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[HELP]Lightning Strike + Primary Ability

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  • [HELP]Lightning Strike + Primary Ability

    Ciao raga, al momento uso questo script :

    ; Script Name: The Lightning Striker
    ; Author: ProFF7
    ; Version: 1.1
    ; Client Tested with: 5.0.6b
    ; EUO version tested with: EUOX 1.5 ver 115
    ; Shard OSI / FS: UO Legends
    ; Revision Date: 06-12-07
    ; Public Release:
    ; Purpose: Automated Use of Lightning Strike without the need of pressing hotkey every time
    ; you swing your weapon. Using Primary or Secondary weapon special move will stop
    ; using LS until the special move is executed
    ; Instructions: Make sure you have your Special Move and Lightning Strike icons on the screen,
    ; and easily viewable and not obscured by other elements. also, make sure
    ; Lightning Strike is deselected before running this script.
    ; when ready, hit play, and follow instructions. you SHOULD set your hotkeys
    ; to activate special moves directly thru UO, not razor or other program,
    ; for much better performance. please vote if this was useful for you, thanks.

    gosub setpixel-ls
    gosub setpixel-primary
    gosub setpixel-secondary

    gosub check-primary
    gosub check-secondary
    gosub check-primary
    gosub check-secondary
    if #mana > 5
    gosub exec-ls
    goto mainloop

    sub setpixel-ls
    event macro 15 149
    display ok move the mouse to Lightning Strike Button. you have 2 seconds
    wait 2s
    savePix #CURSORX #CURSORY 1
    wait 5
    sub setpixel-primary
    event macro 35 0
    display ok move the mouse to Primary Weapon Move button. you have 2 seconds
    wait 2s
    savePix #CURSORX #CURSORY 2
    wait 5
    sub setpixel-secondary
    event macro 36 0
    display ok move the mouse to secondary Weapon Move button. you have 2 seconds
    wait 2s
    savePix #CURSORX #CURSORY 3
    wait 5
    event macro 15 149
    wait 5
    sub check-primary
    cmppix 2 t
    goto mainloop
    wait 5
    sub check-secondary
    cmppix 3 t
    goto mainloop
    wait 5
    sub exec-ls
    cmppix 1 f
    event macro 15 149
    wait 5

    praticamente lo script riattiva sempre lightning strike permettendoti di utilizzare anke primary e secondary ability.
    La mia domanda è: si potrebbe fare in modo ke la primary ability venga castata in automatico ogni 4 L.S.? Es: Ls+Ls+Ls+Ls+ Primary Ability. La secondary va benissimo anke a mano :P
    Grazie mille a tutti coloro ke si interesseranno
    Mio Icq: 640093161
    Mio Msn:

    Se vinco o vincete qualcosa contattatemi!

  • #2
    hai sbagliato sezione dovresti postarla su script... cmq per rispondere alla tua domanda basta mettere un contatore ogni volta che effettua un lt... arrivato a 4 si azzera e fa la special... non mi sono messo a leggere lo script te lo dico solo di concetto... poi vedi tu come applicarlo
    icq: 266157358
    in game: Dragonia of Sun


    • #3
      scusate l'ignoranza ma io sn proprio incapace con gli script ^^ nn è ke qlkn di voi saprebbe farlo?
      Mio Icq: 640093161
      Mio Msn:

      Se vinco o vincete qualcosa contattatemi!


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