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paroxymus swamp and crafted swamp armor

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  • paroxymus swamp and crafted swamp armor

    does anybody know exactly, if i equip exceptional crafted swamp armor on paroxysmus swamp and this armor breaks, will i still have normal paroxysmus absorb or it will be like no armor at all?

  • #2
    paroxysmus swamp dragon don't use nothing armour.. you can't broke it.. and you can't use nothing armour..
    ICQ 579630104
    [Amdir]Firma Irregolare[/Amdir]
    Originariamente inviato da GiaPly3 , Dav87E , Gatsu
    Maledetto sia colui il quale m'ha segnalato la signa.


    • #3
      paroximus has 12% normal absorb.
      it s possible to equip crafted armor on it to have 20% from crafted one.
      the question is "what will be whan this equiped armor break?"
      12% as it was or 0


      • #4

        qui c'è la risposta, in italiano.
        provo a tradurre come posso, un riassunto:

        paroxim swamp dragon can't be barded as he as an armour that never breaks, but it will absorb 12%
        normal swamp dragon can be barded, and the armor can break but it absorbs 20%

        sorry for my bad english.

        icq 312 130 374 (preferisco)
        msn preferisco di no


        • #5
          the possibility to dress a crafted armor on parox swamp is a bug.
          Lista dei Punti di Xorina
          icq 112740352


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da Lord_Of_Cove Visualizza il messaggio
            the possibility to dress a crafted armor on parox swamp is a bug.
            if it's bug, than ~100 or maybe even 200 accounts should be banned for using it.
            if they are still not banned i want to be 201-th and want to know how it works exactly. acualy it wasn't my dount or question if it's bug or not.
            my question was "what will be whan this equiped armor break?". 12% as it was or 0
            Ultima modifica di fnurov; 28-04-2010, 23:54.


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