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[easyuo][REQ]- spammare vortex

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  • [easyuo][REQ]- spammare vortex

    mi servirebbe uno script che spammi vortex in un punto preciso.

    é possibile averlo?
    grazie mille

  • #2
    Ho fatto questo:
    ;-- Drael's Vortex Caster --
    ;-- Autore: Drael ----------
    ;-- Versione: 1.0 ----------
    Event SysMessage Seleziona il tile in cui evocare i Vortex!
    Exevent SkillLock Dete locked
    Event Macro 13 14
    While #TargCurs <> 1
      Wait 10
    While #TargCurs = 1
      Wait 10
    Set %Tile #lTargetTile
    Set %X #lTargetX
    Set %Y #lTargetY
    Set %Z #lTargetZ
    Set %K #lTargetKind
    While %Loop <> Stop
    While #Mana < 50
       Wait 1s
    While #Followers >= 4
       Wait 1s
    Event Macro 15 57
    While #TargCurs <> 1
       ScanJournal 1
       If mana_for_this in #journal
          While #Mana < 50
             Wait 1s
          Event Macro 15 57
    Set #lTargetTile %Tile
    Set #lTargetX %X
    Set #lTargetY %Y
    Set #lTargetZ %Z
    Set #lTargetKind %K
    Event Macro 22
    Wait 2s
    Dimmi come ti va.
    Slyon su Lost Paradise.
    Downfall, and it all falls down
    I fall from grace I got your taste

    Turn off your mind, unwind
    and see how high the cloudy sky

    Run away Run away
    Leave your lemon drop

    Soak it up Soak it up
    Won't you crush on me
    Boom Boom Satellites - Shut up and Explode | In cerca di un nuovo passatempo.


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