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[RICHIESTA] Script macra lavorative :D

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  • [RICHIESTA] Script macra lavorative :D

    Salve a tutti necessito di questi script per easy uo o injection :

    Macrare Blacksmith da 25 a 120
    Macrare Tailoring da 25 a 120
    Macrare Bowcraft da 25 a 100
    Macrare Carpentry da 25 a 100
    Macrare Tinkering da 25 a 100
    Macrare Arms Lore da 25 a 100
    Macrare Cooking da 25 a 100
    Macrare Lumberjacking da 25 a 100
    Macrare Mining da 25 a 100

    Qualcuno che mi aiuti please...

    ICQ 712 060 326 - Discord: ICE#1603

    P|K Discord Server:


  • #2
    Quando logghi in icq, ti passo uno script ottimo per carpentry, io la ho macrata da 25 a 100 in poco più di tre ore ^^
    n00b is STYLE!
    ICQ - KnO
    sSo: 363938990

    Scrivere correttamente qui non costa nulla.


    • #3
      vai sul sito di easyuo e cercati:

      CEO TurboSmithy
      CEO TurboTinker
      CEO TurboTailor

      per quanto riguarda lumber e mining scaricati

      Lumber Scorna (link)
      Miner Scorna (link)

      Per Arms Lore ne ho trovato uno carino, se mi contatti te lo passo.
      Per Carpentry ci pensa Dark altrimenti scaricati CEO TurboCarpenter (è da modificare però).

      ps: la prossima volta usa il tasto cerca cmq.


      • #4

        ;RoadkillsCooking.txt  Copyright 13Jun03 by Roadkill
        ;ver 1.1 30 Nov 03, fixed missing commas and ingot type
        ;1.  This script will 0-GM you in Cooking.  I recommend you buy cooking from an NPC up to 30ish
        ;   then use script up to what you want.  You can make savage paint at 80.
        ;2.  You can use either Ribs or fishsteaks.  It takes about 20,000 fishsteaks 0-80.
        ;3.  You only gain skill on cooking success; you use up a steak or so when you fail.  Some
        ;   folks told me that if you cook 1000 or more at a time, you will get the gains all
        ;   at once.  I did NOT find this to be true-- the most I observed was about .3, which you
        ;   can also gain by cooking 20 - 40 fishsteaks.I have given you a variable to set, %cookamt
        ;   to tell it how many to try cooking at once, I recommend leaving it at 20.
        ;4.  You must be standing within reach of a SECURE container you have access to.
        ;   This container MUST CONTAIN a BAG OR PACK, inside which you must have your raw materials,
        ;   Fishsteaks or Ribs.
        ;5.  You must be standing near a fire; this can be a HEATING STAND on the ground, lit, or a forge, etc
        ;6.  You must have either the tinker skill to make skillets (30min, I ask for 35)
        ;   and have the tinkers tools/ingots on you,OR you must have skillets in your mainpack
        ;7.  You must set your windows screen resolution to be at least 1024x768, or change the
        ;   positions I open stuff and paperdoll so I can drop fishsteaks in your pack
        ;8.  MOST IMPORTANT STEP!! I use "make last" for tinkering and cooking,
        ;   so before starting script please cook one of what you are making (ribs or fishsteaks),
        ;   and if you are tinkering your skillets, make one of them! THEN PRESS PLAY!
        ;===========CONFIGURATION: Recommend you leave it, copy/paste, and press play!===========
        set %cookamt 1
        set %delay 30  ;change this to higher if slow connectin, 30= 1.5sec
        GOSUB CookingSetup
        finditem DND C_ , %mainpack
        if #findkind = -1 3
             gosub makeskillet
             wait 2s
             goto start
        set #lobjectid #findid
        event macro 17
        wait 2
        finditem %rawitemtype C_ , %mainpack
        if #FINDKIND = -1
            GOSUB moveitemtoPos1 %rawitemtype 900 650 %cookamt
        click 334 462
        wait 20
        if #weight > #maxweight
          finditem %cookeditemtype C_ , %mainpack
          set %cookeditemID #findid
          finditem %secureSubpack
          set #findmod 25_7
            GOSUB moveitemtoPos1 %cookeditemID #findx #findy 0
        goto start
        SUB CookingSetup
          event macro 31
            wait %delay
          event macro 8 1
            wait %delay
            contpos 760 425
            wait %delay
          event macro 8 2
            wait %delay
            contpos 650 0
            wait %delay
          event macro 8 7
            wait %delay
            contpos 580 380
            wait %delay
            set %mainpack #contid
          Display yesno Are your paperdoll and mainpack open and placed to the right?$
            + If not, please open them and move them to right, both visible,$
            + then push play--and PAPERDOLL MUST BE TOTALLY ONSCREEN!$
          if #DISPRES = No
          set #NEXTCPOSX 580
          set #NEXTCPOSY 150
          Display ok Open the SECURE containing your SUBPACK that holds your raw fish or ribs$
            + and place it to the right so it doesn't cover$
            + the paperdoll, mainpack and gameplay area.$
            + Press ENTER to continue.$
          onhotkey enter
            goto continuesetup1
          goto keyloop1
          set %secure #CONTID
          Display ok Now open the bag that contains the RAW FISH or RIBS$
            + This should be a bag INSIDE the secure.$
            + Please make sure you have enough raw stuff to cook.$
          set %oldcontid #CONTID
          set #NEXTCPOSX 780
          set #NEXTCPOSY 200
          if #CONTID = %oldcontid
            goto getbagid1
          wait %delay
          wait %delay
          set %secureSubPack #CONTID
          DISPLAY OK Now please target the RAW FISHSTEAKS or RIBS in the$
            + SECURE SUBPACK that you will cook$
          SET #TARGCURS 1
          if #targcurs = 1
            goto getrawtype2
          SET %rawitemtype #FINDTYPE
          set %cookeditemtype HND
          IF %rawitemtype = VRD
            set %cookeditemtype YRD
        ;check for pans or tinker skill/supplies
          chooseskill cook
          IF #SKILLLOCK <> UP
            DISPLAY OK It looks like your cooking skill is NOT set to raise$
              + Please change it to UP then hit play
          finditem DND C_ , %mainpack
          IF #FINDKIND = 0
          chooseskill tink
          IF #skill < 35
            DISPLAY OK It looks like your tinker skill is NOT high enough$
              + to make skillets. Please buy some then restart script$
          FINDITEM KTL C_ , %mainpack
          IF #FINDKIND
            DISPLAY OK I can't find any tinker tools in your mainpack.
              + Please buy some then restart script$
          FINDITEM ENK C_ , %mainpack
          IF #FINDKIND
            DISPLAY OK I can't find any ingots in your mainpack.
              + Please get some then restart script$
        sub moveitemtoPos1
          set %_item %1
          set %_x %2
          set %_y %3
          set %_amount %4
          finditem %_item C
          if #findkind
          event drag #FINDID
        ;   wait %delay
          WAIT 15
          if #FINDSTACK > 1
            if %_amount = 0 || #findstack < %_amount
              msg $
            if %_amount > 0
              msg %_amount $
          wait  10
          click %_x %_y p
          wait 10
        sub makeskillet
            finditem ktl
            if #findkind
            set #lobjectid #FINDID
           event macro 17
           wait 5
           click 335 690
           wait 5


        • #5
          up aiutatemi con le rimanenti please
          ICQ 712 060 326 - Discord: ICE#1603

          P|K Discord Server:



          • #6
            miner scorna mi da problemi..
            l'ho sempre usato ma ora quando lo avvio mi dice "no supported UO client found!"
            Quale può essere la causa? Ho appena aggiornato razor e patchato il client..
            Originariamente inviato da Alemaudit
            Nome: Alessandro
            Musica preferita: Metal, Rock
            Musica che odi: Gigi d'Alessio
            hahahaha è un genere a sè! XD mitico


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da La_Cho Visualizza il messaggio
              miner scorna mi da problemi..
              l'ho sempre usato ma ora quando lo avvio mi dice "no supported UO client found!"
              Quale può essere la causa? Ho appena aggiornato razor e patchato il client..
              Prova a scaricare l'ultima versione di EasyUO e quasi sicuramente avrai risolto il tuo problema (almeno spero )

              Vota per UODreams:


              • #8
                scusate avrei bisogno anche io dello script per arms lore...


                • #9
                  anche a me serivrebbe lo script x arms lore nn potreste postarlo qua grazie

                  icq 354486533


                  • #10
                    Originariamente inviato da fabbio1992 Visualizza il messaggio
                    anche a me serivrebbe lo script x arms lore nn potreste postarlo qua grazie
                    Copy And Paste ICQ: 315728245


                    • #11
                      prova questo dal sito di easyuo

                      Script Name: Hosebomber's 0-100 Arms Lore Script
                      ; Author: Hosebomber
                      ; Version: 1.2
                      ; Client Tested with:
                      ; EUO version tested with:
                      ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
                      ; Revision Date: 2-07-06
                      ; Public Release: 4-04-05
                      ; Global Variables Used: N/A
                      ; Purpose: Raise Arms Lore from 0-GM.
                      ;================================================= =====
                      ;Version Change 1.2
                      ;Added SE and ML items Thanks to Eden13
                      ;Version Change 1.1
                      ;Added Skinning Knife
                      ;Fixed slight bug of not counting gain off first lore attepmt to the
                      ; "gains this cycle"
                      ;Menu clean-up... (Showing N/A until first attempt is complete)
                      In Game : Lord Ivan II
                      ICQ: 373892154
                      [PUBBLICITA'] Vendor a Luna Pieni di Armor da Barbed Kit a Poco Prezzo Uscita a Est!


                      • #12
                        scusate la forse noobbata ma x arms lore nn basta una macro con razor che usa la skill su un'arma a loop?

                        (ovviamente fatto tutto con record)


                        Sto operando...