either get to a spot where $
                +you can access the vendor and the bank $
                +without moving, or get a packy.$
                +(a lama is cheap)$$
                +Stopping the script now. $
                wait 2
      ;filled book Selector
      sub filledbookselect
        wait 5
        event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the book that has the bods to be traded
        set #targcurs 1
        while #targcurs = 1
           wait 2
        set %bodbag #ltargetid
        event property %bodbag
        if deeds_in_book:_0 in #property
            wait 2
            event exmsg #charid 3 30 That book is empty, please select a new one.
            goto filledselect
        set #lobjectid %bodbag
      event macro 17
          wait 2
          while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454
              wait 10
               event property %trader
               wait 5
               if ( tailor in #property ) || ( weaver in #property )
                   set %f1clickx #contposx + 50
                   set %f1clicky #contposy + 40
                   wait 5
                   click %f1clickx %f1clicky
                   wait 10
                   set %f2clickx #contposx + 40
                   set %f2clicky #contposy + 285
                   wait 5
                   click %f2clickx %f2clicky
                   wait 5
               if ( blacksmith in #property ) || ( weaponsmith in #property )
                   set %f3clickx #contposx + 50
                   set %f3clicky #contposy + 40
                   wait 5
                   click %f3clickx %f3clicky
                   wait 10
                   set %f4clickx #contposx + 40
                   set %f4clicky #contposy + 205
                   wait 5
                   click %f4clickx %f4clicky
                   wait 5
               wait 5
               set %cclickx #contposx + 25
               set %cclicky #contposy + 25
               wait 5
               click %cclickx %cclicky r
               wait 5
               set %cclickx #contposx + 25
               set %cclicky #contposy + 25
               wait 5
               click %cclickx %cclicky r
        wait 10
      ;empty book Selector
      sub emptybookselect
      event exmsg #charid 3 30 Target the BOD book to store new BOD's in You can target a bag if you really want, $
      wait 2
      set #targcurs 1
      while #targcurs = 1
      wait 2
      set %bodbook #ltargetid
      wait 5
      ;gets a new bod
      sub getbod
         exevent popup %trader %voption
         wait 2
      ; clicks yes in the bod menu
      ; Thx to Redsatin and Tecmo for this part.
      sub clickok
           set %timeout #scnt2 + 40
          wait 2
          if #ContName = generic_gump
           wait 2
           set %size #ContSize
           str right %size 3
           wait 0
           set %clicky #strres + #ContPosY - 30
           set %ClickX 115 + #ContPosX
           wait 5
           click %clickx %clicky
           wait 2
          if %timeout > #scnt2
            wait 1
            goto bodgump
          wait 2
      ;transfers new empty bods to book
      Sub movenewbod
      finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
      wait 2
      if #findkind <> -1
          wait 1
          exevent drag #findid
          wait 5
          exevent dropc %bodbook
          wait 5
          goto movenewbod
      wait 5
      if #contkind = IOIB
         set %newx #contposx + 20
         set %newy #contposy + 20
         wait 5
         click %newx %newy r
         wait 5
        wait 2
      ;drop bod out of book
      sub turnina
      set %journal #jindex
        set #lobjectid %bodbag
      event macro 17
      wait 20
      for %i %journal #jindex
      scanjournal %i
      if the_book_is_empty. in #journal
           wait 10
           gosub finaldump
          wait 10
        while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454
               wait 15
                set %dclickx #contposx + 40
                set %dclicky #contposy + 105
                wait 10
                click %dclickx %dclicky
                wait 10
        wait 10
        if #contName = generic_gump && #contSize = 615_454
               set %newx #contposx + 20
               set %newy #contposy + 20
               wait 10
               click %newx %newy r
               wait 10
        wait 10
      ;give the bod to vendor
      sub turninb
      finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind <> -1
         wait 1
         exevent drag #findid
         wait 5
         exevent dropc %trader
         wait 5
      if #findkind = -1
      ;drops unwanted stuff to the ground
      sub tossit
          finditem %tossem c_ , #backpackid
          if #findkind <> -1
           wait 10
           exevent drag #findid #findstack
           wait 10
           set %gdropx #charposx
           set %gdropy #charposy
           wait 10
           exevent dropg %gdropx %gdropy
           wait 10
           goto tossit
      wait 10
      ; drops stuff to storage
      sub cutfat
      wait 2
         finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
         wait 2
         if #findkind <> -1
            wait 1
            exevent drag #findid #findstack
            wait 5
            exevent dropc %storage
            wait 5
            goto storagedrop
      wait 2
      ;Final Dump to storage
      sub finaldump
        wait 5
         finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
         if #findkind <> -1
            wait 1
            exevent drag #findid #findstack
            wait 5
            exevent dropc %storage
            wait 5
            goto lastdrop
      while 1 = 1
      Ultima modifica di fnurov; 05-06-2008, 01:06.


      • #4
        one more usefull script

        cleans secure after recieveing rewards: dyes all clothes to same color places it in large stacks, drops on ground reward boots.
        set %secure of yuor conainer in bank and %tube of your dye tube in secure conainer

        ; áåç ïèçäû êðàôòåä áàé felix
        set %secure YDCQNMD
        set %boots NVI
        set %clothes BUI
        set %tube IAHUCND
        finditem %boots C_ %secure
        if #findcnt > 0 5
           Exevent Drag #findid #findstack
           wait 10
           Exevent Dropg #charposx #charposy #charposz
           wait 10
           goto moveboots
        finditem %clothes C_ %secure
        if #findcnt > 0
           set #LOBJECTID %tube
           event macro 17 0
           set #LTARGETID #findid
           target 2s
           event macro 22 0
           wait 10
           ignoreitem #findid
           goto paint
        ignoreitem reset
        finditem %clothes C_ %secure
        if #findcnt > 0
           if #findstack <> %laststack
              Exevent Drag #findid #findstack
              wait 10
              Exevent Dropc %secure
              wait 10
              set %laststack #findstack
           ignoreitem #findid
           goto moveclothes


        • #5
          i love this man=*

          up per qst thread utile
          Se vincete qualcosa nei miei thread contattatemi voi grazie'_^


          • #6
            raga nn ho capito come funziona questo script che ti organizza i premi e ti colora tuti i cloth dello stesso colore .. qcuno me lo puo spiegare plz ??
            Nalain DeadhBend [Dwarf] "Druido"

            Aysen [Dwarf] "Fencer"


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da Shent Visualizza il messaggio
              raga nn ho capito come funziona questo script che ti organizza i premi e ti colora tuti i cloth dello stesso colore .. qcuno me lo puo spiegare plz ??
              uno scritto più utile pulisce fissano il contenitore dopo la ricezione delle ricompense: vernicia tutti i vestiti allo stesso colore, posti esso in grandi pile, caricamenti del sistema della ricompensa di gocce su terra. variabile stabilita %secure del vostro contenitore in banca e %tube del vostro tubo della tintura nel conainer sicuro


              • #8
                ti ringrazio mille per la traduzione .. ma il mio problema nn e l'inglese ma i passaggi del %secure e %tube cosa vuol dire ?? devo settare qcosa nello script ??
                Nalain DeadhBend [Dwarf] "Druido"

                Aysen [Dwarf] "Fencer"


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da Shent Visualizza il messaggio
                  ti ringrazio mille per la traduzione .. ma il mio problema nn e l'inglese ma i passaggi del %secure e %tube cosa vuol dire ?? devo settare qcosa nello script ??
                  allora...apri easyuo e fai doppioclick sul contenitore in banka, a destra su lastobject c'e' un codice, ecco!quello lo metti dopo%secure
                  poi fai la stessa cosa cn il tube'_^salvi tutto e via
                  Se vincete qualcosa nei miei thread contattatemi voi grazie'_^


                  • #10
                    opk ci sono riuscito .. solo ke ora inceppo in un altro problema.. allora metto il backpack nella banca con dentro il tube per colorare.. dopodiche' setto le variabili come mi hai detto tu.. una volta che premo per avviare lo script mi esce Is to Far away...oppure nell'altro caso nn succede nulla ...come mai ??'
                    Ultima modifica di Shent; 07-06-2008, 14:04.
                    Nalain DeadhBend [Dwarf] "Druido"

                    Aysen [Dwarf] "Fencer"


                    • #11
                      raga mi sapete dire bene come funziona questo script ke ti colora i cloth tutti uguali ?? io nn lo riesco a far funzionare !!! mi dice is too far away ... oppure nn esce scritto nulla e nn succede nulla
                      Nalain DeadhBend [Dwarf] "Druido"

                      Aysen [Dwarf] "Fencer"


                      • #12
                        scusami ma nn passo sempresempre da ste parti potevi contattarmi no^^' io ora nn lo sto usando ma se t dice k sei lontano dovrebbe essere xke il banker si allontana e nn lo hai piu nel tuo tal caso nn puoi spostare nnt in banka
                        Se vincete qualcosa nei miei thread contattatemi voi grazie'_^


                        • #13
                          script is for really powa players, actually not finished totaly and not tested properly. so run at your own risk (post because asked). to have maximum perfomance increase eoux process priority to high (not highest) and disable frame skipping if enables to avoid crashing.
                          read instructions in script body, report bugs in this thread

                          ; =====================================================================
                          ; Script Name: Traston's Simple Bod Swapper
                          ; Author: Traston ShadowFire, rewritten almost all code by Felix
                          ; Version: 1.01 (f0.01)
                          ; Client Tested With:
                          ; Euo Version Tested With: 1.5 Test Ver 137
                          ; Shard Osi / Fs: FS
                          ;original bla bla bla deleted
                          ;Felix: so script is made to retake bods(tailoring)in luna:
                          ;just to enter tailor room and start script
                          ;without any clicking and with doing nothing at all
                          ;u need to rename your books... so all books that have bods to transfer
                          ;to vendor  - name filled, where to put new - unsorted, and u need to have
                          ;at least one book named cloth with less than 500 bods
                          ;so for examle u have 2 books with 500 and 100 filled bods, so u need to rename this books filled
                          ;have 2 empty books named unsorted and 1 epmty book named cloth
                          ;set correct %storage to some container in your bankbox (doublclick backpack in your bankbox and place
                          ;what is written #LOBJECTID instead of YDCQNMD in string  set %storage YDCQNMD)
                          ;actualy u need ablitiy to carry a good amount of weight for batter perfomance
                          ;i recomend to increase euox process priority from normal to high and disable frame skipping in uo
                          ;when u run script your charstatus and backpack must be opened
                          ;ah forgot... donate...
                          set %storage YDCQNMD
                          ; ID of Items that you want to keep
                          set #lpc 500
                          set %keepers KEG_BUI_POF_ZZF_TWF_QPF_tvh_ewh_nvi_dui_aui_fui_gui_gbg_TLH
                          ; ID of Items that you want to drop on ground
                          set %tossem NVI
                          ; Put the number of the option for Bulk Order Deed
                          ; on your shard here
                          set %voption 4 ;<---
                          ; Put the option number for packy backpack here
                          set %poption 11 ;<---
                          ;edit below at your own risk
                          set %trader WDPD
                          set %tossitdelay 300000
                          set %tossitnext #systime + %tossitdelay
                          set %cutfatdelay 20000
                          set %cutfatnext #systime + %cutfatdelay
                          set %filledbookchangestr Deeds , #spc , in , #spc , Book: , #spc , 0
                          gosub findbooks
                          gosub checkfilledbook
                          gosub checkunsortedbook
                          gosub checkclothbook
                          ;gosub filledbookselect
                          ;wait 1
                          ;gosub emptybookselect
                          ;wait 5
                          ;Main Loop
                          gosub openbank
                          set %bodgiventovendor #true
                          gosub checkfilledbook
                          if %bodgiventovendor
                           gosub getbod
                           gosub clickok
                          ;wait 1
                           gosub checkunsortedbook
                           gosub checkclothbook
                              gosub movenewbod
                              wait 5
                              gosub turnina 20
                          ;wait 1
                          gosub turninb
                          set %bodgiventovendor #result
                          if #systime > %cutfatnext || #weight > #maxweight
                             gosub cutfat
                             set %cutfatnext #systime + %cutfatdelay
                          if #systime > %tossitnext
                             gosub tossit %storage
                             set %tossitnext #systime + %tossitdelay
                          sleep 10
                          goto loop
                          sub checkfilledbook
                              event property %bodbag
                              if %filledbookchangestr in #property
                                 set %filledi %filledi + 1
                                 if %filledi <= %filledq
                                    set %bodbag %filled . %filledi
                          sub checkunsortedbook
                              event property %bodbook
                              if 500 in #PROPERTY
                                 set %unsortedi %unsortedi + 1
                                 if %unsortedi > %unsortedq
                                 set %bodbook %unsorted . %unsortedi
                          sub checkclothbook
                              event property %cloth
                              if 500 in #PROPERTY
                                 set %clothi %clothi + 1
                                 if %clothi > %clothq
                                 set %cloth %cloth . %clothi
                          sub findbooks
                              set %filledi 0
                              set %unsortedi 0
                              set %filledq 0
                              set %unsortedq 0
                              set %clothq 0
                              set %clothq 0
                              finditem DYM
                              for %i 1 #findcnt
                                  set #findindex %i
                                  event property #findid
                                  if filled in #property
                                     set %filledi %filledi + 1
                                     set %filled . %filledi #findid
                                  if unsorted in #property
                                     set %unsortedi %unsortedi + 1
                                     set %unsorted . %unsortedi #findid
                                  if cloth in #property
                                     set %clothi %clothi + 1
                                     set %cloth . %clothi #findid
                          set %filledq %filledi
                          set %filledi 1
                          set %unsortedq %unsortedi
                          set %unsortedi 1
                          Ultima modifica di fnurov; 15-06-2008, 14:54.


                          • #14

                            set %clothq %clothi
                            set %clothi 1
                            if %unsortedq = 0 || %filledq = 0 || %clothq = 0
                            set %bodbag %filled . %filledi
                            set %bodbook %unsorted . %unsortedi
                            set %cloth %cloth . %clothi
                            ;gets a new bod
                            sub getbod
                               exevent popup %trader %voption
                               ;wait 2
                            ; clicks yes in the bod menu
                            ; Thx to Redsatin and Tecmo for this part.
                            sub clickok
                                 set %timeout #scnt2 + 10
                                wait 1
                                if #ContName = generic_gump && #CONTSIZE <> 615_454
                                 ;wait 2
                                 set %size #ContSize
                                 str right %size 3
                                 ;wait 0
                                 set %clicky #strres + #ContPosY - 30
                                 set %ClickX 115 + #ContPosX
                                 ;wait 5
                                 click %clickx %clicky
                                 ;wait 2
                                if %timeout > #scnt2
                                  wait 1
                                  goto bodgump
                                wait 2
                            ;transfers new empty bods to book
                            Sub movenewbod
                                finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
                                if #findkind <> -1
                                  for %i 1 #findcnt
                                      set #findindex %i
                                          event property #findid
                                          str count #property $
                                          sleep 10
                                      until #strres > 1
                                      set %moved #false
                                      if small in #property
                                         gosub bodfilled #property
                                         if ! #result
                                             if cloth in #property
                                                gosub movetobook #findid %cloth
                                                gosub movetobook #findid %bodbook
                                          gosub movetobook #findid %bodbook
                               if #contkind = IOIB
                                 set %newx #contposx + 20
                                 set %newy #contposy + 20
                                 wait 5
                                 click %newx %newy r
                                 wait 5
                             sub bodfilled
                             ;%1 #property
                                         str count %1 10
                                         set %cnt10 #strres
                                         str count %1 15
                                         set %cnt15 #strres
                                         str count %1 20
                                         set %cnt20 #strres
                             if %cnt10 = 2 || %cnt15 = 2 || %cnt20 = 2
                                return #true
                                return #false
                             ;end bodfilled
                             sub movetobook
                             ;%1 bod
                             ;%2 book
                                      exevent drag %1
                                      wait 2
                                      exevent dropc %2
                                      wait 6
                            ;drop bod out of book
                            sub turnina
                            ;%1 numberofbods
                              set #lobjectid %bodbag
                              event macro 17
                              for %i 1 %1
                                  set %timeout #scnt2 + 20
                                  while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454 && %timeout > #scnt2
                                    wait 1
                                  set %dclickx #contposx + 40
                                  set %dclicky #contposy + 105
                                  wait 1
                                  click %dclickx %dclicky


                            • #15

                                set %timeout #scnt2 + 20
                                while #contName <> generic_gump && #contSize <> 615_454 && %timeout > #scnt2
                                      wait 1
                                set %newx #contposx + 20
                                set %newy #contposy + 20
                                wait 1
                                click %newx %newy r
                              ;give the bod to vendor
                              sub turninb
                              finditem EYM c_ , #backpackid
                              if #findkind <> -1
                                 set %filledbodfound #false
                                 for %i 1 #findcnt
                                     set #findindex %i
                                           event property #findid
                                           str count #property $
                                           sleep 10
                                     until #strres > 1
                                     gosub bodfilled #property
                                     if #result
                                        set %bod #findid
                                        set %filledbodfound #true
                                        goto turninb_bodfound
                                 if %filledbodfound
                                    finditem %trader
                                    while #finddist > 2
                                          wait 1
                                          finditem %trader
                                    gosub movetobook %bod %trader
                                    return #true
                                     return #false
                                return #false
                              sub takerandom
                                  set %result #random / 200
                                  set %result %result - 2
                                  return %result
                              ;drops unwanted stuff to the ground
                              sub tossit
                                  finditem %1
                                  if #findkind <> -1
                                      finditem %tossem G_ , 0
                                      if #findcnt < 20
                                          finditem %tossem c_ , %storage
                                          if #findkind <> -1
                                              for %i 1 #findcnt
                                                    set #findindex %i
                                                    exevent drag #findid #findstack
                                                    gosub takerandom
                                                    set %gdropx #charposx + #result
                                                    gosub takerandom
                                                    set %gdropy #charposy + #result
                                                    wait 2
                                                    exevent dropg %gdropx %gdropy
                                                    wait 6
                              wait 10
                              ; drops stuff to storage
                              sub cutfat
                                finditem %storage
                                if #findkind = -1
                                   gosub openbank
                                ;event macro 1 0 #result
                                if #result = ok || #findkind <> -1
                                   finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
                                   if #findkind <> -1
                                         for %i 1 #findcnt
                                             set #findindex %i
                                             exevent drag #findid #findstack
                                             wait 2
                                             exevent dropc %storage
                                             wait 6
                              sub openbank
                                  while #CHARPOSX <> 976 || #CHARPOSY <> 526 || #CHARPOSZ <> -50
                                      event pathfind 976 526 -50
                                      wait 3
                                  set %timeforbank #systime + 3000
                                        exevent popup PYFD 2
                                        exevent popup QYFD 2
                                        finditem %storage
                                  until #findkind = 0 || #systime > %timeforbank
                                  finditem %storage
                                  if #findcnt = 1
                                     set #lobjectid %storage
                                     event macro 17 0
                                     return ok
                              ;Final Dump to storage
                              sub finaldump
                                wait 5
                                 finditem %keepers c_ , #backpackid
                                 if #findkind <> -1
                                    wait 1
                                    exevent drag #findid #findstack
                                    wait 3
                                    exevent dropc %storage
                                    wait 5
                                    goto lastdrop
                              while 1 = 1


                              Sto operando...