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afk looting rules

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  • afk looting rules

    is it legal to loot Zoogi Fungus?
    Zoogi Fungus is a crap needed for powder of translocation

  • #2
    i think that you can make it afk, becouse you can farming leather and other resource
    Following the enormous work the staff has made in order to bring the market under control, UOD economy has greatly improved since the past months, and the cash liquidity has reached a stable value. At the same time system bug abusing made by some users had been stopped.

    In order to increase the commerce and the exchange of raw materials and crafted/bod items, and following the considerations made by some users on this forum, UOD Staff decided to allow AWAY MACROING of resources, starting from NOW.

    This means you can gather minerals, wood, leather, bones, etc. without the requirement to be present at your PC.

    Anyway it remains forbidden to gather, while you're away, money, gems or loot that is not a resource. Sanctions for these things will remain the same.

    It also remains forbidden to interact with NPC vendors and it's forbidden the bug/exploit abusing.

    UOD Staff will control the community behaviour, hoping that no one will use illegaly this new opportunity, and in the meantime it will control the economy trend (because if something goes wrong we'll have to forbid again the away macroing).

    Enjoy UoDreams!
    Ultima modifica di doomer; 15-06-2010, 13:21.
    ASTA ring da mage 1/3 - lrc - int - sdi
    COMPRO leafblade semplice (3props)

    Ayra AoS


    • #3
      the question is "is Zoogi Fungus a resourse?"
      for me - yes

      i still think that rules about it need to be clarified

      This means you can gather minerals, wood, leather, bones, etc. without the requirement to be present at your PC.

      Anyway it remains forbidden to gather, while you're away, money, gems or loot that is not a resource. Sanctions for these things will remain the same.
      no logic. gems are nothing more than a resourse for tinkering.
      Ultima modifica di fnurov; 15-06-2010, 13:47.


      • #4
        Maybe gems were not considered resource when the roule was written..

        • nuovo icq : 442149577


        • #5
          and actualy there are reagents, that are resourse for alchemy


          • #6
            page is the way


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
              is it legal to loot Zoogi Fungus?
              Zoogi Fungus is a crap needed for powder of translocation
              Zoogi Fungus are not resources.

              So is forbidden to farm them away.


              • #8
                anyway, i think this afk macroing should be revised. it seems totally illogical to me that one can farm mats afk and then gets jailed for, as an example, running the mace and shield script. as a sidenote, this is also wrong from an economical perspective as it lowers the price of mats and resources that can be gathered away while making more expensive stuff for which one has to interact with npc or, in your case, powder of translocation.
                one thing i really like of uo in comparison with more recent games (cough coWuOohW) is that you don't have to spend hours of your life doing the same shit and farming, but I really fail to see what market gets fucked up for macroing other stuff afk too. I do understand that this rule was originally designed to prevent shield bug abusing and stuff like that, but still, continuing my example, mace and shield have nothing to do with it.

                imparate l'inglese XD. pensavo di scrivere meno, non ho voglia di tradurre tutto.
                ICQ: 558-821-891


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da DrackStaff Visualizza il messaggio
                  Zoogi Fungus are not resources.

                  So is forbidden to farm them away.
                  and what's about gems and reagents?


                  • #10
                    Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
                    and what's about gems and reagents?
                    Gems are more like an ingredient for specific recipes and could be also sold to npc for an high price so it's not farmable. Zoogi fungus are more likely a quest item so are not considered totally a resource.

                    The ruleset is quite clear even if written before the introduction of ingredients...

                    You can farm afk just what is considerer a primal resource:

                    Other items (such quest items or ingredients) are not lootable or obtainable afk.
                    Ultima modifica di fengyr; 16-06-2010, 17:06.

                    Il p Fengyr
                    : algander#6292


                    • #11
                      qualcuno traduca ci metterei troppo a imparare l'inglese !^^! cosa state dicendo??


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da Firello Visualizza il messaggio
                        qualcuno traduca ci metterei troppo a imparare l'inglese !^^! cosa state dicendo??
                        Si possono fare afk solo le seguenti risorse:

                        Il p Fengyr
                        : algander#6292


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da fengyr Visualizza il messaggio
                          The ruleset is quite clear even if written before the introduction of ingredients...

                          You can farm afk just what is considerer a primal resource:

                          Other items (such quest items or ingredients) are not lootable or obtainable afk.
                          can u link me to rules, saying it?


                          • #14
                            rule n.21. Ultima Online Dreams :: UO Italian Shard obviuosly rules are made to be generic and to be interpreted, even in reality laws are not really very specific because rules are to be applyed case by case, don't tell me that what i said before is not written, because that is an interpretation of the rules.

                            Il p Fengyr
                            : algander#6292


                            • #15
                              fangyr scusa, in tutta onestà, a te sembra che le regole come sono scritte siano ancora attuali? ti sembra logico che puoi prendere barbed afk e non kit bowcraft, per esempio?
                              esiste un qualsiasi modo che possa convincere chi di dovere ad "aggiornarle"?
                              ICQ: 558-821-891


                              Sto operando...