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exact duration of spells

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  • exact duration of spells

    does anybody know it?
    if i have 120 eval/ss and enemy has 120 resist, hold will last spells: curse, corpse skin, strangle, blood oath, mind rot and pain spike?

  • #2
    Curse: 120% Magery fino a 144s

    Corpse skin: 40 + (Spirit Speak - Magic Resist) / 2.5

    Strangle: Is a serial damage, the 1st damage come after 5second, the 2nd damage come after 4second by the 1st, the 3th damage come after 3second by the 2nd....
    Any subsequent damage occurs with a second advance, as long as it is only a second between the damage.

    Blood Oath: 8 + ((Spirit Speak - Magic Resist) / 8)

    Mind Rot: 20 + (Spirit Speak - Magic Resist) / 5

    Pain Spike: 10 secondi


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