feel like guy in movie teleport lol, i lkie it ))
will work on analyzing targettile
alpha version
want to hear opinion of guru euox programmers, cause work this #ltargetkind, #lpc, onhotkey, sleep first time, and not really cool in analysing journal...
will work on analyzing targettile
alpha version
want to hear opinion of guru euox programmers, cause work this #ltargetkind, #lpc, onhotkey, sleep first time, and not really cool in analysing journal...
set %jindex #jindex set %dlpc 1000 set %flpc 10000 set %d 11 set #lpc %dlpc set %i 0 loop: onhotkey r gosub hotkey sleep 1 goto loop sub hotkey set %i %i + 1 set #lpc %flpc event macro 15 21 set %sTime #systime gosub RelPorWaitForCurs %sTime if #result = ok { set %x #CHARPOSX set %y #CHARPOSY set %z #CHARPOSZ if #CHARDIR = 0 1 ;N set %y %y - %d if #CHARDIR = 1 2 ;NE set %y %y - %d set %x %x + %d if #CHARDIR = 2 1 ;E set %x %x + %d if #CHARDIR = 3 2 ;SE set %x %x + %d set %y %y + %d if #CHARDIR = 4 1 ;S set %y %y + %d if #CHARDIR = 5 2 ;SW set %y %y + %d set %x %x - %d if #CHARDIR = 6 1 ;W set %x %x - %d if #CHARDIR = 7 2 ;WN set %x %x - %d set %y %y - %d set #ltargetx %x set #ltargety %y set #ltargetz %z while #targcurs = 0 { if ( #systime > %sTime + 950 ) { return } } event macro 22 0 set #lpc %dlpc } return sub RelPorWaitForCurs ;%1 time of starting casting set %ChangeTargKindTime %1 + 850 set %TargKindChanged #false set %fl #true while %fl { set %njindex #jindex for %j %jindex %njindex { scanjournal %j if your_consentration_is_disturbed. in #journal && : notin #journal { set %result disturbed goto _RelPorWaitForCursExit } if the_spell_fizzles. in #journal && #CHARNAME in #journal { set %result disturbed goto _RelPorWaitForCursExit } if #systime > %ChangeTargKindTime { set #ltargetkind 2 set %result ok goto _RelPorWaitForCursExit } } set %jindex %njindex + 1 } _RelPorWaitForCursExit: set #targcurs 0 return %result ;end RelPorWaitForCurs