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Snooping e Fishing?

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  • Snooping e Fishing?

    vorrei sapere come è possibile impostare una macro per snooping... qulacuno ne ha mai fatta una? e il modo milgliore per macrare fishing?

    Icq: 589104261

  • #2
    Scarica Easyuo ti metti un bello script ke apre le borse degli NPC in auto e stai apposto
    dimmi se ti va bene questo
    codice HTML:
    ; Script Name:  Snooping Gainer
    ; Author: Necro|FS
    ; Version: 1.5
    ; Client Tested with: 4.0.5b
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.009B
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 03-11-06
    ; Public Release: 7-27-04
    ; Global Variables Used: n/a
    ; Purpose: Snoops bags of another character.
    ; Directions : Press play, open the bag of the character you'll be snooping
    ;                  when prompted.
    ; Initial setup
    Event Macro 31 0 
    wait 10 
    Event Macro 8 2 
    CHOOSESKILL Snooping real
    set %Skill #SKILL 
    wait 20 
    set %SysMessages SYS in #opts 
    set %shardsList Legends_Atlantic_Lake , #spc , Superior_Great , #spc , 
    + Lakes_Chesapeake_Catskills_Siege , #spc , Perilous_Origin_Pacific_Sonoma_Lake , #spc , 
    + Austin_Baja_Napa , #spc , Valley_Drachenfels_Europa_Oceania_Mizuho_Izumo_
    set %freeShard #shard notIn %shardsList 
    ;find bag of Snooped character
    set #LOBJECTID xxx
    set #CONTID xxx
    if %SysMessages = -1 
       Event SysMessage †Use the Backpack of the person you will be snooping now...†
       display OK †Use the Backpack of the person you will be snooping now...†
    if #LOBJECTID = xxx
       goto PickBackPackLoop
    set %PackID #LOBJECTID 
    ; open the Main pack of the character you will snoop
    if %SysMessages = -1 
       Event SysMessage Opening main pack.. 
    set #lobjectid %PackID 
    Event Macro 17 0 
    If #CONTID = %PackID 
       goto Start
    wait 15 
    goto OpenMainPack
    ; Main Loop
    sub _cSPA
    CHOOSESKILL Snooping real
    if #skill = 1000 
       gosub GMed
    FindItem LKF_ZJF_CKF_CUD C
    set %BagFound #FindID 
    ; checks if the bag is your stable
    if #FINDY < 0 
       ignoreitem #FINDID 2 
       goto start
    ; checks if the bag is in your backpack
    If #FINDKIND = 0 
       goto OpenABag
    If #FINDKIND = -1 
    chooseskill snooping real
    ; checks if a gain occurred in that run
       if #skill > %skill 
          ignoreitem reset 1 
          set #CONTID xxx
          set %skill #skill 
          Event Macro 31 0 
          wait 10 
          Event Macro 8 2 
          goto OpenMainPack
       Event Macro 31 0 
       display OK No more packs were found or you opened them all without gaining.. 
    finditem %BagFound 
    if #findkind = -1 
      goto start
    set #LOBJECTID %BagFound 
    event macro 17 0 
    wait 1s 
    If #CONTID = %BagFound 
       ignoreitem #FINDID 1 
       goto Start
    goto OpenABag
    sub GMed
    display OK Congratulations ! 
    sub _cSPA
    if ! %freeshard 
      gosub CheckSkillPointsAvailable
      if ! #result 
        if ! %CSPAcnt 
          display ok You have no replacement skills available.  Please turn some skills
          + down... Script will continue automatically. 
          event macro 8 4 
          wait 40 
          set %CSPAcnt #true 
        goto _CSPA
    ;* @name CheckSkillpointsAvailable
    ;* @ver 1.3 1Dec04 ,added bushido/ninjitsu, and return var option, gets %totalskillcap and age
    ;* @author  Roadkill
    ;* @purpose checks all skills for one pointed down with skillpoints avail to gain
    ;*   or total skill < your skillcap (gives total skillcap and account age also).
    ;* @params  %1 varname to hold returned #T/#F same as #result, optional
    ;* @returns <@#result T/F, true=skill points available for gain>, and @%1
    ;*   %totalskillcap holds your total account skillcap (ie 7200)
    ;*   %accountage will hold the account age in months
    ;* @example call rksubs.txt CheckSkillpointsAvailable pointsavail
    ;* @status tested good.  Takes < 1/2 sec to run all skills, 1st pass 1s to get
    ;*   %totalskillcap with account age
    sub CheckSkillpointsAvailable
      set !lpc #lpc 
      set #lpc 1000 
      set !skstr alch_anat_anil_anim_arch_arms_begg_blac_bowc_bush_camp_carp_cart_ , 
      + chiv_cook_dete_disc_eval_fenc_fish_focu_fore_heal_herd_hidi_insc_item_ , 
      + lock_lumb_mace_mage_medi_mini_musi_necr_ninj_parr_peac_pois_prov_remo_resi_ , 
      + snoo_spir_stea_stlt_swor_tact_tail_tast_tink_trac_vete_wres_
      set !pointsAvail #false 
      set !skilltotal 0 
      str len !skstr 
      if #strres < 5 
        goto exitcspa
      str left !skstr 4 
      chooseskill #strres real
      str del !skstr 1 5 
      set !skstr #strres 
      if #skilllock <> down || #skill = 0 
        set !skilltotal !skilltotal + #skill 
        goto cspaloop
      set !pointsAvail #true 
      if !skilltotal < 7000 
        set !pointsAvail #true 
      if !pointsAvail = #false || %totalskillcap = n/a
        if %totalskillcap <> n/a
          goto _cspatsc
        event macro 8 1 
        wait 10 
        if #contname <> paperdoll_gump
          goto _cspadoll
        set !cspax #contposx + 30 
        set !cspay #contposy + 215 
        click !cspax !cspay F X 2 dmc
        wait 10 
        if account notin #journal && account notin #sysmsg 
          goto _cspaprofile
        if account in #sysmsg 
          set !agestr #sysmsg 
          set !agestr #journal 
        set !cspax #contposx + 100 
        set !cspay #contposy + 100 
        click !cspax !cspay r dmc
        str len !agestr 
        set !len #strres - 27 
        str mid !agestr 17 !len 
        set %accountage #strres 
        set !skillbonus ( %accountage / 12 ) * 50 
        if !skillbonus > 200 
          set !skillbonus 200 
        set %totalskillcap 7000 + !skillbonus 
        if !skilltotal < %totalskillcap 
          set !pointsAvail #true 
    if %0 > 0 && %1 <> n/a
      set % . %1 !pointsAvail 
    set #lpc !lpc 
    return !pointsAvail
    Ultima modifica di ErCristo; 19-12-2008, 21:07.


    • #3
      mmm lo ho scaricato ma come lo installo? mi si blocca al terzo punto mi chiede yes o no e poi mail o link e dopo nn mi fa klikkare ok come fo?
      Ultima modifica di No-Stop; 19-12-2008, 21:37.

      Icq: 589104261


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da ErCristo Visualizza il messaggio

        Scarica Easyuo oppure qua EasyUO
        te lo anke messo sopra
        Per lo script basta copiarlo e incollarlo in Easyuo e premere play
        Ultima modifica di ErCristo; 19-12-2008, 21:40.


        • #5
          poi copio e incollo? quello che hai scritto?

          Icq: 589104261


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da ErCristo Visualizza il messaggio
            Per lo script basta copiarlo e incollarlo in Easyuo e premere play


            • #7
              per fischig qualcuno ha qualche idea? vorrei macrare senza barca ma al limite la compro...

              Icq: 589104261


              • #8
                seza barca puoi macrare solo fino a 60 (mi pare) poi devi pescare in mare aperto.

                io avevo fatto una macro con razor che spostava avanti la barca per 10 secondi, percava 4 volte in 4 locazioni, poi tornava indietro per 7 secondi.
                icq: 488363461

                Trasformo logs in boards

                Apro casse


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