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Faction Artifacts
I don't support this idea to add the faction artifacts now that shard has been running long with that settings that people earns their artifacts in doom, for them who spends all day in doom getting that totem or orna or those who wait weeks for inquis to spawn and makes incredible work for get them, some faction transfer 10 scores to other member and macro 1 hour silver and buys inquis and totem straight away with better resists.
It would drop the value of doom artifacts, some shards it may not happen but as i know, traders will be really hard to outspoken to sell totem for example 30kk, they'll just tell you "i can go faction and buy totem with better resists for 3000silver" then the trader is like "but this is doom arty" and they tell ya "ok nu tnx nu tnx".
If this would come out i would be cool with it but i'm looking it for pvm's side.
they are realtively new in osi, so they aren't arrived here yet.msn:
icq: 488363461
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