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training sw i mean spealweaving

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  • training sw i mean spealweaving

    may anybody tell me what spells are to be used for fastest training form 40 on boat macro? this skill is quite comprehansive because of different delays... i dont' understand what to cast ))

  • #2
    From EasyUO :: News :: Log in
    [ Approved ] [ PSL ] Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:17 Post subject: ScripterBob's Legendary Arcanist Trainer


    ***I am no longer actively playing UO. I do try to check my current PSL threads, so feel free to post. I try to support my scripts as much as time permits.***

    Well here is my first script. I hope you guys can get some use out of it. This script will train a character from 0 - 120 Spellweaving without moving.

    Quick Note:
    1) There is a bug with casting Word of Death on tamed creatures while in a private house. The bug will cause you to lose access to house items and occasionally will ban you from house temporarily. Going to an inn and logging out will fix this problem. This is not an error in the script as it will occur when casting WoD without the script also.
    EDIT***This bug seems to have been fixed***

    2) The script works best when unguilded and in TRAMMEL. There is a check for both built in. Also when you get to 92.0, the script will start casting WoD on your horse(required). As long as your are unguilded and in TRAMMEL, you will not do damage to the horse and the horse will not damage you. However, horse may still interrupt your spells on occasion. For best results, place your horse so that it cannot get to you.(i.e. ban from your house or place in a pen of some kind)

    ; Script Name: ScripterBob's Legendary Arcanist Trainer
    ; Author: ScripterBob
    ; Version: 6.2
    ; Client Tested with: 5.0.1j
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.5.69
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 9/7/06
    ; Public Release: 3/20/06
    ; Global Variables Used:
    ; Purpose: Train spellweaving from 0-120 without moving.
    ;Update 5.01: Fixed spamming issues with releasing the pixies
    ; Thanks to Hosebomber
    ;Update 5.02: Fixed issue with horse falling out of guard mode
    ;Update 6.0 : Cleaned up the menu, with some suggestions from Hosebomber
    ;Update 6.01: Fixed typo in meditation sub
    ;Update 6.02: As requested, Added calculation for FCR to speed up script
    ; if equipped
    ;Update 6.2 : Added abitity to use non-horse pets


    event macro 8 1
    wait 5
    contpos 650 0
    wait 5
    event macro 8 2
    wait 5
    contpos 650 500
    wait 5
    event macro 8 7
    wait 5
    contpos 615 330
    wait 5

    chooseskill spel
    set %startingskill #skill
    set %currentskill #skill
    set %horsecheck 0
    set %pet 0

    display yesno This script is designed to use a horse. Would you like to use a different type of pet?
    if #dispres = yes
    display ok Please target your pet now!
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    wait 1
    wait 5
    set %pet #ltargetid

    gosub showmenu
    gosub checkfacet
    gosub findhorse

    gosub choosespell
    gosub cast
    goto loop:

    sub choosespell
    if %currentskill = #skillcap
    Display ok You have reached your skill cap.
    if %currentskill >= 920 && %currentskill < 1200
    set %spell 614
    set %mana 50
    set %delay 35
    menu set currentspell Word_of_Death
    if %currentskill >= 830 && %currentskill < 920
    set %spell 610
    set %mana 50
    set %delay 35
    menu set currentspell Wildfire
    if %currentskill >= 650 && %currentskill < 830
    set %spell 611
    set %mana 40
    set %delay 35
    menu set currentspell Essence_of_Wind
    if %currentskill >= 380 && %currentskill < 650
    set %spell 607
    set %mana 10
    set %delay 30
    gosub releasefey
    menu set currentspell Summon_Fey
    if %currentskill >= 320 && %currentskill < 380
    set %spell 609
    set %mana 34
    set %delay 30
    menu set currentspell Reaper_Form
    if %currentskill >= 200 && %currentskill < 320
    set %spell 605
    set %mana 32
    set %delay 30
    menu set currentspell Thunderstorm
    if %currentskill < 200
    set %spell 601
    set %mana 24
    set %delay 30
    menu set currentspell Arcane_Circle
    if %spell = 610 && %horsecheck < 1
    gosub findhorse
    set %horsecheck 1
    if %spell = 614 && %horsecheck < 2
    gosub findhorse
    set %horsecheck 2

    ;================================================= ======
    ;Thanks to Hosebomber for directing me to his sub for releasing
    ;the pixies.
    ;================================================= ======
    sub releasefey
    finditem WH G_5
    if #findkind = -1
    wait 5
    gosub property #findid name summoned
    msg %return release$
    wait 25
    goto release_loop
    ;================================================= ======

    sub cast
    gosub checkmana
    gosub checkfcr
    set %delay %delay - %fcr
    event macro 15 %spell
    target 4s
    event macro 22 0
    wait 5
    gosub checkskill
    wait %delay

    sub checkfcr
    set %fcr 0
    set %ring 0
    set %brac 0
    finditem UJG C_ , #charid
    if #findkind <> -1
    gosub property #findid number recovery
    set %ring %number1 * 5
    set %fcr %ring
    finditem IJG C_ , #charid
    if #findkind <> -1
    gosub property #findid number recovery
    set %brac %number1 * 5
    set %fcr %fcr + %brac

    sub checkskill
    chooseskill spel
    if #skill > %currentskill
    set %currentskill #skill
    str len %currentskill
    str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
    menu set currentskill #strRes

    set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
    str len %totalgains
    str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
    menu set totalgains #strRes

    sub checkmana
    if #mana > %mana
    event macro 13 46
    set %med #scnt
    wait 10
    scanjournal 1
    if meditative in #journal
    goto meditate
    if #scnt < %med + 11
    wait 1
    goto retrywait
    goto check
    if #mana < #maxmana
    wait 1
    goto meditate

    sub findhorse
    finditem OF_SF_MG_SG_YJ G_5
    set %horse #findid
    if #findid = x && %pet = 0
    display yesno You will need a horse to train past 83.0$
    + Do you wish to continue?
    if #dispres = no
    if %pet <> 0
    set %horse %pet
    set #ltargetid %horse
    set #ltargetkind 1
    event macro 3 0 All Guard Me
    wait 10
    event macro 3 0 All Follow Me
    wait 10
    event macro 3 0 All Guard Me
    wait 10

    sub checkfacet
    if #curskind = 0
    display ok This script is not designed to use on this facet

    finditem #charid
    if #findrep = 2
    display yesno You will not be able to train past 92.0 while guilded$
    + Casting WoD while guilded will instakill your horse$
    + Do you wish to resign from your guild at this time?
    if #dispres = yes 3
    event macro 3 0 I resign from my guild.
    wait 40
    goto find_char_rep
    if #dispres = no
    display ok Restart script to change your mind!

    sub showmenu
    menu clear
    menu window title ScripterBob's Legendary Arcanist Trainer
    menu window size 250 90
    menu window color black
    menu font name arial
    menu font bgcolor black
    menu font size 8
    menu font color white
    menu text spell_label 10 20 Spell:
    menu text gain_label 10 40 Total gains:
    menu text skill_label 10 60 Current skill:
    menu delete currentspell
    menu text currentspell 50 20 Choosing Spell
    set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
    str len %totalgains
    str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
    menu delete totalgains
    menu text totalgains 70 40 #strRes
    str len %currentskill
    str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
    menu delete currentskill
    menu text currentskill 70 60 #strRes
    menu show

    ;================================================= ==
    ; Script Name: Everything property sub
    ; Author: nilmer
    ; Version: 2.2
    ; Client Tested with:
    ; EUO version tested with:
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date:
    ; Public Release:
    ; Purpose: finds a name, number, percentage, or word in a objects
    ; description using event property. Special thanks to CEO and Cheffe
    ; For help and inspiration.
    ;================================================= ==
    ; commandline: gosub property [#objectid] [name/yesno/number] ["word"]
    sub property
    event property %1
    if %2 = name 9
    set %return #property
    str pos %return #spc
    if #strres = 1 2
    str del #property 1 1
    set %return #strres
    str pos %return #spc
    str del %return #strres 900
    set %return #strres
    if %2 = yesno 5
    if %3 in #property
    set %return yes
    set %return no
    str pos #property %3
    str del #property 1 #strres
    set %return #strres
    str pos %return $
    if #strres > 1
    str del %return #strres 900
    set %return #strres
    str len %return
    set %strlen #strres
    set %number1 1
    str del %number1 1 1
    set %number1 #strres
    set %number2 1
    str del %number2 1 1
    set %number2 #strres
    set %numb 1
    for %i 1 %strlen
    str mid %return %i 1
    if ! ( #strres < 1 || #strres > 0 ) 3
    if %number1 > 0 2
    set %numb 2
    goto skip
    if ( #strres < 1 || #strres > 0 )
    set %number . %numb %number . %numb , #strres
    ;================================================= =======
    I'll hope you enjoy! but to tell the truth I didn't ever use this script!
    Decide to trust me or not and take an overall check of the script anyway!
    Or simply
    Spellweaving ( by PASSOPAZZO)

    0-10 Arcane Circle(cast it over a pentagram-abbatoir)
    10-24 Thunder Storm
    24-52 Reaper Form
    52-66 Essence of wind
    66-105 Wild Fire
    105-120 Word of death
    Here its right link in "skill and stats guide"
    Ultima modifica di genesistona; 16-06-2008, 15:51.


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