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New artefact trading system - Questions

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  • New artefact trading system - Questions

    The artefact forum is now closed for new threads and only the GAME system is available for trading.

    I want to ask what to do now if I want to buy an artefact - I can't post a [COMPRO] thread. I have to wait until someone decides to put an arty for auctioning. Same thing with [SCAMBIO]. And the new system doesn't allow the user to set values for items he can take instead of money (e.g. vendo HH price 8kk, value void 7kk; so 1kk+void). Will this be implemented in the game system?
    ICQ 329-122-661

  • #2
    Still no response -.-
    I want to know where to post if I want to buy an arty or want to trade an arty for an arty.
    ICQ 329-122-661


    • #3
      i think you have to wait that scripter change the sistem with "buy" and "trade" options.

      lo scrivo pure in italiano che non si sa mai che ho scritto male:

      quando hanno introdotto il sistema auction hanno detto che le opzioni "compro" e "scambio" le avrebbero implementate in seguito. quindi per ora non si possono usare nè postare nel forum. c'è da aspettare credo.
      Ultima modifica di quatta-quatta; 02-05-2008, 17:03.

      icq 312 130 374 (preferisco)
      msn preferisco di no


      • #4
        Thank you for replying. So we have to wait for the game system to be completed :/
        I hope it is done soon or the forum is opened until the game system is perfected.
        ICQ 329-122-661


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da vice123 Visualizza il messaggio
          Thank you for replying. So we have to wait for the game system to be completed :/
          I hope it is done soon or the forum is opened until the game system is perfected.
          i've read in the thread about the new system, that the forum "artifacts" will be closed as the gamesnet admin will come back from holidays^^.

          icq 312 130 374 (preferisco)
          msn preferisco di no


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da vice123 Visualizza il messaggio
            Thank you for replying. So we have to wait for the game system to be completed :/
            I hope it is done soon or the forum is opened until the game system is perfected.
            [COMPRO] and [SCAMBIO] will be removed for a greater use of cash and to induce players to sell items by auction apart from the demand



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