Hit Point Regeneration
Intensity Range: 1 - 2
Maximum Attainable: 12(25)
Found On: Armor
Hit Point Regeneration increases the rate at which you regain hit points. For every point of Hit Point Regeneration you have, you will regenerate 0.1 hit point every second.
Intensity Range: 1 - 2
Maximum Attainable: 12(25)
Found On: Armor
Hit Point Regeneration increases the rate at which you regain hit points. For every point of Hit Point Regeneration you have, you will regenerate 0.1 hit point every second.
secondo quanto scritto hpr nn ha cap
però ho notato che con hpr30 nn rigenero per nulla 3hp al sec
c'è qualche cap che nn dovrebbe esserci o è sbagliata la percentuale di rigenerazione?