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  • Dove si trovano???

    questi 3 oggetti da arredamento?

    -dried onions
    -dried herbs
    -dried flowers

    Ho trovato solo questo:
    Dried Herbs
    Probably nothing more than a collection of root and leaf herbs, they make a pleasant smelling decorative feature, as well as having the practical effects of drying the herbs for use in preparations. Some herbs, such as Southernwood, may be mixed in with the bunches to help repel insects and flies.

    Dried flowers
    Some hangings of dried flowers appear to consist of the whitehorn flower, most likely for its fragrance, and as decoration. The purple bunches appear to contain campion flowers and most likely lavender.

    Dried Onions
    Onion appears closely related to garlic - whilst it has no use in alchemy or magic spells, it does have its uses for dyeing. Some species of onion have a reddish-purple skin that often produces either a blue or reddish dye. Plain onion colours give a dark brown dye. When used herbally, it must have a similar antibiotic effect to that of garlic, though in a slightly lessened effect.
    Ultima modifica di extremeblao; 18-12-2007, 23:04.

    Finalmente una firma degna di nota...

  • #2
    non si trovano... cioè sono dei rubabili che puoi prendere se hai un pg ladro o al max li compri da qualkuno ke li ha gia e/o li vende... nn è un granche come spiegazione però spero di essere stato chiaro asd.
    Non è forte chi non cade, ma chi ha il coraggio di rialzarsi...
    ...but I'll be so far when you'll read this!


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