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[easyuo] potreste darmi uno script con ...???

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  • [easyuo] potreste darmi uno script con ...???

    c.d.t. mmi servirebbe uno script o anche che aggiungeste qualcosa a questo script che attualmente uso ( nel prossimo post).
    mi servirebbe che ci aggiungeste qualcosa che quando il pg si ferma e dice "you can't get here" lo script faccia muovere il player di nn sò quanti tile in modo che cosi lo script continui il suo lavoro e nn rimanga li impallato.

    uno script secondario che mi servirebbe è codesto, mi paicerebbe che gentilmente mi creaste uno script che ogni mezz'ora o 40 minuti dia damangiare al mio pet (firebeetle e horse pach) dimodo che se sto away nn si stami.
    e che questo script metta il granito ( di ogni tipo lol ) minato e tipo ogni 200 linghi li metta in bag del pachhorse o del beetle ( se si puo sarebbe bello un target che parte al inizio che dice targetti il pet dove vuole mettere l'oro o cose del genere, in modo che cosi se io avessi beetle o horsepack possa scegliere.)
    lo script che uso io per minare quando ho il pack pieno si stoppa, quindui mi paicerebbe che lo script che mette l'oro eil granito nel horse lo facesse prima che lo script si inceppi. (per evitare che qualcuno mi dika che posso recallare con lo script e mettere le cose in bank io diko che nn voglio che si recalli qudini nessuno posti per farmelo notare thx)

    beh adesso spero che qualcuno cosi gentile mi aiuti, ringrazio gia per le risposte thx =)

  • #2
    script che uso attualmente(lo diviso in 2 post los cript se no nn ci stava :

    set %bMove #true

    ; todo:
    ; - remember last mining spots and avoid them

    ; How long to wait at certain times
    ; If you get "action queued" or so, set it higher
    set %nWait 3
    set %bShowMessageBoxWhenStarting #false
    goto start
    ; Script Name: ZsMining
    ; Author: ZanyScum
    ; Version: 1.9.3
    ; Client Tested with: Patch 42
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.50 v106
    ; Shard FS: Allure
    ; Revision Date: 2007-02-14
    ; Public Release: 2006-03-05
    ; Global Variables Used: *ZsM_bTeleportWhenFull, *ZsM_RecallItem1, *ZsM_RecallItem2, *ZsM_sTeleportType
    ; Purpose: mining of caves near forges, random automove to new mining spots
    ; Use-1: Have 1 Tinkertool and 1 Shovel with enough uses and start the script
    ; Use-2: Have 1 Tinkertool and some ingots and start the script
    ; Use-Addon: Use ZsMiningSetup for Recall/Sacred Journey
    ; Long Description:
    ; Have the tools and ingots visible !
    ; You will dry-mine the spot you are at
    ; If you move, you will mine the new spot.
    ; If you need a shovel, it will be created
    ; If you have only one tinkertools, it will create one more
    ; If a forge is nearby it will be used.
    ; After auto-use of a forge, you will return to the previous mining spot
    ; If the variable %bMove is set to #false, you will not move automatically
    ; You will move at random, if a spot is dry
    ; When using ZsMiningSetup:
    ; Using Recall or SacredJourney to bank when nearly full with ingots
    ; Putting ingots into bank
    ; Get some iron ingots from bank (for tool creation)
    ; Recall/Journey back to mine
    ; If moving outside mining area, move back
    ; If moving so far, you can't see the forge, stop, or Recall/SacredJorney
    gosub zInit

    set %nStartX #CHARPOSX
    set %nStartY #CHARPOSY
    set %forgeTypes JBG_JJ_SMF
    set %StoneWorkerKeyTypes NUI
    set %MetalWorkerKeyTypes %StoneWorkerKeyTypes
    set %nTeleportToBankCounter 0
    gosub setupStoneWorkerKey
    gosub setupMetalWorkerKey
    gosub zMain
    gosub zHalt (normal halt)

    zHalt (error, this should never happen)

    sub zMain ; ----------------------------------------

    gosub sleepIfOffline
    if %bShowMessageBoxWhenStarting = #true
    display ok "Status-bar and backpack MUST be opened ! (overview should be closed)"

    set %nIndexFrom #jIndex


    wait %nWait
    gosub stonesToStoneWorkerKey
    wait 10

    onHotKey F1 alt
    gosub zTeleportBankUnloadStop

    set %nIndexTo #jIndex
    if %nIndexFrom > %nIndexTo
    set %nIndexFrom %nIndexTo
    for %nIndex %nIndexFrom %nIndexTo
    scanjournal %nIndex
    if your_backpack_is_full in #journal
    gosub sleepIfOffline

    gosub Smelting
    wait %nWait

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    goto afterSmelt1
    };if found

    if you_can't_mine_there in #journal ; left mining area
    gosub sleepIfOffline
    if %nCantMineCounter > 3
    event SysMessage I left the mining area, returning
    gosub zTeleport *ZsM_sTeleportType *ZsM_RecallItem2
    set %nCantMineCounter 0
    if %nCantMineCounter = n/a
    set %nCantMineCounter 0
    set %nCantMineCounter %nCantMineCounter + 1
    set %nCantMineCounter 0

    wait %nWait
    gosub stonesToStoneWorkerKey
    wait %nWait

    set %nWeight #WEIGHT
    set %nMaxWeight #MAXWEIGHT

    set %nWeightNext %nWeight + 24

    if *ZsM_bTeleportWhenFull <> n/a
    set %nWeightNext %nWeightNext + 24
    if ( %nWeightNext > %nMaxWeight ) || #WEIGHT > 400
    gosub Smelting
    wait %nWait
    gosub stonesToStoneWorkerKey

    set %nIndexFrom #jIndex ;%nIndexTo + 1

    gosub mineOneTile

    set %nIndexTo #jIndex
    for %nIndex %nIndexFrom %nIndexTo
    scanjournal %nIndex
    if there_is_no_metal_here in #journal || you_can't_mine_that in #journal || you_can't_mine_there in #journal || is_no_sand_here_to in #journal
    gosub zMove
    gosub sleepIfOffline
    wait %nWait
    goto afterMove
    };if found

    wait %nWait

    goto mainLoop

    return ; ----------------------------------------

    sub smelting ;-------------- smelting

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    gosub stonesToStoneWorkerKey

    set %nPosBeforeSmeltingX #charPosX
    set %nPosBeforeSmeltingY #charPosY
    set %nPosBeforeSmeltingZ #charPosZ

    set %bTeleportAfterSmelt #false
    finditem DWJ_TVJ_EWJ_GWJ C
    if #findKind = -1
    if *ZsM_bTeleportWhenFull = n/a
    gosub zHalt (to heavy, but no ore)
    else ; do teleport when full
    gosub zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine
    if ( #findcnt = 1 && #findstack < 5 )
    set %bTeleportAfterSmelt #true

    set %nLookingForForgeCounter 0

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    if %nLookingForForgeCounter > 20
    if *ZsM_bTeleportWhenFull = n/a
    display ok no forge found
    gosub zHalt no forge found
    gosub zTeleport *ZsM_sTeleportType *ZsM_RecallItem2
    set %nLookingForForgeCounter 0

    event SysMessage looking for a forge...
    finditem %forgeTypes
    if #findKind = -1
    if %nForgeId <> n/a
    gosub estimateDistance %nForgeX %nForgeY
    set %nDist #result
    if %nDist < 5000
    event PathFind %nForgeX %nForgeY
    wait 1s

    set %nLookingForForgeCounter %nLookingForForgeCounter + 1
    wait 1s
    goto startLookingForForge

    if #findDist > 2
    event PathFind #FINDX #FINDY #FINDZ
    wait 1s
    goto startLookingForForge
    set %nForgeId #findId
    set %nForgeX #findX
    set %nForgeY #findY

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    finditem DWJ_TVJ_EWJ_GWJ C
    if #findkind = -1
    event SysMessage all ore smelted

    if %bStopAfterUnload = #true

    if %bTeleportAfterSmelt = #true
    set %bTeleportAfterSmelt #false
    gosub zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine

    event PathFind %nPosBeforeSmeltingX %nPosBeforeSmeltingY %nPosBeforeSmeltingZ
    wait 1s
    set #lObjectId #findId
    set #lTargetKind 1
    set #lTargetId %nForgeId
    event macro 17 0 ;lastobject, use ore
    target 5s
    event Macro 22 0 ;last target
    wait 1s

    goto startLookingForOre

    return ; ----------------------------------------

    sub mineOneTile ;------------ mineOneTile

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    finditem TWF_WWF_QPF_NPF C
    if #findkind = -1
    gosub createMiningTool
    goto startMineOneTile
    set #lObjectId #findId
    event macro 17 0 ;last object
    tile Init
    Tile Get #CharPosX #CharPosY 2
    set #lTargetTile #tileType
    set #lTargetX #charPosX
    set #lTargetY #charPosY
    set #lTargetZ #charPosZ
    set #lTargetKind 3
    target 5s
    event Macro 22 0 ;last target
    return ; ----------------------------------------

    sub createMiningTool ;---------------- createMiningTool

    gosub sleepIfOffline

    event SysMessage creating tools...
    findItem KTL_JTL_MTL_LTL C ;Tinkertool
    if #findKind = -1
    gosub zHalt no TinkerTool
    set %nIdTinkerTool #findId
    set %nTinkerToolCount #findCnt

    finditem ENK_RMK C ;Ingots
    if #findKind = -1
    gosub ZHalt no ingots for tinkertool

    set #lObjectId %nIdTinkerTool
    event macro 17 0 ;last object
    set %nCounter 0
    set %nCounter %nCounter + 1
    if %nCounter > 20
    return ; error occurred
    if #contName <> generic_gump
    sleep 50
    goto waitForGump
    gosub zGumpClickMenu 3
    wait 1s

    if %nTinkerToolCount = 1
    event SysMessage creating tinkertools...
    gosub zGumpClickItem 4
    wait 2s
    event SysMessage creating shovel...
    gosub zGumpNextPage
    wait 1s
    gosub zGumpClickItem 1
    wait 2s

    gosub zGumpClose
    wait 1s

    return ; ----------------------------------------


    • #3
      ; ************************************************** *****************

      sub zInit ;------------ zInit

      gosub sleepIfOffline

      set %zScriptName ZsMiningV1.9.3
      event SysMessage starting script %zScriptName ...

      sub zHalt ;------------ zHalt <text> if text contains spaces, limit is 10 params
      gosub zParamsToVar sAllParams %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10
      set %sMsg stopping , #spc , script , #spc , %zScriptName , #spc , %sAllParams
      event SysMessage %sMsg
      display ok %sMsg

      sub zParamsToVar ;------------ zParamsToVar
      namespace local zParamsToVar
      if %0 <= 1 || %2 = n/a ;no parameters -> return a space
      set % . %1 #spc

      set %tempAll %2

      for %nParam 3 %0
      if ! ( % . %nParam = n/a )
      set %currentParameter % . %nParam
      set %currentAll %tempAll , #spc
      set %tempAll %currentAll , %currentParameter
      };if !n/a
      };for each parameter

      set % . %1 %tempAll

      for %n 1 20
      set % , %n


      sub zGumpClickMenu
      set %nMenuX #contPosX + 30
      set %nMenuY #contPosY + 70 + ( %1 - 1 ) * 20
      click %nMenuX %nMenuY

      sub zGumpClickItem
      set %nMenuX #contPosX + 230
      set %nMenuY #contPosY + 70 + ( %1 - 1 ) * 20
      click %nMenuX %nMenuY

      sub zGumpClose
      if #BackPackId = #ContId
      contPos 100 100
      wait 10
      ; event sysmessage trying to close gump...
      set %nTempCloseX #contPosX + 140
      set %nTempCloseY #contPosY + 140
      ; event sysmessage %nTempCloseX / %nTempCloseY
      click %nTempCloseX %nTempCloseY r mc
      ; event macro 34 0

      sub zGumpNextPage
      set %nMenuX #contPosX + 380
      set %nMenuY #contPosY + 270
      click %nMenuX %nMenuY

      sub estimateDistance
      set %nDistX %1 - #charPosX
      if %nDistX < 0
      set %nDistX %nDistX * -1
      set %nDistY %1 - #charPosY
      if %nDistY < 0
      set %nDistY %nDistY * -1
      if %nDistX > %nDistY
      return %nDistX
      return %nDistY

      sub zMove

      if %bMove = #false


      set %xTarget #charposX
      set %yTarget #charposY

      set %nInc #random % 5
      set %nDirection #random % 2
      if %nDirection = 1
      set %nInc %nInc * -1
      set %xTarget %xTarget + %nInc

      set %nInc #random % 5
      set %nDirection #random % 2
      if %nDirection = 1
      set %nInc %nInc * -1
      set %yTarget %yTarget + %nInc

      set %bTargetIsCave #false

      tile Init
      tile Get %xTarget %yTarget 1
      if ( #tileType >= 556 && #tileType < 600 ) || ( #tileType >= 22 && #tileType <= 25 )
      set %bTargetIsCave #true

      if %bTargetIsCave = #true
      event pathFind %xTarget %yTarget
      wait 1s
      ;event SysMessage bad location selected, reselecting...
      ;event SysMessage x: %xTarget "---" y: %yTarget
      wait 5
      goto MoveStart

      gosub stonesToStoneWorkerKey


      sub checkStatusBar
      if ( #weight <> n/a )

      display OK You have to have your status bar open (where you see the 3 bars for health/mana/stamina)
      gosub zHalt You have to have your status bar open


      sub zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine ;-----------zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine

      set %nTeleportToBankCounter %nTeleportToBankCounter + 1
      event sysmessage Teleport to bank: %nTeleportToBankCounter

      gosub sleepIfOffline

      gosub zTeleport *ZsM_sTeleportType *ZsM_RecallItem1

      if %bStopAfterUnload = #false
      msg bank$
      wait 5s
      msg bank$
      wait 5s

      msg bank$
      wait 5s
      set %idBank #contId

      if #contId = #backpackid
      Display ok Container is not the bankbox, something went wrong
      gosub zHalt (container is not bankbox)

      set %nLookingCounter 0

      set %nLookingCounter %nLookingCounter + 1
      if %nLookingCounter > 50
      { ; we assume, that the teleport failed and we are in the mine

      gosub sleepIfOffline

      finditem %ingotTypes C_ , #BACKPACKID
      if #findkind = -1
      event SysMessage no more ingots in backpack

      ; get some iron ingots back, for creating tools
      ;finditem RMK_CNK_BNK_ENK_DNK_YMK C_ , %idBank
      finditem ENK_RMK C_ , %idBank
      if #findkind <> -1
      set %nIngotStackCount #findcnt
      for %nIndexStack 1 %nIngotStackCount
      finditem ENK_RMK %nIndexStack C_ , %idBank
      if #findcol = 0
      event SysMessage found #findstack ingots in bankbox
      set %nCount #findstack
      if %nCount > 50
      set %nCount 50
      event SysMessage taking %nCount ingots...
      exevent drag #findid %nCount
      wait 20
      exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
      wait 20
      goto afterIngotsFromBankToBackpack
      } ; if iron
      } ; for ingot stacks in bankbox
      } ; if ingot stacks

      if %bStopAfterUnload = #true
      gosub zHalt (stop requested via hotkey)

      gosub zTeleport *ZsM_sTeleportType *ZsM_RecallItem2
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 20
      exevent dropc %idBank
      wait 20

      goto startLookingForIngots

      return ;-----------zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine

      sub zTeleport ;------------------- zTeleport
      gosub sleepIfOffline
      event sysmessage TELEPORT
      if %1 = n/a
      Display ok teleport-type has not been set
      gosub zHalt teleport-type has not been set
      if %2 = n/a
      Display ok teleport-item has not been set
      gosub zHalt teleport-item has not been set

      wait 1s

      set %nBeforeX #charPosX
      set %nBeforeY #charPosY

      set #lTargetKind 1 ;object
      set #lTargetId %2

      if %1 = "Recall"
      event SysMessage recalling...
      event macro 15 31
      target 5s
      event macro 22 0 ; last target
      if %1 = "SacredJourney"
      event SysMessage SacredJourney...
      event macro 15 210
      target 5s
      event macro 22 0 ; last target
      Display ok Error in setup (1)
      gosub zHalt (error in setup/1)

      wait 3s ; teleport has to happen, perhaps

      if %nBeforeX = #charPosX && %nBeforeY = #charPosY
      wait 5s
      gosub zMove
      goto tryingToTeleport

      return ;------------------- zTeleport

      sub zTeleportBankUnloadStop ; ---------------- zTeleportBankUnloadStop
      event sysmessage "****** hotkey !!!*******"
      set %bStopAfterUnload #true
      gosub smelting
      gosub zTeleportBankUnloadTeleportMine
      gosub zHalt (request via hotkey)
      return ; ---------------- zTeleportBankUnloadStop

      sub sleepIfOffline
      if #clilogged = 0
      set %bShowMessageBoxWhenStarting #false
      event sysmessage Offline...waiting...
      wait 30s
      goto sleepCheck


      sub setupStoneWorkerKey
      finditem %StoneWorkerKeyTypes C_ , #BackPackId
      if #findKind = -1
      set %nKeyCount #findCnt
      for %nKeyIndex 1 %nKeyCount
      finditem %StoneWorkerKeyTypes %nKeyIndex C_ , #BackPackId
      if #findcol = 1161
      set %IdStoneWorkerKeys #findId
      event sysmessage Stoneworker Keys found

      sub setupMetalWorkerKey
      finditem %MetalWorkerKeyTypes C_ , #BackPackId
      if #findKind = -1
      set %nKeyCount #findCnt
      for %nKeyIndex 1 %nKeyCount
      finditem %MetalWorkerKeyTypes %nKeyIndex C_ , #BackPackId
      if #findcol = 20
      set %IdMetalWorkerKeys #findId
      event sysmessage (Metalworker Keys found
      event sysmessage but not using them yet)

      sub stonesToStoneWorkerKey

      if %IdStoneWorkerKeys = n/a

      finditem %StoneTypes C_ , #BackPackId
      if #findKind <> -1 ; found stones inside backpack
      set %IdStone #findId
      set #lObjectId %IdStoneWorkerKeys
      event macro 17 ; use last object, use keys
      wait %nWait

      ;rune 1
      ;set %x #contPosX + 295
      ;set %y #contPosY + 240

      ;rune 2
      set %x #contPosX + 320
      set %y #contPosY + 240

      click %x %y mc
      wait %nWait

      set #lTargetKind 1 ; object
      set #lTargetId %IdStone
      event Macro 22 0 ;last target

      wait %nWait
      gosub zGumpClose
      wait %nWait

      goto lookingForStones
      } ; if stones found


      ------ fine script
      ecco lo script


      • #4


        • #5


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