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Complete Doom Solution

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  • #16
    Luck in Doom

    the formula of drop-chance in doom is:
    Dark Father: 1.5% + ([Luck of the top-damager] / 5000)
    Other boss Boss: 0.75% + ([Luck of the top-damager] / 10000)

    luck 0: df 1.5%, other 0.75%
    luck 1000: df 1.7%, other 0.85%

    this is chance of dropping an art, that will be devided to number of persons.

    what does "Luck of the top-damager" mean?
    it means, that only luck of a person who made highest damage will be calculated.
    so if u are an extremely lucky tamer with proud dog and 1300 luck, your luck is useless, becuase u will never be top damager with just cu-sudhe.

    one more thing about luck in doom is honor.
    when some warrior/archer-bushidist used honor on mob and finished it with full perfection, 1000 luck bonus is applied to drop-chance, if this bushidist is top-damager.
    but honor can be used only on mob with full hp. so, if u attack the mob before somebody used honor on it, nobody will be able to honor that mob and 1000 luck is in trash.


    • #17
      PG Disco-Macer

      str to maximum hp
      dex 120
      int to mana 50-70

      Anatomy 60
      Healing 97,5
      Tactics 100
      Macing 120
      Musicanship 120
      Chivalry 65
      Discrodance 120
      Spellweaving 37,5
      total 720

      it's good to have some jewelry-skills to make healing 100, chivarly 70
      u need slayer instruments to discord mobs fast. lolo's lute is the best.
      the weakest place is that there is no resisting spells, so blood oath is a headacke.
      very important part of this template is casting horde of furies, so u need weapon with many hml. also jewlry/shield fc2, some fcr is good, as much lmc as possible on armor.
      one more usefull thing is hld to make your furries hit more often. it's easier to equip mace and shield, than find a good slayer weapon with both hml and hld.
      the more furies atack mob - the less chance u will be casted blood oath.

      anti blood oath script
      bone cutter


      • #18
        human power


        • #19
          warrior-summoner power


          • #20
            df's furious doom


            • #21

              BUILD 1

              Race - Elf

              str 125
              dex 15
              int x

              Discordance 120
              Musicanship 120
              Magery 65
              Evaluate int 120
              Spellweave 40
              Anatomy 100
              Chivalry 45
              Medetation 110
              720 total (medetation 90 - 700 total)

              full ress, fc4, fcr6, lmc40, dci20. this is must have.
              mr, sdi, lrc, dci45.
              lrc is optional because reagents are needed only for harmfull spells, so it can be restocked from vendor.
              books in hands as a main weapon. it's possible to reequip boomstick, but u will loose battle defence.

              healing: close wounds.
              curing: lesser - cure/cleanse by fire, higher - arch cure.

              mob: book; spells
              df: demon; fury, lighting.
              creeper: undead; fireball.
              render: scrapper; fireball/harm.
              impaler: demon; fireball.
              knight: undead; lighting.
              abyss: scapper; fury, harm.
              revenant: undead; fireball.

              BUILD 2

              Discordance 120
              Musicanship 120
              Magery 100-120
              Evaluate int 120
              Spellweave 40
              Anatomy 100
              Chivalry 45
              Medetation 75-55

              the difference from first build is:
              lrc must have, fc2 is enought, healing with magery, less medetation.


              • #22

                the main idea of template (and the only difference from normal archer) is to make archer's ushualy unused mana work )

                Archery 100 (+hunter's head = 120)
                Tactics 120
                Anatomy 100
                Healing 90
                Spellweaving 120
                Chivarly 70
                Resist/Bushido 120

                equipment: slayer cannons with hml. fc2, hci45 (or 0 with bushido), maximum lmc.

                casting word of death between shooting. also ability to use gift of life and summoning imps.


                • #23
                  parody archer-skunk


                  str 80 (+sos - more )
                  dex 125 (+crimson - 130, +hunters - 138, +jackal/vile+5dex-brace - 150)
                  int 20


                  Archery 100
                  Tactics 120
                  Anatomy 90
                  Healing 90
                  Chivarly 120
                  Resist 80
                  Bushido 120

                  only one crossbow without slayer property. u don't need more, because if u die u will loose additional insurance.
                  maximum hpi - u dont want to die, other things are not important.

                  always keep mana at maximum - u need it to cast remove curse.
                  never ever ever ever cast furies - df may agro u.
                  never ever ever ever dispel revenant, whan it's not on u, because if u dispel revenant, mob can summon it on u.
                  always try to honor mob even if u always bring 2 mobs with u.
                  never ever ever ever cut bones, becuase whan u do it, u may have problems with removing curse or close wounds or whatever. u just don't need to cut bones, because u can always change location, so that spawn don't agro u.
                  if the mob agroed u, do your ever possible best to make mob agro another person, even if u know, that it will cause his death - u just don't care.

                  p.s. it was a kind of parody on tens of people who play realy skunk-style. if u see a person like this, just don't ress it at least.


                  • #24
                    parody mage-noob

                    str even 60 - u want to have mana or u don't know about kindlings or u even know about it, but u already have camping 30 and don't care about it
                    dex 20 or even 30-50 - u don't know why, but u like dex
                    int 125 yes u like mana certainly

                    magery 100
                    eval 100
                    necro 100 ( u realy like to cast lich form fast. or even 110 - u cast strangle everywhere)
                    spirit speak 100 ( or even less, becuase u don't realy know why u need this skill)
                    medetation 100
                    resisting 100 ( u realy don't know how it's possible a nacromage without resist)
                    chivarly 60-120 ( u are realy tired of revenants and strangle and have a hope... )
                    anatomy 100 (u have heard something about "chimera" and u don't care, that u have always boomstick in hands)
                    focus 100-120 (yes u realy like mana)
                    spellweaving 100-120 (it's very cool skill. u like to do 220 damage instead of 15 with fireball)

                    yes u like realy like it. it gives 15 lmc !!! it gives 3 mr !!! u realy like mana, no care that u need other items 20 lrc and 0 res. u can't even imagine a necromage without carapace. what's wrong with carapace? it's the best item in the world.
                    yes u realy like it. it gives u so needed lrc, just because u can't have 100 lrc without it.
                    1.2 chaos shield.
                    it's the best mage shield. why do u need a shield with dci, if u dont have parring? u know for sure, that if u don't have parring, dci is useless for u, so u realy like this shield.
                    slayer books.
                    u simply don't have it. or even if u have, u can't use it because, if u undress boomstick, u will have less than 100 lrc and u realy don't want to fissle every fifths spell. and u don't care about x2 damage form slayer. or that u can buy reags right in doom to use it only for 1/5 of spells u cast. it's so complicated... and u realy like boomstick.

                    the only harmfull spell u know is fireball. yes fireball rules this world and u know it for sure. so u don't need to cast other spells, just because fireball is enought. or u have becme a pro-gamer recently, becuase u have known, that a comibnation of fireball/arrow is batter. so the only thing u cast is fireball/arrow... everywhere everytime... why do u need other spells, if fireball realy rocks? u certainly don't need it.
                    u need a hotkey-macro to spamm "aiuto" everytime u recieve strangle or revenant, just because u can't do anything with it.
                    u should always use lich form. yes u realy like mana and lich form gives u sooo many of it. u see time to time, that people look like wreith, but u think, that they are noobs, because they don't know about lich form. or u tried wreith form with your boomstick and spirit speak 80 and it worked worse than lich. so u realy don't understand, why u don't need to use lich form. lich form rocked, rocks and will always rock and other forms are used by noobs. but u r no lonoger a noob, becuase u have so valuable carapace, u know how to cast fireball/arrow on one hotkey.
                    corpse skin is a realy good spell. u had problems with recieving looting rights in 5th room, becuase your teriffic combo fireball/arrow didn't do damage, but u recently discovered, that corpse skin make your combo work. yes it's great. always cast corpse skin in 5-th room and only there. in other rooms combo works wihtout it very well.
                    u have seen that some people cast evil omen and u tried it several times, but it seems, that there is a bug there, because this spell doesn't do any damage and u realy doubt, that this spell works correctly.
                    u know one more great combo fury-fury-fury-fury-fury-invisibility. yes it's great combo. u used it millions of times at lurg before u dropped boomstick. and it worked awesome. why not to use it in doom? yes u still don't know which one of two combos, that u use, is batter.

                    p.s. 90% of doom-mages


                    • #25
                      I have my pg Disco Mage maked similar Build 1 how you say, it's work very good in doom, i can do all rooms alone (with 1 moob) ,thanks fnurov for make this post.


                      • #26

                        str 100
                        dex 150
                        int x

                        Spirit Speak 120
                        Archery 100
                        Tactics 100
                        Anatomy 90
                        Healing 90
                        Chivarly 110
                        Resist 50
                        Necro 60

                        magery 49 (ability to cast teleport 100% wihtout scroll)
                        spellweave 40 (100% fury summoning)
                        chivarly 60, 120 tact, anat

                        slayer composite bows
                        full ress, fc2, lmc40, hci 45, di, hunter's head to 120 skill, stamina, stamina and stamina again
                        optianl fcr, fc+, dci

                        always wreith form, but high positive carma.
                        always striking with armor ignor ability.

                        p.s. this template should be maximum possible DPS ever. prepare to new doom fix.
                        Ultima modifica di fnurov; 15-08-2009, 20:35.


                        • #27
                          Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
                          str 100
                          dex 150
                          int x

                          Spirit Speak 120
                          Archery 100
                          Tactics 100
                          Anatomy 90
                          Healing 90
                          Chivarly 110
                          Resist 50
                          Necro 60
                          Res 50?? is it not useless?


                          • #28
                            Originariamente inviato da Introvabile Visualizza il messaggio
                            Res 50?? is it not useless?
                            usefull for bloodoath anyway


                            • #29
                              nice screenshots, you caught my guild mates :P

                              What do you think of my template?

                              Base stats:

                              Str 90
                              Dex 110
                              Int 25


                              Anatomy 80
                              Discordance 120
                              Healing 80
                              MagicResist 50
                              Tactics 90
                              Musicianship 120
                              Archery 110 (With 40% hci, HLD and discordance maybe i can lower it)
                              Chivalry 70

                              It want to be a massive damages war if possible. to be the top scorer that determines the luck on the drop...

                              When a boss dies in the Doom Gauntlet there is a certain chance that an artifact will be created. This chance is influenced by the Luck of the top attacker...
                              Ultima modifica di fengyr; 10-09-2009, 02:55.

                              Il p Fengyr
                              : algander#6292


                              • #30
                                Originariamente inviato da fengyr Visualizza il messaggio
                                nice screenshots, you caught my guild mates :P

                                What do you think of my template?

                                Base stats:

                                Str 90
                                Dex 110
                                Int 25


                                Anatomy 80
                                Discordance 120
                                Healing 80
                                MagicResist 50
                                Tactics 90
                                Musicianship 120
                                Archery 110 (With 40% hci, HLD and discordance maybe i can lower it)
                                Chivalry 70

                                It want to be a massive damages war if possible. to be the top scorer that determines the luck on the drop...
                                I dont think you can be a top damage dealer with that one. And you would want the top damage dealer to be someone with bushido anyway because of the honoring. Honoring gives the bushido guy a lot of luck and damage increase and you will be left behind in the damage. With bushido you can even shoot criticals.


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