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need advice about template )

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  • need advice about template )

    what can be usefull in pvm instead of bushido?)

    Str 117
    Dex 130
    Int 40
    Anatomy 120
    MagicResist 71
    Tactics 120
    Macing 120
    Necromancy 99
    Chivalry 70
    Bushido 120

    i mean usefull to increase offence, not deffence. is there any use of ninjitsu for example?

  • #2
    I think that bushido is the best choise for your template.. why change it?

    Anyway.. you could try to use lumberjacking+swordmanship. That's because "the Lumberjacking skill adds to the amount of damage done in battle, when fighting with an axe type weapon that uses the swordsmanship skill" (from stratics).
    +++ Rendiamo UoD un gioco online anzichè away +++ L'auctioneer system fa schifo +++
    +++ [COMPRO] Archi Superslayer + Un bel bug? Evocazione rossa ma... + [VENDO] Remove Kill Deed +++
    +++[VENDO] Mark of Travesty +10 Animal Taming , +10 Animal Lore +++
    Mio icq: 571-275-432

    Un oggetto, anche se non ottenuto col furto, è tuttavia come rubato quando non se ne ha bisogno. (Mahatma Gandhi)


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Farland Visualizza il messaggio
      I think that bushido is the best choise for your template.. why change it?
      bushido is needed for 4 things:
      1. +100% di
      2. 1000 luck
      3. hci
      4. critical
      there are many situations, whan i don't need (or can't) to use even one of this, especially whan there 6+ ppl online in doom gauntlet, so i dont use bushido at all )) i thought about some alternative.
      the only things, that came to my mind:
      ninjitsu: focus, ki moves.
      spellweave: summon imp (or even word of death o.O)
      focus: 12 stamina regen + 6 mr nice )
      alchemy: just madness, but it's nice to have +60 stats, not +30 and even maybe use explo )
      archery: no comment


      • #4
        or maybe you could increase both chivalry and resspell
        +++ Rendiamo UoD un gioco online anzichè away +++ L'auctioneer system fa schifo +++
        +++ [COMPRO] Archi Superslayer + Un bel bug? Evocazione rossa ma... + [VENDO] Remove Kill Deed +++
        +++[VENDO] Mark of Travesty +10 Animal Taming , +10 Animal Lore +++
        Mio icq: 571-275-432

        Un oggetto, anche se non ottenuto col furto, è tuttavia come rubato quando non se ne ha bisogno. (Mahatma Gandhi)


        • #5
          on Ninjitsu:
          Focus Attack and KiiAttack are the only usable special without stealth...
          KiiAttack boosts your damage, but you got to run away and to your target (a boring Yo-Yo).
          FocusAttack with his effectiveness boost of any magical properties on the weapon could give you a great offensive advantage, but it runs without shield only...

          on SpiritSpeak:
          You got 99 necro skill point, why dont try using necro spell?
          strangle, corpse skin, evil omen..... try to be a bad necro-warrior instead of a good paladin; the only 2 pala spell you will say goodbye to, are RemoveCurse and ExplorFlame.
          I know, pala rulez, but.... let's try^_^ something differet from classic tanker
          (i wont do it cause i havent got free slot)



          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
            spellweave: summon imp (or even word of death o.O)
            4 secs for casting wod in wich you cannot hit your enemy, useless

            I think best choise is spirit speak to do corpse skin, evil omen, summon dead, pain spike etc etc


            • #7
              120 macing
              99 necro
              120 music
              120 disco
              100 tattics
              70 chivarly
              50 bushido
              41 spelweawing

              Originariamente inviato da 7h3Sn1p3r
              Sono andato ad aprire il frigo e volevo un kinder bueno. Ringrazio il mio cane e il mio gatto che hanno tenuto a bada per quasi tutta la serata il raid di mia madre, che correva gankata da lui e dal gatto, che divertimento! Mamma tvb :*
              Felucca Libera!!


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