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Could someone tell me why am i in jail?

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  • Could someone tell me why am i in jail?

    I woke up, loged in... started to sort junk by throwing it into the vendor and i appeared in jail. I havent spoken to ANYONE, i havent even teleported anywhere. What the heck?
    In the window it says Offense: Other. <- Can someone tell me what "other" offence it is?
    What the heck is it "POLICE STATE" of uodreams where citizents are being thrown into jail without telling them whats the offence?
    The worst part of it all is that im sending message in game, and im being simply IGNORED... nobody bothers to answer...
    If i did something - tell me what the heck it is, and ill be silent convict sitting in jail for doin my crime. If u aint got nothin against me, i demand to let me out RIGHT NOW!

    Seriously this is pathetic, there are people who has authority to place you in jail. They even read your messages but you are being left ignored without knowing why you are in jail. I think you guys need to train your "policemen" to follow best practices...
    Ultima modifica di uogatis; 18-02-2012, 14:32.

  • #2
    check your e-mail box


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da LK9999 Visualizza il messaggio
      check your e-mail box
      Aint nothin there


      • #4
        The typical UoDreams move. I was in jail recently for 5 days - reason - I had "guildmaster" title in my guild.


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
          The typical UoDreams move. I was in jail recently for 5 days - reason - I had "guildmaster" title in my guild.
          I seriously dont understand, they read every message i send in game but nobody gives a monkeys tail to answer... What is wrong with this server?


          • #6
            Dear UOGATIS,
            you know why I jailed you.



            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da GioveStaff Visualizza il messaggio
              Dear UOGATIS,
              you know why I jailed you.

              I am sorry but that is completely and absolutely impossible.
              I saw how my totem dissapeared from my backpack! And besides it is still there - in auction!
              Heres tha link:
              I tried to put it in once, and i failed becouse i filled wrong fields in auctioner setup.
              Havent targeted on anything else but totem artifact... Item was in middle of the backpack and my runebooks are on top of my backpack.

              What could happen is IF i pressed last target button (as the runebook is item that i used last to port to town) accidentaly and didnt notice how this mistake happened.
              If that is the case, i appologise for this mistake. It was not on purpose. And kindly asking to let me out of jail, i promise that i will be extra careful when dealing with my trades through auction.

              Besides i aint got NO lamer record whatsoever and this would be THE LAST thing i would ever do. Im allways helping newbies... I am premium user, i donated and did my part in order to help this server to survive. And everyone who knows me would back me up. So i kindly ask, let me out, or let me pay the fine to get out. This is mistake!
              Ultima modifica di uogatis; 18-02-2012, 17:19.


              • #8
                When you are wrong, you can close the auctions by yourself. You didn't do.


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da GioveStaff Visualizza il messaggio
                  When you are wrong, you can close the auctions by yourself. You didn't do.
                  As i said, at 1st time it didnt work. Totem stayed in my backpack so i didnt realise that i created an auction... even if its the case of me pressing accidentaly last target button it most likely added the book as its last item i used. I did not realise, if thats the case i appologise for my mistake. All i can say is that this will never happen again. I am sorry and i kindly ask to release me from Jail. I just hope for little understanding for veteran uod player
                  We learn from mistakes, dont we?


                  • #10
                    Stop spam on D & D plz.


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