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[GUIDE] Ruining Myth, that Filling Leather/Spined/Bone bods is not profitable

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  • [GUIDE] Ruining Myth, that Filling Leather/Spined/Bone bods is not profitable

    i was told recently that filling leather bods is not profitable. i already knew, that it's not true and decided to make obvious calculations

    note: exceptional chance of bods is taken with talisman 30 exceptional tailor bonus. actualy for leather bods the pricture is almost the same without talisman at all
    also: i didn't count that u return resourses for cutting not exceptional leather items. so for leather bods with not 100% exc chance actual leather usage is lower than in the table.
    also : i took price of only 0.1 bods, but didn't add the price of clothes, that is needed to fill them.

    description of colums.
    Res. - number of leather/bones to make one item
    Exc. Ch - the chance of making exceptional item
    Res Exc. - average leather/bones for making an exceptional item. to be exact it's 100 / Exc. Ch * Res. . i say again this formula doesnt counts leather, that u return from cutting not exceptional items
    Res Exc. GP price in gp for making exceptional item. Res Exc. * price of material * quantity
    0.1 Bod - filling this - the difference between cost of new 0.1 bods and price of resources, needed to fill bod in line. i say again it doesn't count clothes, that is needed to fill 0.1 bod. in other words this column is a pure profit just for filling this bod.

    and what does it mean?!
    it means, that if u sell Leather Gorget 20 Exc. bod for 2k and buy 0.1 bod for 3200 u loose directly 720 gp.
    just the same. if u trash Studded Leggings 15 exc and buy 0.1, u loose 2034 gp.
    even for bones. if u trash 15 exc Bone Gloves, Bone Helmet and buy 0.1 bods u loose money.

    Script for easy sorting leather and bone bods

    table for spined

    download used excel file
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 18-06-2010, 11:56.

  • #2
    I don't understand very well english..... Qualcuno traduce in italiano??

    I just know that I don't buy 0,1 bod, so I will not loose money.


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Introvabile Visualizza il messaggio
      I don't understand very well english..... Qualcuno traduce in italiano??

      I just know that I don't buy 0,1 bod, so I will not loose money.
      column Res Exc. GP is cost of materials for filling bods


      • #4
        ah ok ok ... nice... I read again slowly your guide and now I understand.


        • #5
          felix, ma tu consideri il prezzo del bod in laether 3200 gp? prova a utilizzare come prezzo per ogni bod 2k gp, dato che 3.2k è il prezzo relativo ai bod 0.1!
          [Amdir]Firma Irregolare[/Amdir]


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da ciurry Visualizza il messaggio
            felix, ma tu consideri il prezzo del bod in laether 3200 gp?


            • #7
              actualy column "0.1 Bod - filling this" is the real price of leather bod


              • #8
                it's become profitable 'cause of drop of resource prices .
                i'm too lazy for this calc. i hope u will answer... it's better to farm cloth or just buy from vendors at 100gp x bolt?

                Il p Fengyr
                : algander#6292


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da fengyr Visualizza il messaggio
                  it's become profitable 'cause of drop of resource prices .
                  i'm too lazy for this calc. i hope u will answer... it's better to farm cloth or just buy from vendors at 100gp x bolt?
                  actualy in times whan i bought leather from "vash & geo corporation" ) for 20 gp it was the same profitable to fill all leather bods instead of buying 0.1 (for only exception of studded legs & tunic).
                  about clothes. i made some calculations about "to start farming wool or not" because i saw "compro clthes 2 gp". in fact it takes much more time to transform wool > clothes than to kill sheep.
                  and there are to opporunities to transform. 1. in luna, 2. in houes.
                  in luna there s only one wheel, that has cooldown of ~3.3s. yarns are transformed to bolts much faster than wool to yarn. so to process 20 wool it takes minimum that i managed to do 1 minute 20 sec. in fact it's total waste of time compared even to mining.
                  about house. u can't put wool to check ) two choises: collecting wool direcly to house, bagballing from bank to house. and even in these case i thought of producing from 3 wheels and calculated it as maximum possible 50k clothes / hour (only time of wool -> clothes without farming itself). and actualy for making 50k clothes 1666 wool is needed or 555 sheep that will take about one more hour.
                  imho it's just waste of time.
                  concering your question 100 gp a bolt, it's exactly 2 gp / cloth.
                  so 50k clothes / 2 hours = 50k gp/hour
                  and actualy in practice it will be much less than 50, so maybe it has sense in case of natutal economy and already existing needed things (farming to house, wheels, script for tranfroming), but compared to alternatives is not so cool at least for me.


                  • #10

                    Mi è stato detto recentemente che il riempimento dei bod in leather non è redditizio. Sapevo già che non è vero e ha deciso di fare calcoli ovvio

                    nota: la possibilità di prendere bod exe con talismano 30 exe bonus effettivamente per procurarsi il bod in leather è la stessa cosa anche senza talismano
                    inoltre: io non preso conto delle Risorse di ritorno per il taglio di oggetti in pelle, non exe.
                    così per i bod in leather non ho 100% exc possibilità di utilizzo effettivo della pelle è più in basso la tabella
                    inoltre: ho preso il prezzo di soli bod 0,1 , ma non ha aggiunto il prezzo dei vestiti, che è necessario per riempirli

                    descrizione delle colonne.
                    Ris. - Numero di pelle / ossa per fare un articolo
                    Exe. Ch - la possibilità di fare exe
                    Res Exe. - Pelle medio / ossa per la fabbricazione di un elemento exe. per essere precisi è 100 / Exe. Ch * Ris. . Ripeto questo formula non conta il materiale leather, che restituiscono un pezzo non exe leather
                    Res Exe. prezzo di GP in GP per fare voce exe. Res Exe. * Prezzo del materiale * quantità
                    0,1 Bod - compilando questo - la differenza tra il costo del nuovo bod 0.1 e il prezzo delle risorse, necessari per colmare bod in linea. Ripeto che non conta i vestiti, che è necessario per riempire 0,1 bod. in altre parole, questa colonna è un puro profitto proprio per riempire questi bod

                    e cosa significa?!
                    ciò significa che, se uno vende gorget in leather 20 Exe. bod per 2k e acquistare bod 0,1 per 3200gp ci perde direttamente 720 GP.
                    lo stesso. se trash uno Studded Leggings 15 exe e acquistare 0,1, ci perde 2034 gp.
                    anche per le ossa. se uno trash guanti in bone 15 exe

                    P.S. l'ho tradotto in fretta se ho sbagliato qualcosa fatemelo sapere
                    Ultima modifica di Marino; 10-06-2010, 20:11.


                    • #11
                      about wool -> clothes

                      with 3 wheels exactly 50k clothes / hour. i think more is possible only with injection and with ultra low ping


                      • #12
                        i recommend to use this script
                        [EASYUO] Leather Bod Sorter - Gamesnet Forums


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