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UOAM problem

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  • UOAM problem

    Good day everyone.

    Ive got a bit of a problem with my UO Automap.

    Thing is i am connected to a channel but the map itself shows that i am stuck in corners or at some point out of map.
    I keep clicking changing options but i cant get it to work properly.
    Could someone please tell me what else i could try to do in order to make it to show my current location.

    Will apriciate any help.


  • #2
    hi dear

    which operating system you are using?
    if yare using win 7 or next you must launch uomap executable (razor or uosteam also) with administrator rights and windows xp sp3 compatibility;

    if you not solve with this operation, try to:
    open uomap ---> map---->uoclient data file location----> and set your uodreams folder's directory

    theoretically you should have solved with this two options.

    chiedo venia per aver inzozato il forum con questo +1
    Ultima modifica di Dav87E; 08-06-2014, 16:37.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    GM Kriegstreiber Käse®
    Discord: Jack___#9551


    • #4
      Hi i am abusing Windows Vista, tried just as you advised and it works perfectly now. Thank you very much!
      Originariamente inviato da Dav87E Visualizza il messaggio
      hi dear

      which operating system you are using?
      if yare using win 7 or next you must launch uomap executable (razor or uosteam also) with administrator rights and windows xp sp3 compatibility;

      if you not solve with this operation, try to:
      open uomap ---> map---->uoclient data file location----> and set your uodreams folder's directory

      theoretically you should have solved with this two options.

      chiedo venia per aver inzozato il forum con questo +1


      • #5
        Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
        Hi i am abusing Windows Vista, tried just as you advised and it works perfectly now. Thank you very much!
        thank you too
        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

        GM Kriegstreiber Käse®
        Discord: Jack___#9551


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