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Complete Doom Solution

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  • Originariamente inviato da d_fenixlm Visualizza il messaggio
    do you use pof to repair armor and weapons? or do you enter and exit to repair?


    • as it is said in italian "ma lol"


      • Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
        xdxdxd W DOOM!!!

        "I poliziotti dell'ottava strada"
        Space Trip [LvX]
        John McLane[EOS]
        Yasha Marciano[EOS] <<NON SONO UN DIO.


        • the power of music


          • Help Pls, i'm noob ^^

            Hi men, i'm new here, i started uod 1 week ago, so i'm noob. Help me pls!!!
            I have this template:

            (From Forum templates)

            Str 80 --- 80
            Dex 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sos )
            Int 45 --- 50

            Fencing 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sop )
            Parry 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sop )
            Tactics 100
            Anatomy 100
            Healing 100 --- 105 ( i have this sop )
            Ress Spell 100
            Chiv 75

            Is it good for Doom? How to best skill it for doom? Ty for helps


            • Originariamente inviato da Airforme Visualizza il messaggio
              Hi men, i'm new here...

              Originariamente inviato da Airforme Visualizza il messaggio
              I have this template:

              Str 80 --- 80
              Dex 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sos )
              Int 45 --- 50

              Fencing 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sop )
              Parry 100 --- 120 ( i ll buy sop )
              Tactics 100
              Anatomy 100
              Healing 100 --- 105 ( i have this sop )
              Ress Spell 100
              Chiv 75

              Is it good for Doom?
              maybe yes. maybe no.
              why fencing? (what weapon do u plan to use?)
              with 100 battle skill 100 parring maybe usefull not to recieve grey screen, 5 seconds after u see a dark father. with 120 battle skill and dci, i would rather train something more valueble, than parring (for example 100 necro or 120 chiva or whatever)
              i m almost sure, that with 45-50 int u have ~60+ mana and if i m right, it's waste of stats, because u need 140 dex (after potion use) to apply bendages every 4 secs and 100 str (after potion use) to have 100-str damage bonus and additional hp.

              Originariamente inviato da Airforme Visualizza il messaggio
              How to best skill it for doom?
              it doesn't exist.

              p.s. i v remembered well-know quatation of one extremely rude russian pvp player. in english it's something like this "if u don't use potions, u r a shit"
              p.p.s. i dont know why i wrote that ps. i didn't want to insult anybody, just remembered.
              p.p.p.s. i agree with that rude russian pvp player )


              • hello dear, first you're a phenomenon, then I wanted to ask you some advice for my template:
                Skills like yours:
                Mace \ Sword 120
                bushido 120
                Anatomy 120
                Tactics 120
                Necromancy 99
                Chivalry 71
                70 Resisting Spells

                stats cap 250:

                the stats 1st:
                strength 120 \ hit points 120 EP str 135\HP 127
                dexterity 135 \ Stam 151 EP dex 150\ stam 166
                Intelligence 29 \ mana 43
                the stats 2nd:
                strength 110 \ hit points 115 EP str 125 EP str 125\HP 117
                dexterity 135 \ Stam 151 EP dex 150 EP dex 150\stam 166
                Intelligence 39 \ 53
                what you advice?

                in tot with equipment:
                DI 100, lmc 36%, fc2\fcr3, hci42, dci46, mr 5, RPD 30%. res 70\70\70\70\70 vampiric.

                you think he can run?

                p.s. Many thanks from me, but I think that all thank you for your explanations.
                p.p.s. excuse for English
                Ultima modifica di cobravendicatore; 19-02-2010, 11:47.
                ICQ: 492813937
                CERCO RING FC1 FCR3 HCI5 DCI12 DI20 OPPURE FC1 FCR3 HCI5 DCI7 DI20


                • hello
                  Originariamente inviato da cobravendicatore Visualizza il messaggio
                  the stats 1st:
                  strength 120 \ hit points 120 EP str 135\HP 127
                  dexterity 135 \ Stam 151 EP dex 150\ stam 166
                  Intelligence 29 \ mana 43
                  the stats 2nd:
                  strength 110 \ hit points 115 EP str 125 EP str 125\HP 117
                  dexterity 135 \ Stam 151 EP dex 150 EP dex 150\stam 166
                  Intelligence 39 \ 53
                  what you advice?
                  if u plan to do something like this (armor ignore / double strike / whatever high-mana-cost weapon crap), 2nd may be batter. if u had 4/6, 2nd might be batter for summoning 2-3 furies fast. in all other cases ~45 mana with ~30+ lmc, normal hml is more than enought. it's just a matter of making good DPS to restock mana.
                  Originariamente inviato da cobravendicatore Visualizza il messaggio
                  you think he can run?
                  yes. but u need to realise, that with fc2 close wounds, nature fury are casted too long to be disturbed easiely by any short spell. with fcr3 u have to wait 1s between casting chivarly spells and this fact is decisive in many situations - for example strangle, ~50 hp, 1/2 stamina or revenant and accidental critical strike in bloodoath - to make all other caps of item properties useless.


                  • Ty Bro! XD!

                    Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio

                    maybe yes. maybe no.
                    why fencing? (what weapon do u plan to use?)
                    with 100 battle skill 100 parring maybe usefull not to recieve grey screen, 5 seconds after u see a dark father. with 120 battle skill and dci, i would rather train something more valueble, than parring (for example 100 necro or 120 chiva or whatever)
                    i m almost sure, that with 45-50 int u have ~60+ mana and if i m right, it's waste of stats, because u need 140 dex (after potion use) to apply bendages every 4 secs and 100 str (after potion use) to have 100-str damage bonus and additional hp.

                    it doesn't exist.

                    p.s. i v remembered well-know quatation of one extremely rude russian pvp player. in english it's something like this "if u don't use potions, u r a shit"
                    p.p.s. i dont know why i wrote that ps. i didn't want to insult anybody, just remembered.
                    p.p.p.s. i agree with that rude russian pvp player )
                    Ty Man! U'r the best! I used to hit spell caster with fork... That's why I use fenc but maybe mace is better; I decided to use a high dci and bushido so I ll try something like that but i ll need time....

                    Items: ... one day.. maybe... 4/6 fc fcr, dci 40 or more, hci and an iron weapon with 40 di and 20 ssi and other abilities and an undead slayer. High Energy, fire and cold ress cuz i hate spells dmg. Potions.

                    Str 85 (100 with pot)
                    Dex 105 --- 125 (i ll buy sos; 140 with pot)
                    Int 35 --- 40 (50 mana or more)

                    Mace 100 --- 120 (i ll buy sop)
                    Bushido 100 --- 120 (i ll buy sop; more dmg with 4/6 i ll spam light, i ll heal faster with chiv, evasion with high dci)
                    Tactics 100
                    Anatomy 100 --- 105 (better than heal 105 cus of little more dmg, maybe i ll try chiv 70 and anatomy 110)
                    Healing 100
                    Ress Spell 100
                    Chiv 75

                    Is it better? I ll try but i ll need MOOOONEEEY, time and power items !


                    • are skills realy important?

                      YouTube - Crafter in DOOM - Ultima Online - UODreams


                      • Pala-Disco-Mage in practice

                        Str 125
                        Dex 15
                        Int 119
                        Anatomy 100
                        Discordance 120
                        EvalInt 120
                        Magery 69.9
                        Musicianship 120
                        Meditation 120
                        Chivalry 70.1

                        fc4 / fcr7

                        YouTube - Pala-Disco-Mage


                        • really nice ^^
                          ICQ: 567-107-480

                          Sono spesso occupato con l'università , pazientate


                          • Kendoka Vampire-Musician (what an insane name )


                            stamina 150+
                            mana ~50

                            Swords 120
                            Disco 120
                            Music 120
                            Necro 99
                            Tactics 120
                            Chiva 71
                            Resist 70

                            must have items:
                            1. katana undead hml
                            2. katana demon hml
                            3. lmc ~40, DI ~100

                            discord mob, reactivating weapon ability Double Strike

                            u can see something like this here YouTube - Disco Vampire - Doom - Ultima Online - UODreams
                            Ultima modifica di fnurov; 02-03-2010, 18:46.



                              Originariamente inviato da UOGuide
                              A Dragon Barding Deed is a deeded item that is crafted by blacksmiths and used on tame, unarmored Swamp Dragons. To create it requires 750 ingots and at least 72.5 Blacksmithy skill to attempt.
                              The armor will provide the rider of the dragon with extra protection in PvM combat. This is done by absorbing a percentage of all damage received. Exceptional dragon barding allows a Swamp Dragon to absorb 20% of the damage inflicted upon the rider, while non-exceptional barding provides only a 10% reduction. The damage reduction only works against monsters, not in PvP combat.
                              The barding can be removed from an armored Swamp Dragon by using a bladed item, however the Dragon Barding Deed will be lost upon removal. A Swamp Dragon's barding is subject to eventual damage and destruction, just like normal armor.
                              An armored Swamp Dragon will retain its armor upon resurrection.
                              An exception to the rules concerning armor is Paroxysmus' Swamp Dragon, the armor of which gives a 12% damage reduction. This cannot be removed or destroyed, making it a permanent - but less effective - alternative to acquiring exceptional deeds.


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