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Ninjitsu e Death Strike

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  • Ninjitsu e Death Strike

    Salve, macrando ninjitsu sono arrivato alla fatidica soglia di 87,5 e ora non posso più macrare usando shadow jump. Quindi devo per forza usare il death strike ma onestamente non so come fare.
    Lessi diverso tempo fa che bisogna usare shadow image e poi colpirle con il death strike ma non so ne come impostare una macro ne ho le conoscenze per fare un script di easyuo.
    Qualcuno potrebbe gentilmente spiegarmi come fare o magari postarmi uno script per macrare ds preferibilmente su una nave messa su rotta infinita?
    Grazie mille per le eventuali risposte.

  • #2
    Ecco qua... uno degli script proposti da easyuo parte 1


    ; Script Name: Archangel's Ninjitsu Trainer
    ; Author: sgazaway
    ; Version: 2.04
    ; Client Tested with: 4.0.5b
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.42.009C
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 11/27/2004
    ; Public Release: 11/09/2004
    ; Global Variables Used:
    ; Purpose: Train Ninjitsu from 20 to 120
    ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************
    ; Items required
    ; 1. Boat
    ; 2. Ninjitsu book
    ; 3. At least 20 in Ninjitsu
    ; 4. A Normal white, dark brown and light brown horses ONLY!!! (once you reach 70)
    ; 5. A weapon (once you hit 70)
    ; 6. Jewlery (optional but makes it easier)
    ; Instructions
    ; Get on a boat in 8x8 allie (east of Moonglow)
    ; Be sure to have a weapon equiped at least by time you hit 70
    ; Start the script, sit back, relax and watch your Ninjitsu skill go up.
    ; Version Info
    ; v2.04
    ; Modified code to cast the right spell when using jewlery
    ; v2.03
    ; Modified code to catch gain spot sooner
    ; Fixed code to check 3 times for horse nearby before saying it was not near
    ; v2.02
    ; Fixed using jewlery
    ; v2.01
    ; Removed a pause left over after debugging
    ; v2.00
    ; Converted code to use the EUO variables for Ninjitsu
    ; v1.09
    ; Fixed code for variables that were either #TRUE or #FALSE
    ; Adjusted check for horse for server line. Made it check for a horse nearby 3 times before saying there was none.
    ; v1.08
    ; Added the ability to choose trolling direction, North or South
    ; v1.07
    ; Added code to check if the statusbar is opened, if not then it will open it (used to determine current mana (Thanks CEO)
    ; v1.06
    ; Added code to check if you are in animal form when starting to cast Force Attack or Death Strike
    ; v1.05
    ; Added code to fix itself if you enter a period when entering skill at teh beginning
    ; v1.04
    ; Changed from casting Ki Attack at 90 to casting Death Strike since everyone else does...
    ; Replaced all of the deleteJournals with #JINDEX
    ; Added code to determine if you "fizzle" with Focused Attack and Death Strike
    ; Added code to check if you have a horse near you once you hit 70
    ; v1.03
    ; Adjusted the deleteJournal entries to make the the script more reliable at catching the skill gains
    ; v1.02
    ; Cleaned up some tabs that broke the code at the beginning
    ; v1.01
    ; Reworked some code to better track skill gains until EUO supports Ninjitsu
    ; Added code for when EUO supports Ninjitsu
    ; Tweaked code to update menu with current skill more accurently
    ; v1.00
    ; Initial Release
    ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************
    set %debug #FALSE ; #TRUE/#FALSE - Set this to #TRUE to not hide the EasyUO main screen (used for debugging mainly)
    set %ninjitsuBookType SPN ; Ninjitsu book type
    set %petType OF_SG_SF_MG ; Horse Types for the normal white, dark brown and light brown horses ONLY!!!
    set %shortWait 20
    set %longWait 40
    ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************
    ;*********************** DO NOT EDIT THE SCRIPT BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************************
    ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

    if %debug = 0
    menu HideEUO
    gosub showSetup
    gosub startupMenu
    if %useJewlery = -1
    chooseSkill ninj
    wait %shortWait
    set %trainSkill #SKILL
    chooseSkill ninj real
    wait %shortWait
    chooseskill ninj
    wait %shortWait
    set %trainSkill #SKILL
    set %currentSkill #SKILL
    set %maxSkill #SKILLCAP
    IF #MANA = N/A
    event macro 8 2
    wait %shortWait
    set %serverLine 0
    gosub showRunning
    finditem %ninjitsuBookType C_ , #BACKPACKID
    if #FINDKIND = -1
    display Ok You must have a Ninjitsu book in your backpack to train Ninjitsu! Go kill an elite ninja!
    menu hide
    if %trainSkill < 200
    display Ok You must have at least 20.0 in Ninjitsu before you can train it. Find a ninja in Zento!
    menu hide
    set %ninjitsuBook #FINDID
    if %sailDirection = North
    gosub FaceBoatNorth
    gosub faceBoatSouth
    event macro 3 0 Slow Forward

    set %workingGain 0
    set %stopped #CHARPOSY
    gosub IsBoatStopped
    if %boatStopped = 1
    gosub FixBoatStopped

    set %stopped #CHARPOSY
    set %fizzled 0
    if %currentSkill = %maxSkill
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    wait %shortWait
    event macro 3 0 Drop Anchor
    display Ok You have reached your skill cap in Ninjitsu!
    menu hide
    if #MENUBUTTON = Stop
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    wait %shortWait
    event macro 3 0 Drop Anchor
    menu hide
    set %scanStart ( #JINDEX + 1 )
    if %trainSkill > 199 && %trainSkill < 500
    gosub animalForm
    if %trainSkill > 499 && %trainSkill < 700
    gosub mirrorImage
    if %trainSkill > 699 && %trainSkill < 900
    set %retryPetSearch 0
    finditem %petType G_2
    if #FINDKIND = -1
    set %retryPetSearch ( %retryPetSearch + 1 )
    if %retryPetSearch > 2
    display Ok You must have a pet near you to continue!
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    wait %shortWait
    event macro 3 0 Drop Anchor
    menu hide
    goto retryPetSearchFocus
    gosub focusAttack
    if %trainSkill > 899
    set %retryPetSearch 0
    finditem %petType G_2
    if #FINDKIND = -1
    set %retryPetSearch ( %retryPetSearch + 1 )
    if %retryPetSearch > 2
    display Ok You must have a pet near you to continue!
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    wait %shortWait
    event macro 3 0 Drop Anchor
    menu hide
    goto retryPetSearchDeath
    gosub deathStrike
    wait %shortWait
    if #SKILL > %currentSkill
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    for %journalLine %scanStart #JINDEX
    scanJournal %journalLine
    if %trainSkill > 199 && %trainSkill < 700
    set %fizzled 1
    if %trainSkill > 699 && %trainSkill < 900
    set %fizzled 0
    goto successCast
    set %fizzled 1
    if %trainSkill > 899
    set %fizzled 0
    goto successCast
    set %fizzled 1
    gosub skillGainCheck
    if %workingGain = 1
    goto skillGain

    goto useSkill
    ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

    sub skillGainCheck

    if %fizzled = 1 && %workingGain = 1
    goto fizzledSkillCheck
    set %workingGain 0
    if #SKILL > %currentSkill
    set %currentSkill #SKILL
    set %workingGain 1
    if #CHARPOSY <> %stopped
    event macro 3 0 Stop
    menu Set ninjitsuSkill %currentSkill
    if %useJewlery = 0
    set %stopped #CHARPOSY
    wait %shortWait
    event macro 3 0 Forward One
    wait 30
    if #CHARPOSY <> %stopped
    for %loop 1 7
    event macro 3 0 Forward One
    wait 30
    wait %shortWait
    wait %shortWait



    • #3
      Parte II

      Copiale insieme sul programma easyuo e salvale in un unico file

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub FaceBoatNorth

      set %tempX #charposX
      set %tempY #charposY

      event macro 3 0 Raise Anchor
      wait %shortWait
      event macro 3 0 Forward One
      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY <> %tempY
      if #CHARPOSY <> %tempY - 1
      if #charposY = %tempY + 1
      event macro 3 0 Come About
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX + 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Left
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX - 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Right
      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY = %tempY
      event macro 3 0 Back One
      wait %longWait
      if #charposY <> %tempY + 1
      if #charposY = %tempY - 1
      event macro 3 0 Come About
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX - 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Left
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX + 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Right
      wait %longWait

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub FaceBoatSouth

      set %tempX #charposX
      set %tempY #charposY

      event macro 3 0 Raise Anchor
      wait %shortWait
      event macro 3 0 Forward One
      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY <> %tempY
      if #CHARPOSY <> %tempY + 1
      if #charposY = %tempY - 1
      event macro 3 0 Come About
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX - 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Left
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX + 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Right
      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY = %tempY
      event macro 3 0 Back One
      wait %longWait
      if #charposY <> %tempY - 1
      if #charposY = %tempY + 1
      event macro 3 0 Come About
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX + 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Left
      wait %longWait
      if #charposx = %tempX - 1
      event macro 3 0 Turn Right
      wait %longWait

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub IsBoatStopped

      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY = %stopped
      set %scanStart ( #JINDEX + 1 )
      event macro 3 0 Slow Forward
      wait %longWait
      if #CHARPOSY = %stopped
      set %boatStopped 1
      for %journalLine %scanStart #JINDEX
      scanJournal %journalLine
      if DID_I_EVER_TELL_THEE in #journal
      set %serverLine 1

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub FixBoatStopped

      if %serverLine = 1
      if %crossServerLine = -1
      if %goLeft = 1
      event macro 3 0 Left
      event macro 3 0 Right
      wait 120
      event macro 3 0 Stop
      if %serverLine = 0
      if %boatStopped = 1
      event macro 3 0 Back
      wait 180
      if %goLeft = 1
      event macro 3 0 Left
      event macro 3 0 Right
      wait 240
      event macro 3 0 Slow Forward
      wait 550
      if %goLeft = 1
      event macro 3 0 Right
      event macro 3 0 Left
      wait 240
      event macro 3 0 Stop
      if %goLeft = 1
      set %goLeft 0
      set %goLeft 1
      set %serverLine 0
      set %boatStopped 0
      event macro 3 0 Slow Forward

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub animalForm

      if #CONTSIZE = 408_298 && #CONTNAME = generic_gump
      set %animalFormGumpKindX #CONTPOSX + 50
      set %animalFormGumpKindY #CONTPOSY + 50
      click %animalFormGumpKindX %animalFormGumpKindY r
      event macro 15 247
      wait %longWait
      if #CONTSIZE <> 408_298 && #CONTNAME <> generic_gump
      wait %longWait
      goto retryCast
      if %trainSkill > 199 && %trainSkill < 400
      set %FormX #CONTPOSX + 220
      if %trainSkill > 399 && %trainSkill < 500
      set %FormX #CONTPOSX + 20
      set %FormY #CONTPOSY + 220
      click %FormX %FormY F
      wait %shortWait
      set %okayX #CONTPOSX + 40
      set %okayY #CONTPOSY + 280
      click %okayX %okayY F

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub mirrorImage

      IF #MANA = N/A
      event macro 8 2
      wait %shortWait
      if #MANA < 10 || #FOLLOWERS = 5
      goto manaWaitmirror
      event macro 15 252
      wait %shortWait

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub focusAttack

      IF #MANA = N/A
      event macro 8 2
      wait %shortWait
      if #MANA < 20
      goto manaWaitfocus
      event macro 15 245
      wait %shortWait
      for %journalLine %scanStart #JINDEX
      scanJournal %journalLine
      event macro 15 247
      wait %shortWait
      goto skipCastFocus
      event macro 3 0 All Kill
      event macro 23 0

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub deathStrike

      IF #MANA = N/A
      event macro 8 2
      wait %shortWait
      if #MANA < 30
      goto manaWaitdeath
      event macro 15 246
      wait %shortWait
      for %journalLine %scanStart #JINDEX
      scanJournal %journalLine
      event macro 15 247
      wait %shortWait
      goto skipCastdeath
      event macro 3 0 All Kill
      event macro 23 0

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub showRunning
      menu Clear
      menu Window Title Ninjitsu Trainer
      menu Window Color Black
      menu Window Size 146 85
      menu Font Transparent #true
      menu Font Align Right
      menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
      menu Font Size 8
      menu Font Style
      menu Font Color Green
      menu Font Align Left
      menu Font BGColor Black
      menu Text EUOLabel1 4 6 Ninjitsu
      menu Text EUOLabel2 4 22 Sailing
      menu Font Align Right
      menu Text ninjitsuSkill 142 6 %currentSkill
      menu Text EUOLabel3 142 22 %sailDirection
      menu Font Color WindowText
      menu Font BGColor BtnFace
      menu Button Stop 40 50 75 25 Stop
      menu Show
      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub startupMenu

      if #MENUBUTTON <> Start
      goto waitForStart
      set #MENUBUTTON N/A
      menu get sailDirection
      wait %shortWait
      if #MENURES = 0
      display Ok You must choose a sail direction!
      goto waitForStart
      if #MENURES = 1
      set %sailDirection North
      if #MENURES = 2
      set %sailDirection South
      menu get useJewlery
      wait %shortWait
      set %useJewlery #MENURES
      menu get crossServerLines
      wait %shortWait
      set %crossServerLine #MENURES

      ;************************************************* ************************************************** *************

      sub showSetup
      menu Clear
      menu Window Title Ninjitsu Training
      menu Window Color BtnFace
      menu Window Size 150 158
      menu Font Transparent #true
      menu Font Align Right
      menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
      menu Font Size 8
      menu Font Style
      menu Font Color WindowText
      menu Font Transparent #false
      menu Font Align Left
      menu Text EUOLabel3 6 84 Sail in which
      menu Text EUOLabel4 12 98 direction?
      menu Font BGColor BtnFace
      menu Button Start 36 124 75 25 OK
      menu Check crossServerLines 8 40 135 17 #true Can cross server lines
      menu Check useJewlery 8 58 135 17 #false Using Jewlery
      menu Font BGColor Window
      menu Combo Create sailDirection 68 86 75
      menu Combo Add sailDirection North
      menu Combo Add sailDirection South
      menu Show
      Buon divertimento!


      • #4
        eventualmente puoi fare anche macro con Razor ( io l'ho alzata così ninjitsu quando avevo il ladro ):
        ti piazzi in barchetta a Felucca (qualche luogo abbastanza tranquillo c'è), fai avanti e indietro.

        If (mana>=40)

        CastSpell Mirror Immages

        Pause 0.5 sec

        Death strike

        Pause 2.5 sec

        Target next

        Attack last
        Ultima modifica di baffo81; 23-07-2008, 13:16.


        • #5
          approfitto per chiedere una cosa, ninjitsu la posso alzare gia da 70/80 col ds?
          Originariamente inviato da fnurov
          subscribe lol


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da androix Visualizza il messaggio
            approfitto per chiedere una cosa, ninjitsu la posso alzare gia da 70/80 col ds?
            serve 85 minimo x fare ds ti consiglio cmq di equippare monili e portarla sui 100 poi appena raggiungi la soglia massima li togli e continui


            • #7
              Scusami mi chiamo menfis nel game ho anello + 15 nijistu lo vuoi ti faro un prezzo ragionevole cosi arrivi a destinazione 100


              Sto operando...