WE raga lo script per analizza le armor???
lo avevo dal vecchio pc ma lol e fuso

lo avevo dal vecchio pc ma lol e fuso

;================================== ; Script Name: NaborStats ; Author: coden55 ; Version: 2.20 ; Client Tested with: 4.0.5b ; EUO version tested with: V1.42.00A0 ; Shard OSI / FS: Both ; Public Release: 07/13/04 ; Revision Date: 03/01/05 ; Global Variables Used: *NaborStatsPL ; Purpose: Makes list with properties of targetted player/container. ;================================== ;== Nothing to change below! restart: set %separator @ set #LPC 100 set %ALERT 1 set %DIGITS 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_0_- set %EMPTY if *NaborStatsPL = N/A { set *NaborStatsPL gosub AddP Defense , #spc , Chance , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Damage , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Swing , #spc , Speed , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Chance , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Fire , #spc , Area gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Cold , #spc , Area gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Poison , #spc , Area gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Energy , #spc , Area gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Physical , #spc , Area gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Dispel gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Fireball gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Harm gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Lightning gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Magic , #spc , Arrow gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Life , #spc , Leech gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Mana , #spc , Leech gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Stamina , #spc , Leech gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Lower , #spc , Attack gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Lower , #spc , Defense gosub AddP Mage , #spc , Armor gosub AddP Lower , #spc , Reagent , #spc , Cost gosub AddP Lower , #spc , Mana , #spc , Cost gosub AddP Faster , #spc , Casting gosub AddP Faster , #spc , Cast , #spc , Recovery gosub AddP Spell , #spc , Damage , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Physical , #spc , Resist gosub AddP Fire , #spc , Resist gosub AddP Cold , #spc , Resist gosub AddP Poison , #spc , Resist gosub AddP Energy , #spc , Resist gosub AddP Dexterity , #spc , Bonus gosub AddP Strength , #spc , Bonus gosub AddP Intelligence , #spc , Bonus gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Point , #spc , Regeneration gosub AddP Stamina , #spc , Regeneration gosub AddP Mana , #spc , Regeneration gosub AddP Hit , #spc , Point , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Stamina , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Mana , #spc , Increase gosub AddP Self , #spc , Repair gosub AddP Enhance , #spc , Potions gosub AddP Insured gosub AddP Luck gosub AddP Spell , #spc , Channeling gosub AddP Reflect , #spc , Physical , #spc , Damage } gosub PropExecuter gosub showResultsmenu menu hideeuo gosub WFMB start: set %propertyCNT2 %propertyCNT menu List add text Click at some container/player to receive info set #TARGCURS 1 loop: wait 2 if #TARGCURS = 1 goto loop: set %CONT #LTARGETID set #LOBJECTID %CONT event macro 17 set #SCNT 0 WFCTO: wait 2 if #SCNT > 2 { menu List add text Unable to open container. Script stopped gosub WFMB } if #CONTID <> %CONT goto WFCTO if #CHARID <> %CONT { set #CONTPOSX 1 set #CONTPOSY 600 } menu List add text %CONT , #dot Getting info... finditem * C_ , %CONT if #FINDKIND = -1 { gosub showResultsmenu menu List add text Unable to find container. Script stopped gosub WFMB } set %FINDCNT #FINDCNT set %ALERTCNT %ALERT for %CNT 1 %FINDCNT { finditem * %CNT C_ , %CONT if #FINDKIND <> -1 { set %ALERTCNT %ALERTCNT + 1 if %ALERTCNT >= %ALERT { menu List add text Item %CNT , / , %FINDCNT set %ALERTCNT 0 } event property #FINDID for %paramCNT 1 %propertyCNT { set #RESULT gosub GetProperty #PROPERTY %property . %paramCNT gosub SumProperty %property . %paramCNT #RESULT %paramCNT } gosub GPMethod2 #PROPERTY Bonus } if #FINDKIND = -1 { menu List add text Item %CNT , / , %FINDCNT , : Unable to find, skipped. wait 10 } } click 50 650 r gosub showResultsmenu set %ToFileData for %CNT 1 %propertyCNT2 { if %PROP . %CNT <> N/A { set %REALPARAM %PROP . %CNT set %PARAM %REALPARAM PrepProp2: str pos %PARAM #spc if #STRRES > 0 { str del %PARAM #STRRES 1 set %PARAM #STRRES goto PrepProp2 } menu List add text %REALPARAM , : , #spc , % . %PARAM set %ToFileData %ToFileData , %REALPARAM , %separator , % . %PARAM , %separator set %PROP . %CNT N/A set % . %PARAM N/A } } if EXEC in #opts gosub AddSTFMenu else menu Button helpexec 108 252 15 17 ? gosub WFMB sub GetProperty str pos %1 %2 if #STRRES = 0 return 0 set %3 set #STRRES #STRRES - 1 str del %1 1 #STRRES set %1 #STRRES str len %1 set %PROPLEN #STRRES str pos %1 $ str del %1 #STRRES %PROPLEN set %1 #STRRES str right %1 1 if #STRRES = % { str len %1 str del %1 #STRRES 1 set %1 #STRRES set %3 1 } set %VALUE set %ZERO 0 getvalue: str right %1 1 if #STRRES in %DIGITS { if #STRRES = 0 { set %ZERO %ZERO + 1 str len %1 str del %1 #STRRES 1 set %1 #STRRES goto getvalue } if %ZERO <> 0 { for %CNT2 1 %ZERO { set #STRRES #STRRES , 0 } set %ZERO 0 } str ins %VALUE #STRRES 0 set %VALUE #STRRES str len %1 str del %1 #STRRES 1 set %1 #STRRES goto getvalue } if %3 = 1 set %VALUE %VALUE , % if %VALUE = %EMPTY set %VALUE 1 return %VALUE sub SumProperty if %2 = 0 return set %realpropname %1 PrepProp: str pos %1 #spc if #STRRES > 0 { str del %1 #STRRES 1 set %1 #STRRES goto PrepProp } if % . %1 = N/A { if %3 = N/A { set %propertyCNT2 %propertyCNT2 + 1 set %PROP . %propertyCNT2 %realpropname } else { set %PROP . %3 %realpropname } set % . %1 } str pos %2 % if #STRRES > 0 { set %3 1 set #STRRES #STRRES - 1 str left %2 #STRRES set %2 #STRRES } str pos % . %1 % if #STRRES > 0 { set #STRRES #STRRES - 1 str left % . %1 #STRRES set % . %1 #STRRES } set % . %1 % . %1 + %2 if %3 = 1 set % . %1 % . %1 , % return % . %1 sub WFMB set #menubutton WFMB: wait 2 if #menubutton = back gosub showResultsmenu if #menubutton = start { gosub showResultsmenu goto start } if #menubutton = closed halt if #menubutton = setup gosub showSetupmenu if #menubutton = add { set #menubutton menu get property gosub AddP #menures if #result = #true { set %PropertyCNT %PropertyCNT + 1 set %Property . %PropertyCNT #menures menu List add properties %PropertyCNT , : %property . %PropertyCNT menu set text [ Successfully added } else menu set text [ Cannot be added } if #menubutton = remove { set #menubutton menu get property gosub DeleteP #menures if #result = #true { gosub PropExecuter gosub ShowProps menu set text [ Successfully removed } else menu set text [ Cannot be removed
} if #menubutton = help { set #menubutton display ok To add property in list, it is necessary to write in the field "Property" a name$ +and then to press the button "add". Property can not be added in the list for two reasons:$ +the property's name contains a symbol "separator", or already exists in the list. display ok To remove property from the list, it is necessary to write to a field "Property" a name or number of property$ +and then to press the button "remove". Property can not be deleted from the list for two reasons:$ +the property's name contains a symbol "separator", or does not exist in the list. display ok What is the sign "separator" ( , %separator , )? All names of properties are stored$ +in one global variable as one string. To separate properties from each other there is a sign "separator".$ +The sign "separator" cannot be used in names of properties. } if #menubutton = reset { set #menubutton set #dispres display okcancel You really want to remove all properties$ +from the list and to restore base properties? if #dispres = ok { set *NaborStatsPL N/A goto restart } } if #menubutton = save { set #menubutton set %ToFileData2 %ToFileData gosub SaveToFile menu Text textSaved 170 276 SAVED set %ToFileData %ToFileData2 set %ToFileData2 N/A } if #menubutton = helpexec { set #menubutton display ok If you want to have an ability to save results in a file,$ +You need to enable Execute in your EasyUO options. } goto WFMB return sub AddP str pos %1 %separator if #STRRES > 0 { return #false } str pos *NaborStatsPL %1 , %separator if #STRRES > 0 { if #STRRES = 1 return #false str pos *NaborStatsPL %separator , %1 , %separator if #STRRES > 0 return #false } set *NaborStatsPL *NaborStatsPL , %1 , %separator return #true sub DeleteP if %1 > 0 set %1 %property . %1 str pos %1 %separator if #STRRES > 0 { return #false } str pos *NaborStatsPL %1 , %separator if #STRRES = 1 { goto DeleteP } str pos *NaborStatsPL %separator , %1 , %separator if #STRRES > 0 { set #STRRES #STRRES + 1 goto DeleteP } return #false DeleteP: set %pos #STRRES str len %1 set #strres #strres + 1 str del *NaborStatsPL %pos #STRRES set *NaborStatsPL #STRRES return #true sub PropExecuter set %NaborStatsPL *NaborStatsPL set %i 0 getpropnum: str pos %NaborStatsPL %separator if #STRRES > 0 { set %i %i + 1 set %pos #STRRES set #STRRES #STRRES - 1 str left %NaborStatsPL #STRRES set %property . %i #STRRES str del %NaborStatsPL 1 %pos set %NaborStatsPL #STRRES goto getpropnum } set %propertyCNT %i return sub showResultsmenu set #menubutton menu Clear menu Window Title NaborStats (coden) menu Window Color Black menu Window Size 229 270 menu Font Name MS Sans Serif menu Font Size 8 menu Font Style menu Font Color WindowText menu Font BGColor Window menu List Create text 0 0 230 250 menu Font BGColor BtnFace menu Button start 0 250 101 21 Start script menu Button setup 130 250 101 21 Setup menu Show 10 10 return sub showSetupmenu set #menubutton menu Clear menu Window Title Setup menu Window Color Black menu Window Size 440 250 menu Font Name Times New Roman menu Font Size 28 menu Font Style i menu Font Color $0007003C menu Font BGColor Black menu Text EUOLabel1 60 0 SetUp menu Font Name Arial menu Font Size 11 menu Font Style menu Font Color Silver menu Font Transparent #true menu Text EUOLabel2 10 30 P r o p e r t y: menu Font Name MS Sans Serif menu Font Size 8 menu Font Color White menu Text text 10 200 [ menu Font Color Black menu Font BGColor White menu Edit property 10 50 160 menu Font Color Green menu Font BGColor BtnFace menu Button add 70 80 100 20 Add >>> menu Font Color Maroon menu Button remove 70 105 100 20 Remove <<< menu Font Style b menu Font Color White menu Font BGColor Black menu Button reset 30 220 41 21 Reset menu Button back 80 220 41 21 Back menu Button help 130 220 41 21 Help gosub ShowProps menu Show 10 10 return sub ShowProps menu Delete properties menu List Create properties 180 10 250 230 for %i 1 %PropertyCNT { menu List add properties %i , : %property . %i } return sub GPMethod2 set %GMP2Prop %1 set %GMP2SearchWord %2 GPM2Again: str pos %GMP2Prop %GMP2SearchWord if #STRRES = 0 return set %GPM2Pos #STRRES GPM2getSep: set %GPM2Pos %GPM2Pos - 1 str mid %GMP2Prop %GPM2Pos 1 if %GPM2Pos = 0 set #STRRES $ if #STRRES <> $ goto GPM2getSep str del %GMP2Prop 1 %GPM2Pos set %GMP2Prop #STRRES str pos %GMP2Prop %GMP2SearchWord set %GPM2Pos #STRRES - 1 str len %GMP2SearchWord set %GPM2Pos %GPM2Pos + #STRRES str left %GMP2Prop %GPM2Pos set %GPM2Pos #STRRES if %GPM2Pos notin *NaborStatsPL { gosub GetProperty %GMP2Prop %GPM2Pos gosub SumProperty %GPM2Pos #RESULT N/A } str pos %GMP2Prop $ if #STRRES = 0 return str del %GMP2Prop 1 #STRRES set %GMP2Prop #STRRES goto GPM2Again return sub AddSTFMenu str left #OSVER 1 if #STRRES = 1 set %FCMD command.com else set %FCMD cmd.exe menu Font Name Arial menu Font Size 10 menu Font Style b menu Font Color Silver menu Font BGColor Black menu Text textTitle 4 272 Title: menu Text textFilename 4 295 Filename: menu Font BGColor Window menu Font Color Black menu Edit TITLE 40 272 117 menu Edit FILENAME 72 296 85 menu Font Name MS Sans Serif menu Font Size 8 menu Font Style menu Font Color WindowText menu Font BGColor Window menu Button save 164 296 65 23 Save to file menu Font Color Silver menu Window Size 229 320 return sub SaveToFile menu get FILENAME set %FILENAME #MENURES , .txt menu get TITLE if %FCMD = cmd.exe { set %string * , * , * , #spc , #MENURES GP: gosub GetParamFSDBS if #result = #false { execute %FCMD /c echo %string >> %FILENAME return } set %string %string , #SPC , >> , #SPC , %FILENAME , #SPC , && , #SPC , echo , #SPC , #result gosub GetParamFSDBS set %string %string , : , #SPC , #result goto GP } execute %FCMD /c echo * , * , * #MENURES >> %FILENAME wait 5 GP2: gosub GetParamFSDBS if #result = #false return set %string #result gosub GetParamFSDBS execute %FCMD /c echo %string , : #result >> %FILENAME wait 5 goto GP2 return sub GetParamFSDBS set %1 #false str pos %ToFileData %separator if #STRRES > 0 { set %pos #STRRES - 1 str left %ToFileData %pos set %1 #STRRES set %pos %pos + 1 str del %ToFileData 1 %pos set %ToFileData #STRRES } return %1