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Stat Bonus for older accounts

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  • Stat Bonus for older accounts


    In osi you get a 5 stat cap gain distributed through the Veteran Rewards program for characters aged 6 months or older, meaning the stat cap go up to 230. Do we also have that in uodreams?
    Found a bug in Uodreams? Report it here.

    ICQ: 627753493

  • #2
    O yeah!

    - Skill Cap: 700 (0-4 mesi account)
    705 (4-8)
    710 (8-12)
    715 (12-16)
    720 (16+)


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Randall_Flagg Visualizza il messaggio
      O yeah!

      - Skill Cap: 700 (0-4 mesi account)
      705 (4-8)
      710 (8-12)
      715 (12-16)
      720 (16+)
      STAT cap, non SKILL cap.

      @superbuzz: in uodreams there is NO stat cap bonus, you have to buy a Scroll of Stat (sos)

      #.special thanks to Shun *_*
      Artu [NeT] - Xena [NeT] e [SwaT] - Uther Pendragon [Acid] e [SxS]... is back on XxX!


      • #4
        What superbuzzmetal means is the overstat cap scroll +5 who can raise the stats cap summing to normal sos (+10,+15,+20,+25), this means you can have 255 of total stat cap (+25 and +5). You get this scroll giving many sops to npc in lord britishs castle.

        Il p Fengyr
        : algander#6292


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