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dubbio sulla silver etched mace

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  • dubbio sulla silver etched mace

    Ciao a tutti...nella splendida guida a doom del russo fnurov ho letto un template in cui consiglia di usare come arma principale questa arma a me ignota:

    the main weapon is silver ethced mace. it's always demon (df, 3rd, 5th rooms), 40 di and it have both good damage and good spead. the most important thing on it is swing spead increase. u should make 1.25 delay accroding to weapon and stamina ( don't forget, that whan mob hits your stamina decreases and your spead does so).

    Stando a questo paragrafo, a meno che io non abbia capito una ceppa, quest' arma è di base Demon slayer? oppure l' eccesso di cannabinoidi ha effetto in me?? illuminatemi...

    grazie in anticipo a tt

  • #2
    splendida guida a doom del russo fnurov should be rewritten. russo fnurov is very lazy person ^)
    silver-etched mace is always undead now
    p.s. talking about self in 3rd form is a sign of maddness. oh my god


    • #3
      lol...but is a good guide

      thx :P


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