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Few questions

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  • Few questions

    Hi everyone,
    I just got a few questions to ask regarding Chivalry and Necromancy skills.

    I dress up my character with 35 HCI and cast Divine fury that supposedly gives +10hci, does it work as i have solid 45 hci cap?

    Other thing id like to know is: Most of the buffs and spells that are active, are being seen on buffbar.
    Why Consecrate weapon nor Curse weapon is not being shown there?
    Is it possible to make it happen?


  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio
    I dress up my character with 35 HCI and cast Divine fury that supposedly gives +10hci, does it work as i have solid 45 hci cap?
    Yes, for the entire limited duration of the buff. Also, equipping "over-cap" DCI helps you to not drop too much when divine fury is active (ex: DCI equipped 55 - 20 from divine , you will still have 35 DCI).

    Originariamente inviato da uogatis Visualizza il messaggio

    Other thing id like to know is: Most of the buffs and spells that are active, are being seen on buffbar.
    Unfortunately it's a lack of the client, meaning that if UO developers wont add it in some cliant's patch you won't have it.
    You may use however some 3rd party tools to show some kind of timers but not in the buffbar.
    Ultima modifica di fengyr; 11-03-2012, 22:41. Motivo: divine fury DCI malus is 20 not 10

    Il p Fengyr
    : algander#6292


    • #3
      You gotta play with sound effects enabled to hear consecrate weapon fading out...that sucks. If you find some easyuo script to make it show a timer somewhere, let me know... :\
      icq#: 633106480


      • #4

        Originariamente inviato da massimo87 Visualizza il messaggio
        You gotta play with sound effects enabled to hear consecrate weapon fading out...that sucks. If you find some easyuo script to make it show a timer somewhere, let me know... :\
        Yea i guess some kind of script could make a difference
        Got to look it up...

        Cause of this 10hci thing on divine fury im thinking to rebuild my character and reduce down hci on it to 35 as i cast Divine all the time anyway in order to restore my stamina... it stays for 22 secs and thats good enough for me.
        I did some test runs with 35 hci casting divine fury and see no difference, i dont see any more missed hits or anythin... its all same.
        So 20hci leggings +15 hci shield will allow to use 20 di ring and bracelet... It seems that it just got alot more easy to dress up sampire pg as this kind of jewelry wouldnt cost as much as hci/dci ones with fc fcr etc.
        And other thing is that by having 100DI on character will boost up all leeches as the damage gets significantly bigger. Even those with soulseekers can enjoy 60 damage increase and make most out of their leeches...

        A quick tip for everyone who has sampires reading this...
        Ive made a macross that looks like this, lets call it "LOOPMACROSS" as it allways stays on loop" :

        "if sys message "you baffle your target with a feint!"
        Cast lightningstrike
        end if
        "if sys message "your attack penetrates their armor!"
        Cast lightning strike
        end if
        "if sys message "you attack with lightning precision!"
        Cast lightning strike
        end if

        Keep in mind theres enough space for 1 more action in this loopmacross for those who doesnt have Necro but has healing instead, if you have good cast on you - then you can insert 1 more task as:

        If poisoned
        CastSpell Cleanse by fire
        Target self

        In this way your healing skill wouldnt waste a bandage on curing your poison but straight to your hitpoints.
        With fc3 this thing is instant.

        As you see it filters and looks for 3 system messages, once they are being catched
        macross automatically lights up the lightningstrike ability.
        As you see i made it only for Leafblades as thats the only weapons im using...
        But i bet its possible with any type of weapon...

        To enjoy this you must make seperate macrosses for every spell you cast.

        For example here is my Consecrate weapon macross:

        CastSpell Consecrate Weapon
        CastSpell Lightningstrike
        Doubleclick (cooked bird) <- You dont have to put this in its just that i allways forget to eat food
        Exec: Play: LOOPMACROSS

        I did this with my every single casts, even with Nature furies that casts them on my own tile where im standing on... whatever you do, it lights up lightningstrike.

        Anyway... Cheers for the info

        Ultima modifica di uogatis; 12-03-2012, 17:43.


        Sto operando...